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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2010, 10:48 PM
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Re: Astonishing Battery life discovery!

Originally Posted by Raheinm View Post
well mine has been great I have gotten to 30+ hours on one charge. I normally take my phone off the charger around 8am and by 11pm im at like 40%
I don't see how... yours must've shipped with a different battery than mine.

I've tried everything I could find online to reduce the battery... and if I used my phone, just a little, the battery is about to die by the time i get off work.

Even though I don't use my battery all day at work, it dies.

FYI for those who may be curious... The things that helped my battery the most was removing my music from my sd card, and turning off syncing of background data when I'm not using the market which requires this feature to be turned on.
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2010, 10:27 PM
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Re: Improve Battery Perfomance on HTC EVO 4G from Sprint

Just got two extra batteries and a wall charger in the mail from ebay. Cost like $10 bones from a dealer in Hong Kong. Took my red HTC battery out of my evo and charged it on the charger last night. Put it in my evo this morning at 6:30 am Arizona time and I currently have 28% as I write this (7:25pm). This is the best battery life I've had since buying the evo 3 wks ago. I think it has to do with charging the batter in an external charger. I'm going to use my extra battery tomorrow to see how that one works.

All in all, I'm extremely pleased. Got a whole day of medium use out of my phone.

I'm rooted with OMJ eclair 1.6 rom. If you want info on the dealer on ebay, let me know. Very cheap and the shipping was only a week to the states.
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2010, 01:46 AM
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Re: Improve Battery Perfomance on HTC EVO 4G from Sprint

Disable automatic sign in on GTalk and you will greatly improve battery life!

Also, turn off wifi, bluetooth, location and 4g when not in use!
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2010, 11:23 PM
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Re: Astonishing Battery life discovery!

I think that people are judging battery use by holding and playing on the phone nonstop...if that is the case, 4-8 hrs is EXCELLENT! Quit complaining! If you are just using the phone -regardless of the apps- and you actually put it down some to enjoy life you can get over 12 hrs. I get 15+ hrs of use daily and my usage is as follows: wake up and play several rounds of YAMS/YAHTZEE... Play MRacing...check email... look at a video or two. Put phone down... text all day off and on... make calls during the day...usually averaging 10-15 each call.. some calls have been over an hour. Play some more rounds of YAMS...periodically check my facebook and make sure I check Android Mate to see that programs were closed by task manager. I've transferred albums via blue tooth to my brother and various apps during the day.. the longest my phone has gone is 1 day. I have my battery use and percentage widgets and have monitored this for past two weeks before deciding to post. I run Fresh 1.01.. and use LauncherPro Plus as my default home.
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2010, 11:30 PM
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Re: Astonishing Battery life discovery!

Oh I must also say that I don't know how to change anything so the only configurations are what has come with rooting and the Fresh Rom... The only thing I've done is make sure that I set facebook and weather to update manually instead of all throughout the day. I also make sure that after I've opened several applications that I stop them using Android Mate...even though I have a task killer, it appears to kill just the app but not the other items the app uses. So I perform some manual stops during the day. Other than that I just use the phone and it is lasting me all day. When I want to listen to music or play tv for an extended amount of time I keep it on charge...that's the beauty of having the usb cord... A car USB charger is around 14 dollars at Walmart... it is invaluable. Also, I try to power off the phone once a day and I try and not constantly charge during the day. I like to take off the charge and not plug in again until its down under 10%. I'm no expert but I hope this helps someone.
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 07:01 AM
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Battery Life is a beast on Netarchy rooted froyo

So I have been unplugged for about an hour, light use and I'm still at 100%. normally after an hour of sitting here idle i would still lose percentage and would be about 92%... So I'm running juiceplotter to track my battery life and will post a pic a lil later after normal use... cuz I'm a heavy user! here's the rom link if needed: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=743352&page=17
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 07:48 AM
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Re: Battery Life is a beast on Netarchy rooted froyo

I think the % is misleading, especially after it is fully charged. Sometimes when I unplug, it instantly dropped to low 90s, and sometimes it stayed on 100.

I wouldn't claim it has a better battery unless you go through a normal usage with it.
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 08:48 AM
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Battery Life After Official Froyo OTA Update on 8/2

I was wondering if anybody else was seeing unbelievably bad battery life following the official Froyo update last night, 8/2. I was surprised I didn't already see a thread near the top for this already, perhaps everybody overslept due to their phone dying and their alarm not going off? Or perhaps I'm alone in this. Now I know that this phone has not been the best battery-wise anyway, but last night before I went to sleep around midnight EST I put a new battery in and within minutes it was already down to 88%. Somewhere around 4 AM or so I was woken up by the vibrations of the phone shutting down. I was quite confused as I usually only lose somewhere between 4 - 7 percent or thereabouts overnight. I shook my head in wonderment and threw a new battery in which read an initial charge of 88%. As of this writing I'm now at 22% and under the 'About Phone\Battery' page I'm showing 'Up Time' and 'Awake Time' having identical values of 4:25:00 and under 'Battery Use' I'm seeing 'Cell Standby' = 50%, 'Phone Idle' = 41%, 'Android System' = 7% and 'Display' = 2%. Information on my setup is minimal, I've not done any rooting yet, I was up to date otherwise with official releases. So...is anybody else seeing this kind of behavior and if so any suggestions on what can be done to fix it? Thanks!
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 08:55 AM
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Re: Battery Life After Official Froyo OTA Update on 8/2

My battery was fine. Still had plenty to spare this morning and my alarm worked as well. The upgrade put back the default settings like the background processes I suspect. i turned all of that off again. The new Applications manager in the settings is great because you can stop processes easily.
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 09:06 AM
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Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.1-update1; en-us; PC36100 Build/ERE27) AppleWebKit/530.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/530.17)

Your awake time and up time should not be the same. There are many threads on this. You have something running in the background. I'm on my phone on my way to work so I don't have time to find the thread for you. I'm sure someone here can point u in the right direction. I think one main issue people found was a calendar and events issue...
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