Originally Posted by p-slim
Well obviously not, if someone uses my evo to get on the web the aren't charged either, lol. If someone is actually on their Verizon phone but some how tethered to my sprint service and making calls, yes they should be charged. Why is it so hard for people to realize sprint charges one price, if they incorporated tethering into the web price, it would be more then what we pay.
Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk
We pay for unlimited data. The phone can only download so much data in a given time, whether it is you downloading "The Obama Deception" from YouTube to your Evo (which I did tonight using VideoBox), which is an almost 2 hour movie and about 194 MB, or you have your laptop or NetFlix Roku box tethered? or some others are tethering? It still can only download so much data in a given amount of time. 8 users can download 8 times as much data per hour, it's the same amount divided by 8 people.
If you rent a car for a day, and they give you unlimited miles, does it matter who is driving the car?