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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 02:42 PM
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Re: My EVO Died right now! :(

i had this problem but i just flashed stock rom again and no problems since
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 03:02 PM
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Re: My EVO Died right now! :(

Originally Posted by jimmiekain View Post
using the one it came with and a motorola car charger and using a sync cable i bought on amazon. (also made by motorola)

im gonna put the batt back in now and try it... if that doesnt work i will pull it again hold the power button for 10 seconds and try again like booboo said.

Wish me luck! will report back in a little bit.
Just an FYI OP... this may have nothing to do with your issue by the way... The Moto chargers I have used have a significantly lower amperage rating compared to the HTC's or even the one at the Sprint store...

HTC stock wall charger (1000mA)
Moto stock wall charger (500mA)
Sprint car charger (950mA) (closest to stock)

The phone will only be getting half the juice with the Moto charger... check your car chargers amp rating...
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 09:59 PM
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Re: My EVO Died right now! :(


This morning when I woke up I tried it again it still wouldn't work... i kept trying the whole drive to work while at work and even in the car on the way to the sprint store (about 45 min drive from my house with traffic). Got to the sprint store and tried it one last time before I got out of the car. It still didn't work.

Got out of my car got in line tried it again while in line and it still didn't work.

Got the the front of the line the greeter asked for the reason i was visiting today I explained the problem put the phone on the podium to show him turn it on... and the darn thing worked.


I almost hit the roof! He looked at me like I was crazy... I said no no no hold on turned it off and back on it still worked. Pulled the battery out put it back in (holding up the line and not caring) tried it again and it worked. He said if you want i can still have a tech look at it. I said yes.

Sat and waited for about 5 mins (kept trying to get it to do it again while waiting and couldn't get it to mess up) The guy came i explained the problem to him and he told me that if he couldn't replicate the problem they couldn't do anything he then said that he would gladly switch it out with a new one for me but that he didnt have any.

Bottom line... it works now. I have no idea what caused the problem. I have no idea what fixed it but it works now. I'm gonna take it back to Best Buy and try to exchange it but i doubt they will have one to exchange for me so i may have to return it for a refund and just buy it again in a few weeks.

Thanks to everyone who offered me words of encouragement and ideas to fix it. As soon as the laker game goes off im gonna go back thru the thread and thank all of the helpful posts.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2010, 12:49 AM
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Re: My EVO Died right now! :(

hmm u know what it might of been? maybe the light sensor was messed up and thought u were in a really dark room. although it sounds your phone was beyond the darkest settings... still, maybe something was off in that department?

i started experiencing the soft reset issue today... it's happened like 6 times in an hour and it's saying my up time and awake time are the same even though i put my phone to sleep... wtf is up with this phone
Mogul->Diamond->TouchPro->Pro2->EVO 4G-> Q(';')-O
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2010, 12:54 AM
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Re: My EVO Died right now! :(

Originally Posted by lipidfats View Post
hmm u know what it might of been? maybe the light sensor was messed up and thought u were in a really dark room. although it sounds your phone was beyond the darkest settings... still, maybe something was off in that department?

i started experiencing the soft reset issue today... it's happened like 6 times in an hour and it's saying my up time and awake time are the same even though i put my phone to sleep... wtf is up with this phone
I guess anything is possible... I thought of that too. I even went so far as to take my screen protector off. That didn't help so I put it back on.
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2010, 01:15 AM
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Re: My EVO Died right now! :(

glad ur back up and running!!
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2010, 01:41 AM
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Re: My EVO Died right now! :(

hahahahahaahahhaha joke right?
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2010, 02:48 AM
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Re: My EVO Died right now! :(

stay inside sprint store whenever you wanna use it.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2010, 03:05 AM
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Re: My EVO Died right now! :(

Originally Posted by jimmiekain View Post
Today while I was work, my EVO was sitting on my desk right in front of me. The phone was on but the screen was off. All of a sudden out of the blue the phone just turned its self off and back on. After it did this I played around with it and it was fine... no problems. This concerned me so I decided to take it to the sprint store in a day or two when I find time to have them take a look at it.

Well... just 15 mins ago I got a e-mail notification so I picked up my phone to see what it was pushed the button to turn the screen on... no deal. The 4 capacitive buttons on the bottom come on but not the screen. I can hear the phone when a text or e-mail comes in but the screen is black. I jumped up and decided to go to the sprint store but it closes in a few mins. and there is no way I can make it.

Anybody have a fix? or... has this happened to anyone else?

here is a video of the problem.
Just call in and order a replacement, switch your TP2 back on, and forget about it. Not meant as criticism, just a suggestion, don't sweat the small stuff, because "it's all small stuff". This also is why everyone should keep a backup phone. I've had my Evo for almost 2 weeks now, and still haven't switched it over to my phone number (Google IO unit). I will sell my TP2 later, but still keep a Mogul as a backup. While it's no fun to have stuff fail on its own, it happens, and for sure it fails from dropping it in the toilet lol.

I appreciate folks telling us about the failures, we should know. I just hate to see anyone get very upset about it, because compared to the things life will eventually send your way, this sort of thing will almost be beyond recollection later on. I do understand, I remember being very upset decades ago when someone hit my new car in the first week I had it. Now, I don't even worry about those things. And trust me, it feels better not to "sweat the small stuff". That's one of the few benefits of getting old lol
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2010, 04:19 AM
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Re: My EVO Died right now! :(

Originally Posted by jimmiekain View Post
the sound works when i turn it on i can hear the sound... and the 4 buttons on the bottom are lite up but the screen is just straight black. I have pulled the batt out 4 times still nothing... I have had it out for a little while now and will try it again after its been an hour. Either way, rather it comes back on tonight again or not I'm going to the sprint store tomorrow and asking them to replace it with a brand new one (not a refurbished one... i doubt they have refurbs yet but still) if they dont, i'm taking it back to best buy for a full refund.
i'm willing to bet sprint won't open it... it is still within the return policy, so they will most likely send you back where you bought it... at least that seems to be what happens in san antonio. i know many manufact. warranties will direct you to the retailer within the first 30 days...

hope this works out for you!
Disclaimer: I am a BBYM mgr. The opinions expressed here are my views and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Best Buy.
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  PPCGeeks > Android > Android HTC Devices > HTC Evo 4G

broken, dead, evo, screen

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