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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2010, 01:30 PM
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Re: Sprint Announces Android 2.2 Upgrade for HTC EVO 4G

From their rapid response to questions and definitive statements, I would say that as was said before, they want to keep their golden goose shiny, so to speak. All the carriers have said that every year around the new iPhone release, they all lose customers, and the Evo was their way of fixing that. But with the droid x jumping into the fray too, with assured 2.2, sprint HAD to throw their chips on the table.. So soon means soon, because they know if they don't they will lose customers.
The Device.... HTC Supersonic - EVO 4
The ROM....... Fresh 3.2 BETA with Froyo
The Theme.... Manup456 rEVOlution 1.1r2
The Kernel.... HTC Supersecret Supersonic 3.28.651.1 - unreleased OTA (thanks flipzmod!)
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2010, 01:32 PM
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Re: Sprint Announces Android 2.2 Upgrade for HTC EVO 4G

I went through waiting for OS upgrade with RIM and Sprint last year. Sprint's "coming soon" took almost a year.

Sprint better deliver within 2 months. They need to compete with iP4, X, Incredible, etc.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2010, 01:36 PM
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Re: Sprint Announces Android 2.2 Upgrade for HTC EVO 4G

Originally Posted by frazy View Post
it is encouraging to see that sprint would say in the near future but let's break it down. WTF DOES NEAR FUTURE MEAN?

how long did it take to finally produce a phone that would compete against the Iphone? (The instinct was a faillll...) Just about 2-3 years! (Thank god HTC came thru tho) Don't expect froyo to be available till around or after September. And expect to be without frozen yogurt for pretty much the whole summer.
I've always had phones that "competed" against the iPhone. My Mogul did way more things than the first or second gen iPhone. You don't mean competing in sales, do you? If you had a Rolls Royce, would you want everyone to have one? I sure don't want Sprints network getting clogged up like AT&T's. If it's a sales or popularity contest you want, winning would be losing, IMO.

Last edited by TheBundo; 06-25-2010 at 02:27 PM.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2010, 01:48 PM
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Re: Sprint Announces Android 2.2 Upgrade for HTC EVO 4G

AT&T clogged network has nothing to do with sales. They rather use the revenue to pay bonus then in R&D.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2010, 02:13 PM
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Re: Sprint Announces Android 2.2 Upgrade for HTC EVO 4G

Originally Posted by frazy View Post
it is encouraging to see that sprint would say in the near future but let's break it down. WTF DOES NEAR FUTURE MEAN?

how long did it take to finally produce a phone that would compete against the Iphone? (The instinct was a faillll...) Just about 2-3 years! (Thank god HTC came thru tho) Don't expect froyo to be available till around or after September. And expect to be without frozen yogurt for pretty much the whole summer.[/QiUOTE]

I've always had phones that "competed" against the iPhone. My Mogul did way more things than the first or second gen iPhone. You don't mean competing in sales, do you? If you had a Rolls Royce, would you want everyone to have one? I sure don't want Sprints network getting clogged up like AT&T's. If it's a sales or popularity contest you want, winning would be losing, IMO.

lets take it back a step.. i never mentioned sales but yes apple/att raped the shit out of everyone in terms of sales with the iphone. don't get me wrong, ive been sprint for a long time now and would love to see sprint only come up (just as they did by releasing the evo). But my personal opinion, my roommate had a mogul and he said himself that he wished he had the iphone so I don't know. But i'm of tired of hearing all this shit about an iPhone and im glad that sprint/verizon have a phone that can do just as much/ if not more then the iPhone. On top of that, windows mobile is crap compared to andriod or the ios. i can vouch for that with my phone.

sprint has a history of delaying the shit out everything......thats why they were behind all the time in the phone game! but i feel like the tp2 was the best phone with sprint prior to the release of the EVO. i can't wait to get my hands on one and i hope froyo comes out soon!
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2010, 02:13 PM
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Re: Sprint Announces Android 2.2 Upgrade for HTC EVO 4G

Wow good news indeed. Did anyone notice that they are not upgrading the hero and the moment? Guess they have to install custom ROMs if they want 2.2 on their devices...
Some Samsung fold phone > Treo 600 > Treo 650 > Treo 700p > Treo 755p > HTC Touch Pro > HTC EVO

