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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 07:47 PM
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For those that switched from the Sprint TP2...

Was there a drastic increase in your monthly bill..?? I keep hearing all these statements about peoples bills being in excess of $40-50 more a month with the EVO and I'm having 2nd thoughts because I like it, but not that much to pay $50 bucks more a month lol.. Anyways if anyone's got the info I'm lookin for, you have a thanks heading your way...

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 07:50 PM
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Re: For those that switched from the Sprint TP2...

just an extra 10 dollars the ones reporting more had to give up older plans.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 07:52 PM
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Re: For those that switched from the Sprint TP2...

Well the only thing that should change is the extra $10 for owning an EVO. (Premium Data).

But of course the first month EVO owners might see a set up cost, or upgrade cost also.

My first bill was $130, but it should be around $90 total after the initial bill.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 07:55 PM
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Re: For those that switched from the Sprint TP2...

Oh alright, because my girl, her brother, and myself all have TP2's on a family plan and I'm thinking of selling mine to get an Evo but we split the bill evenly and I didn't wanna cause a huge ordeal by having to pay over half of what we all split... We each pay 60 now and have the unlimited plan, so if I only have to pay $10 more I can deal with that but reading all these outrageous posts has got me double thinking here lol... More people can chime in if you all have noticed different amounts on your monthly bills... Thanks guys...
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 08:17 PM
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Re: For those that switched from the Sprint TP2...

i stilll have the tp2. i have 4 lines.. 3 phones and airave (the airave costs me nothing additional). i added the 10 dollars plus the 30 for hotspot access. i get about 27% off my bill and 12 dollars in credits... i have the 1500 data plan and my bill increased roughly 21 dollars...
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 08:20 PM
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Re: For those that switched from the Sprint TP2...

That's pretty reasonable... I mean I can comprehend a $10-$15 maybe even $17 (tax and w/e) but I think that these individuals who are posting these other numbers are just toying with us because I can't fathom that many people switching to the Evo and paying out the ying yang, when they could stay put and save money... I wonder if Sprint's *2 would be able to give an estimate on my bill if only I were to switch to the Evo...
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 09:23 PM
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Re: For those that switched from the Sprint TP2...

For those of us not on SERO or the newer sprint employee plans it was only $10 sero users had to go to a different plan so therfore it ended up being up to 50 more for them.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 09:26 PM
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Re: For those that switched from the Sprint TP2...

Should be pretty easy to figure it out. The Evo will cost $79.99 a month. Minus what you are paying now and it will give you the difference That's for a single plan.

If you are on a shared plan, which it has to be everything data, it will only add $10 a month.

If you are on one the the older family plans that has added internet and all the other goodies like the old days, you will need to either switch your phone to a standalone plan or change your shared paln to the everything data plan.

So it all depends on which plan you actually have and what you will need to switch to.

Last edited by eman; 06-30-2010 at 09:29 PM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 09:43 PM
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Re: For those that switched from the Sprint TP2...

after all the prorated fees and crap looks like it will be about 12.50 for each line I have with the evo roughly

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 09:52 PM
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Re: For those that switched from the Sprint TP2...

We are on an Everything Data 1500 Family Plan... It's about $180/month with our 3 TP2's and we get 17% off for my girls work discount... So it should only be $190/month with an Evo thrown in the mix..?? I see all these other people getting over 20% off their bill plus like $10-$20 for other various reasons as well... Kinda makes me wanna do some research on how to lower my bill lol..
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