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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2010, 09:55 AM
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Re: Post Your EVO Launch Day Pics/Stories!

Was in line a little over an hour before the Sprint store opened. Was number 8 in line. I was in and out in 20 minutes. It was easy and fast. Good job Sprint!
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2010, 11:19 AM
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Re: Post Your EVO Launch Day Pics/Stories!

South Eastern Michigan,

Bought mine at 6am at RS first one in line...but since they did not have any accessories... I saw around 6+ people in line when I passed the Sprint store at 6am. Around 9:30 I went to a Corp. Sprint store to see what accessories they had... the place was VERY busy...they told me they had sold 50+ EVO's and had the Body Glove case...and screen protectors. They had other things as well but I didn't need them. Love the phone, hard to keep my hands off it, since I am at work...must....not ....play....with....phone......must work.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2010, 11:21 AM
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Re: Post Your EVO Launch Day Pics/Stories!

Good morning! Thanks everyone for replying, it is about 5:20 am here in Hawaii. I am just about to get up and get ready to go to the Sprint Store. I will be sure to post some pics and my experiences.
Sent from my Nexus 7, Droid Ultra, or Galaxy Note 3... I don't really know anymore, probably not from my PC though.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2010, 11:25 AM
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Re: Post Your EVO Launch Day Pics/Stories!

Here's a good read about other's launch day experiences. Many posted pics.


Let us know if you were in any of these pics or if it may have been the store you visited.

Last edited by MrHawaii; 06-04-2010 at 11:32 AM.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2010, 11:31 AM
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Re: Post Your EVO Launch Day Pics/Stories!

Well i got up around 600 am (was too excited to sleep) and made a pot of java, poured it into the thermos and grabbed my book (I just knew I'd need something to help pass the time). My wife got ready for work and I headed out to the Spint store thinking I'd be first in line. WRONG!! Was 6th but still not too shabby. SO with tons of coffee in me I waited. Then the coolest thing happened, while we were all talking the manager of the store came in with Starbucks and doughnuts, said they were for us to enjoy while we waited. Pretty cool huh? Then the moment came we all ushered into the store and they had like 4 EVOs floating around so we all could play with it while we waited. I refused to touch one as I wanted to savor my experience.

I get to the counter and there it sits all shiny and BIG!!!! Bought a Body Glove case and screen protector and while they rung me up they put the protector on for me (Great job too) and the case. All in all I waited 2 hours and it only cost me 362.00 for a non upgraded phone and the accessories. Thank you tax exempt status!!! Plus a credit for my TP2.

My wife called me a nerd for doing this but I dont care one bit. I am tickled pink already downloaded 7 apps and a few wallpapers. HOOOWEEE this is fun. Also the rep at the store Download APPKILLER for me and they did it for everyone in the store, was a great experience!!!!!!!!!!!
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2010, 11:57 AM
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Re: Post Your EVO Launch Day Pics/Stories!

Originally Posted by Scotty_Two View Post
At the sprint store right now (7:15 local time), was the second person here, now there's about 6 total, we'll see how many many more show up. Well there's another just walking up! Gonna be late for work but totally worth it!

I wish I would have made my appointment at that time (somebody beat me to it)!!!
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2010, 03:04 PM
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Re: Post Your EVO Launch Day Pics/Stories!

Ok got back from BB with my Evo. Love this thing so far. What shouldve been a 20 mins process took a little over an hour because of the systems being down/slow and the appointments got backed up. Got a free BT headset and 20% off a invisible shield which they put on for free.

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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2010, 03:12 PM
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Re: Post Your EVO Launch Day Pics/Stories!

Im very happy. went in to a sprint store (milwaukee) at 1100 and walked out with a evo at 1130. Had them at it to my bill and all was good. Dude said i was the 51st buyer, and they had 80 phones total. really like this phone.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2010, 03:19 PM
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Re: Post Your EVO Launch Day Pics/Stories!

Me and my girl went this morning and left the house right before 7am... I doubted there would be a line at the Sprint store and sure enough.....Number 1 was there @ 2:30am! (Seriousness). We hit the line around 7:20ish and we were maybe 10-11 back. The manager walked the line with a clip board and took names and amounts, and eased our worry with a (I can't say how many we have, but we can easily cover this entire line *wink* (25 around that time).

They were processing the front of the line before the doors opened at 8am which was extremely smart. And when we strolled in our names were on the screen so you know when you were next and ready to go.

I was also surprised by the make up of the line, mostly older adults and thought more young-ins would be there. A few were even Medicare eligible!!!! Go old timers!!!.

The staff provided bottled water and Dunkin Dounut Munchkins for the line which was awesome and the staff were all very nice. It's been the best phone purchase experience yet.

Last edited by i360; 06-04-2010 at 03:21 PM.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2010, 03:26 PM
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Re: Post Your EVO Launch Day Pics/Stories!

Man, I need to vent. I preordered at Best Buy and very little went right for me. I was fine with the system issues. I totally understood and was cool about that, however I had a few major problem. I was trading in my TP2. I filled out everything online and was going to get $127 back. I took my print out to the Geek Squad as directed online. They guy told me that they are unable to process the trade in. He told me I can call and have it shipped out, but that was the only option. Meh, I figured I could sell it for more then $127, so I didn't let that get me down. So I went to get me phone. I was not eligible for an upgrade, so I paid full retail. After and hour and 15 minutes I was all ready to check out. Uh-oh. They would not price match Sprint! I didn't find this out until the very end. She just told me that they weren't doing it. She told me I can talk to a manager but nobody was available and I just wanted to get the hell out of there. To top that off, she forgot to apply the $50 pre-order gift card. They actually had to refund the gift card to me. They couldn't go back and apply it to the purchase. So $714 and and hour and a half later, I walked out a proud, but beaten, EVO owner.

So what are my odds of contacting a manager and actually having them price match Sprint and refund me $150? Pretty good I hope.
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