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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 04:49 AM
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Re: Anyone else think WiFi hotspot should be free...

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
Well obviously not, if someone uses my evo to get on the web the aren't charged either, lol. If someone is actually on their Verizon phone but some how tethered to my sprint service and making calls, yes they should be charged. Why is it so hard for people to realize sprint charges one price, if they incorporated tethering into the web price, it would be more then what we pay.

Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk
We pay for unlimited data. The phone can only download so much data in a given time, whether it is you downloading "The Obama Deception" from YouTube to your Evo (which I did tonight using VideoBox), which is an almost 2 hour movie and about 194 MB, or you have your laptop or NetFlix Roku box tethered? or some others are tethering? It still can only download so much data in a given amount of time. 8 users can download 8 times as much data per hour, it's the same amount divided by 8 people.

If you rent a car for a day, and they give you unlimited miles, does it matter who is driving the car?
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 04:52 AM
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Re: Anyone else think WiFi hotspot should be free...

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
Well obviously not, if someone uses my evo to get on the web the aren't charged either, lol. If someone is actually on their Verizon phone but some how tethered to my sprint service and making calls, yes they should be charged. Why is it so hard for people to realize sprint charges one price, if they incorporated tethering into the web price, it would be more then what we pay.

Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk
BTW, what do you mean "tethered to my sprint service and making calls"? VOIP? Tethering is data
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 09:02 AM
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Re: Anyone else think WiFi hotspot should be free...

Originally Posted by peepeesea View Post
i have HTC sync installed... still error code 67, others report the same thing. i have a thread about it some where.

try this? http://www.sprintusers.com/forum/sho...22&postcount=5

"Go into menu>settings>wireless and networks>mobile networks>uncheck data roaming. Had this problem as well and was about to return the phone. Called Sprint and this is what the guy told me to do. He said it's because you're allowed to roam on Verizon network for calling but not for data. So when you're out of Sprint area and using data, the phone is trying to tap into Verizon and your username/password obviously will not work! Those of us with an EvO know random apps opening...well that's why you get that error even if you're not technically using an app, web etc.

Anyways, this is what the guy told me...I did what he said and haven't had a problem since.

And i still don't have a single error til this day! Every rom i flash, i go in and change that setting. "
the Evo.. it prints $&*#ing money!
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 09:59 AM
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Re: Anyone else think WiFi hotspot should be free...

Originally Posted by tool2269 View Post
try this? http://www.sprintusers.com/forum/sho...22&postcount=5

"Go into menu>settings>wireless and networks>mobile networks>uncheck data roaming. Had this problem as well and was about to return the phone. Called Sprint and this is what the guy told me to do. He said it's because you're allowed to roam on Verizon network for calling but not for data. So when you're out of Sprint area and using data, the phone is trying to tap into Verizon and your username/password obviously will not work! Those of us with an EvO know random apps opening...well that's why you get that error even if you're not technically using an app, web etc.

Anyways, this is what the guy told me...I did what he said and haven't had a problem since.

And i still don't have a single error til this day! Every rom i flash, i go in and change that setting. "

In the same area there's a "Data Roam Guard" Seems like that wouldn't be there if data couldn't roam off another network
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 10:04 AM
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Re: Anyone else think WiFi hotspot should be free...

Originally Posted by KDmospd View Post
In the same area there's a "Data Roam Guard" Seems like that wouldn't be there if data couldn't roam off another network
maybe the error 67 is the guard being activated? i dunno, i havent tried it myself since i dont have my laptop handy.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 11:19 AM
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Re: Anyone else think WiFi hotspot should be free...

The HTC Sync method of USB tethering and installing a usb tethering app are the exact same process. In order to tether using HTC Sync, you must install HTC Sync, and then when plugging your phone in to your computer, you must select "Share Internet Connection". If you use PDANet, or similiar, you must install an app on your computer, and once you plug your phone into the computer, you must run the app from your phone, in order to make the internet connection. While it would have been nice for Sprint to allow for the USB tethering to just work, I can get that functionality for free in the market.

Also, I've yet to find a site I can't access via PDANet. I can go to my bank, access my credit card accounts, etc. They all use https. I may not be able to access the VPN through my work, which may be the difference in the free vs the paid app.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 11:38 AM
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Re: Anyone else think WiFi hotspot should be free...

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
BTW, what do you mean "tethered to my sprint service and making calls"? VOIP? Tethering is data
Wow, voip isn't tethering, its using data to make calls. Its like saying I have the $99 unlimited plan and if there was a way to tether minutes you would be well within your rights since you have unlimited minutes. I'm unsubscribing from this thread because my 2yr old daughter can even comprehend this and I'm having to explain this to an adult. Have fun in life thinking everything should be free.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 12:14 PM
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Re: Anyone else think WiFi hotspot should be free...

Originally Posted by tokuzumi View Post
Also, I've yet to find a site I can't access via PDANet. I can go to my bank, access my credit card accounts, etc. They all use https. I may not be able to access the VPN through my work, which may be the difference in the free vs the paid app.
once the free version expires, then you can no longer go to secure sites. you can still go to nonsecure though.
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