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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2010, 11:07 AM
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Re: Who really has an Evo?

I am from NJ, but I've carried mine around NYC and all over upstate NY the past few weeks. You just haven't bumped into me. Although, I have yet to bump into anyone with one.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2010, 11:07 AM
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Re: Who really has an Evo?

Is it any wonder that in a city as large as NYC, that you have a hard time finding someone who just happens to have their EVO out at the same time you are looking? Come one, seriously. Consider this, even if Sprint sold 500,000 of them across the US, that's still only a handful of people dotted across the country. In 2009, the registered population of NYC was 8,363,710. So, it's not a stretch to believe you'd have a hard time finding others in public who have one.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2010, 11:08 AM
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Re: Who really has an Evo?

my buddy picked one up the next day after he saw mine. my room mate wants it but is stuck with Verizon and is trying to get the Incredible but 'incredibly' its still on back order. i was at my gym and there was some meat head listening to music on his Evo. at my work some how a random person on another floor found out i have the Evo and came down to my cube to shoot the shit and talk about the phone. my manager asked me to show one of our marketing mangers because she also was interested in it.

i do hear a lot of talk around my work about the new iPhone and how everyone cant wait until they are allowed it on our network. but i chalk that up to ignorance... if any of those people knew the other half of the story they might consider the Evo or similar Android devices instead.

'function over fashion'
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2010, 11:12 AM
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Re: Who really has an Evo?

I live in Pittsburgh and had to go to ohio to get mine. EVERYONE was sold out from bestbuy, radio shack, walmart, and samsclub. The only reason I was able to get one in ohio was because they just started selling Sprint that day.

HTC should know by now that if they make a phone that is hyped up by the blogging websites then they need to make a LOT of inventory. Every phone they put out so far with a 1gz prosessor has sold out and went on backorder like the HD2, Evo, Incredable. IMO HTC needs to create their own sales forecast and not the carriers.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2010, 11:35 AM
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Re: Who really has an Evo?

I like cutting edge, not bleeding edge...I usually wait until about a month after a release to see whether or not a product has any significant flaws or not. I guess in this case my patience has paid off, I will definitely be looking for the Epson model when it finally comes back in stock.

I work in a Philadelphia suburb and I have yet to see one of these outside of a Sprint store or on TV. I'm quite surprised at that too, I saw TP2's, Pre's and Pixie's days after release, I'm even in a 4G network too!
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2010, 11:40 AM
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Re: Who really has an Evo?

Could it be that most people in your area use bluetooth and have the phone tucked somewhere safe?
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2010, 11:42 AM
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Re: Who really has an Evo?

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
I also don't agree, every hyped phone lately has been selling. The incredible, was on back order for like 2 months, the evo, and now the iPhone 4. My brother is an iPhone lover and he has to get in line at midnight and probably still won't get one, I don't know if you're aware of the iPhone pre order fiasco. He had one on reserve now he doesn't. The iPhone will be on back order also, there's nothing anyone can do about this.

Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk
Man lets be real here, in terms of sales it wont even be close. The iphone had 600,000 pre-orders in a matter of a couple of hours. My point is NOT having phones available IS a major downfall for both sprint AND at&t. Had they had enough phones available they could have gotten quite a few more sales than they will get now. Just wait until they start running those ios4 commercials and the evo will be buried in the 1 am time slots.

And there is a BIG difference when you have over a million people trying to pre-order a phone and it being on backorder as compared to a couple of hundred thousand. Hell we STILL really dont know what the real numbers are and its been almost a month now. And lets not forget, its not as if AT&T NEEDS new customers the way Sprint does. That aspect of it is NOT a level playing field. This is why the iphone being on backorder wont affect at&t the way not having evo's will sprint.. because with that iphone we all know they will get huge sales regardless so they dont care about backorder. But with this phone there was a window that SHOULD have been used more wisely than it was.. especially since you have that droid X in the mix for Verizon next month too.

There is just no way you can tell me that Sprint wouldnt have gotten more sales had they had more units available than they will after tomorrow.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2010, 11:47 AM
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Re: Who really has an Evo?

Originally Posted by sanjsrik View Post
See, respectfully, tihs is an argument I CANNOT get behind. I don't care what fanboys (and I'm not implying that this poster is a fanboy) think of the iPhone or how many they sell, they're still an inferior product. Just the aspect that they are on the AT&T craptastic network makes them a no go for me. Add that to the fact that it's controlled by the morally superior house of Jobs (which seems to have no issue having Playboy and Hustler available, just not the jiggle and fart app), and that alll adds up to massive fail. I haven't read a lot about the new iCrap, does it still have a non-removable battery?

Who is finally going to say that it's nothing more than a glorified MP3 player with phone capabilities?
I'm not an iphone fan.. I have an evo myself. As far as inferior device I think its safe to say both devices will have their strenghts and weaknesses. Like for one, a ridiculously large portion of these phones have defects as evident by many of the threads here and other boards. Whether it be light leakage, screen raising, the 30fps thing, or the unresponsive screen when the phone is laying flat. Yes, the supposed "multi-tasking" on the iphone is a joke but.. I have no doubt their pics and video will be better without question. And I also have no doubt the build quality will be better.

I'm no fanboy of either OS I just tell it like it is. Not to mention there are quite a few people that either already have returned or waiting for phones to come into stock so they can swap out defective ones. The truth is just the truth.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2010, 11:52 AM
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Re: Who really has an Evo?

ive seen a total of 4 people in ny with evos 3 in manhattan and 1 in the bronx and 2 of my coworkers got one so thatz 6 people ive seen with evos
Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk
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Originally Posted by KarlE View Post
when i show my EVO to iphone users they go wow loook at the big screen
then i go watch this..
i can hold my phone anyway a want and calls dont drop..
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2010, 11:52 AM
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Re: Who really has an Evo?

Originally Posted by clockcycle View Post
Could it be that most people in your area use bluetooth and have the phone tucked somewhere safe?
I run an I.T. department at a college, the students are always asking me to pair their phones to my Exchange server. I usually see the latest and greatest without even venturing out of our cafeteria...
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