ROM: DamageControl 3.1.2
Radio: Stock +upgrade (for now)
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2010, 02:15 PM
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Re: Sprint Announces Android 2.2 Upgrade for HTC EVO 4G

Originally Posted by thecalip View Post
AT&T clogged network has nothing to do with sales. They rather use the revenue to pay bonus then in R&D.
It has plenty to do with those tons of iphones on their network using up all of that bandwidth. Thats exactly why they went the route of the tiered data plans. I had a 3gs.. with all of those data intensive apps people use trust.. it is most definitely a strain on their network.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2010, 02:19 PM
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Re: Sprint Announces Android 2.2 Upgrade for HTC EVO 4G

Originally Posted by frazy View Post
it is encouraging to see that sprint would say in the near future but let's break it down. WTF DOES NEAR FUTURE MEAN?

how long did it take to finally produce a phone that would compete against the Iphone? (The instinct was a faillll...) Just about 2-3 years! (Thank god HTC came thru tho) Don't expect froyo to be available till around or after September. And expect to be without frozen yogurt for pretty much the whole summer.[/QiUOTE]

I've always had phones that "competed" against the iPhone. My Mogul did way more things than the first or second gen iPhone. You don't mean competing in sales, do you? If you had a Rolls Royce, would you want everyone to have one? I sure don't want Sprints network getting clogged up like AT&T's. If it's a sales or popularity contest you want, winning would be losing, IMO.
I want people to join Sprint... The more revenue, the more products they can afford to put on the table simple as that...

It also doesn't help that I'm a shareholder but the simple fact is that Sprint needs to reduce churn or else your Sprint phone might turn into Verizon phone in the future if they buy us out. The cellphone industry needs the competition... I want Sprint to succeed... This means selling phones...
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2010, 02:39 PM
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Re: Sprint Announces Android 2.2 Upgrade for HTC EVO 4G

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post

I want people to join Sprint... The more revenue, the more products they can afford to put on the table simple as that...

It also doesn't help that I'm a shareholder but the simple fact is that Sprint needs to reduce churn or else your Sprint phone might turn into Verizon phone in the future if they buy us out. The cellphone industry needs the competition... I want Sprint to succeed... This means selling phones...

agreed. and right now sprints plans are the best compared to anyone else except metropcs lol
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2010, 02:41 PM
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Re: Sprint Announces Android 2.2 Upgrade for HTC EVO 4G

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post

lets take it back a step.. i never mentioned sales but yes apple/att raped the shit out of everyone in terms of sales with the iphone. don't get me wrong, ive been sprint for a long time now and would love to see sprint only come up (just as they did by releasing the evo). But my personal opinion, my roommate had a mogul and he said himself that he wished he had the iphone so I don't know. But i'm of tired of hearing all this shit about an iPhone and im glad that sprint/verizon have a phone that can do just as much/ if not more then the iPhone. On top of that, windows mobile is crap compared to andriod or the ios. i can vouch for that with my phone.

sprint has a history of delaying the shit out everything......thats why they were behind all the time in the phone game! but i feel like the tp2 was the best phone with sprint prior to the release of the EVO. i can't wait to get my hands on one and i hope froyo comes out soon!
I guess it depends on needs and what you consider important. To trade a Mogul for a 1st or 2nd gen iPhone meant losing the ability to take movies, having no flashlight or camera flash, no ability to change batteries, no ability to cut and paste, no ability to edit Word & Excel documents, no ability to tether, no IR port (which was in use more then), and a host of other weaknesses. I can't even remember how many weaknesses there were, we made a list once, and it was huge. Just not being able to take movies or not being able to edit Office documents would have been a deal-breaker for me. Even some flip-phones could take movies. I take several movies a day, of issues, work related, and email them to the deciding party, and then get a quick response. The iPhone would have been a HUGE step back in capability. There was no attraction in that scenario whatsoever. I never even looked at one, or held one in my hand until a month ago - the specs don't interest me.

I guess if one wanted a toy or to feel "in" amongst other people, fine. I'm not like that. Practicality comes first, function before form. I'd be standing looking at an issue with a bunch of guys with iPhones, like a wiring issue with an emergency generator system on a large building, and they stood there like dummies as I took a video explaining and showing the problem, emailed it to an expert, and got a call a few minutes later with the solution. I would recieve Office docs, edit them, and send them back. The Mogul had business power, the early iPhone was little more than a toy with a slick ICI (Interactive Cartoon Interface).
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