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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2010, 09:21 AM
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Re: battery life save - anyone do this? downsides?

just to save everyone from waiting their time.. its a placebo effect.. the phone has no gsm radio so changing it to anything else makes 0 sense since it can only search for cdma towers anyway.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2010, 11:34 AM
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Re: battery life save - anyone do this? downsides?

Originally Posted by zone23 View Post
Check it and see mine was already set.. I guess it will help if its set to GSM. My battery is equal or greater than my TP2 I get about 12 - 14 hours with normal use. It will go even longer if I don't touch it.
Whats the fun in that?
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2010, 11:40 AM
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Re: battery life save - anyone do this? downsides?

Originally Posted by ajac View Post
just to save everyone from waiting their time.. its a placebo effect.. the phone has no gsm radio so changing it to anything else makes 0 sense since it can only search for cdma towers anyway.
Is this true? I just checked mine & it was set to GSM, so I changed it. I guess Ill find out....
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2010, 12:13 PM
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Re: battery life save - anyone do this? downsides?

Originally Posted by aman1127 View Post
Whats the fun in that?
Its kinda like being married, you can see it you just can't touch it. Its no fun, no fun at all. :/

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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2010, 12:46 PM
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Re: Improve Battery Perfomance on HTC EVO 4G from Sprint

Merged Improve Battery Perfomance on HTC EVO 4G from Sprint with battery life save - anyone do this? downsides?



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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2010, 11:14 PM
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Re: Improve Battery Perfomance on HTC EVO 4G from Sprint

USB charging vs Wall/car charging.

When I allow the my Evo to slowly charge on the USB connection, the discharge rate is noticeably slower then when charging it with the wall charger.

I am not sure if its because of the slow "trickle" like charging vs the fast charge of a wallcharger. I noticed that while running the command to find out what type of display i had, one of the specs was "slowcharge" or something like that when the USB was plugged in. All I know is that slow charge = slow discharge, and fast charge = fast discharge.

If HTC/Sprint is putting out a software fix next week, I am willing to bet its something in the firmware/software to slow down the charging while on the 12V wall/car charging vs the 5V usb charging.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 09:32 PM
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Re: Improve Battery Perfomance on HTC EVO 4G from Sprint

Can someone tell me what other phone uses the same battery as the EVO? I want to replace mine with a Rayovac LiPo. Last year I replaced my Mogul with a LiPo from Rayovac. It was night and day. My Sprint battery was going dead in 4 or 5 hours whereas the LiPo was good for three days!! I am hoping for the same improvement for the EVO.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 09:35 PM
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Re: Improve Battery Perfomance on HTC EVO 4G from Sprint

Originally Posted by lkillen View Post
Can someone tell me what other phone uses the same battery as the EVO? I want to replace mine with a Rayovac LiPo. Last year I replaced my Mogul with a LiPo from Rayovac. It was night and day. My Sprint battery was going dead in 4 or 5 hours whereas the LiPo was good for three days!! I am hoping for the same improvement for the EVO.
touch pro 2 and the hero and the snap to I think?
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2010, 01:39 PM
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Astonishing Battery life discovery!

First off, I love my Evo and it has been relatively problem free with one exception, that of a very poor battery life. With modest use I would get about five hours before it is completely dead. I have tried most of the battery life tricks and applied the latest software update (successfully the first time) all to no avail.

Every night, i plug in my phone at about 12 AM and take it off the charger at about 8 to go to work. I noticed that almost immediately or at most within a few minutes, the percentage drops about 10 points. I usually charge it back to 100 percent but the rapid decline to total discharge during moderate consistently persist.

However I was so tired last night that I was unable to charge my phone overnight. This wasn't a concern since I knew that I was at about a 90% charge and would probably be close in the morning. When I woke up, I figured I would put the phone on the charger while I got ready, it wouldn't be at 100% but close enough I guess. I got ready and took the phone of the charger showing 98% at exactly 7:30 AM.

I get to work and have sent about 7 texts, being playing with the phone awhile. At about 9:30 the phone is showing 97%. I am thinking hmmmm....but no biggie. At 11 AM it is showing 96%. I actually sent a few more texts and scrolled through some emails. While at lunch, I check the phone and at 1:15 PM, the phone is showing 92%. Normally with the way I had been using it, it would have been in the low 70s or even 60s. Then it hit me. However this baterry is calibrated or the phone is reading the battery, I dont think that WE ARE SUPPOSED TO CHARGE THE PHONE BEYOND A FULL CHARGE.

I remember similar posts but I dismissed them as hogwash until I have seen it for myself. Its weird but apparently true. In the month that I have owned this phone I have never seen my battery perform like this. Anyone else can confirm my theory or add further clarification? Just check my percentage at 1:37Pm and it is at 90% after 6 hours off of the charger. That's an 8% decline in 6 hours; interesting to say the least. I am truly excited!
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2010, 01:49 PM
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Re: Astonishing Battery life discovery!

I am no battery expert but I do know that Lithium Ion batteries do not have a "memory effect" like older Nickel Cadmuim (Ni-Cad) batteries did. This would be seen if you only partially discharged a battery and then put it back on charge again. Since this does not happen with LIon batteries I don't think that charging it overnight would cause any issues. I would also tend to belive that the phones charging mechanism automatically shuts off when the battery is reporting a full charge. This is seen when the LED light turns green and the charging bolt icon over the battery disappears.
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