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  #171 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 02:53 PM
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Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by Cicatrize View Post
You forgot the kickstand! lol
yeah! i'd gladly pay $10/month for a kick stand, because it doesnt accomplish the same job the tilt feature on my TP2 does
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  #172 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 02:54 PM
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Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

how about this...would it make you guys happy if sprint ONLY sold the EVO in 4g regions? I bet you guys would be FURIOUS!! I don't understand all the crying...you can simply choose NOT to buy the phone if you guys are so WORRIED about the extra charge..
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  #173 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 02:59 PM
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Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by Q_Q View Post
You can't go because why again?
Cause they are charging for a phone you want but on a network you bad mouth all the time AND supposedly on an inferior platform speedwise & you probably can't even get 4g in your town.

What part of hell is it that you want to leave again?
Is it me or you are into pain?
Or is simply that you can't back up what you say with actions?
I could go right now if I wnted to. I choose not to because T-Mobile doesn;t have a phone that I want. I can backl up all of my actions.

Again, for all the fanboy morons out there: Just because there is another viable option doesn't mean I hate Sprint and have already commited to leaving them.
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  #174 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 03:02 PM
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Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by testacon View Post
Your service is changing though, your total monthly data RX is going to skyrocket--even at 3G speeds. It seems that everything around this phone is going to be data intensive. Why wouldn't Sprint charge you more for overages? I don't know what the data RX the average person uses for the life of their phone but I have a Mogul that's about 18 months old and has over 6GB on it that's about 350 MB a month average. Now I get an EVO and my data RX shoots to 1GB a month, that's 18GB in 18 months--12 additional GB. That's a lot of bandwidth used, if Sprint wants to charge more now so that it can keep up with the technology we should let them. My understanding of the purpose of this fee is to uncap any excessive data usage that WILL come with this phone. I'm not thrilled with it either but I accept it.

It's time to piss or get off the pot people. Sprint is trying to prepare it's network for a boatload of data, let them cut corners now and we will soon find out how the iPhone people feel in New York and other densely areas when their 3G speed is cut so bad by overpopulation that they get 300 Baud on their iPhones.

Bottom line is this, as long as the technology works as promised, then the fee is justified. If we start sharing problems that AT&T has with overpopulation then this $10 fee starts to become a problem with overbilling for useless services.
that's a little out of proportion. as someone already said just because it runs faster doesnt mean you'll consume more data. and for users switching from winmo to android you will use more data but thats just because its android. now unless you're tethering and burning through insane amounts of data the amount of data usage on the evo will probably be the same as what its been on the Moment and Hero, with the same usage patterns for me on Windows Mobile i went through about 350MB/month, WebOS it went up to about 500MB/month and when i had the Hero it went to about 700MB/month and guess what, since I went back to Windows Mobile, I'm at about 350 again. go figure.

so like i said, unless people start going out of their way to tether with the Evo (which is what the $29.99 hotspot is for) you can't say its going to eat through so much more data that it justifies an extra charge. so why should i have to pay extra when i'm probably going to use the same amount of data as i did on the hero, like the majority of people probably will
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  #175 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 03:02 PM
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Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by testacon View Post
If anyone is to complain about something, maybe someone should actually find out what the "richer media experience" is before condemning it. Why don't you write to Sprint an email and snail mail and share your with this and ask them to outline what your getting for your $10 and why is it different for just this phone. I'd be curious about the response. But again, if rooted and hackable, I really don't mind the fee because I'll make my money back on data rx alone.
I have asked Sprint about 100 times what the "richer media experience" actually means. All they do is start reading quotes from the website. Nobody knows what the heck it means. Even the dan@sprint.com people had no idea what it actually means.
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  #176 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 03:03 PM
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Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
T-Mobile also has 79.99 unlimited everything, unlimited voice, data, and text

Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk

Yeah but Sprint still throws in FREE Nav and Free TV app [even though I don't use it much] which all of the other carriers in the discussion would charge another $10 each for. Not to mention that T-Mobile has coverage from hell.... Sprint all day in this comparison....

T-Mobile cannot truy compete with any of the "big three" as a power phone option because their 3G is simply ridiculous.
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  #177 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 03:04 PM
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Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by Cicatrize View Post
How many times does this need to be said?

The $10 charge is NOT because it's a 4G phone.
best way to prove that, look at the aircard data plans, its the same $60/month whether you're using a 4g in or 4g area or not, the only difference is there's a 4g add on in your plan but its the same money
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  #178 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 03:04 PM
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Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by spokenwordd View Post
Yeah but Sprint still throws in FREE Nav and Free TV app [even though I don't use it much] which all of the other carriers in the discussion would charge another $10 each for. Not to mention that T-Mobile has coverage from hell.... Sprint all day in this comparison...
Well, the nav argument doesn't really matter anymore. I've used the GMaps navigation on my gf's Hero and it's much better than the Sprint Nav, and it's free for anyone that can get it.
HTC EVO 4G - Fresh 0.3
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  #179 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 03:05 PM
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Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by jbearamus View Post
that's a little out of proportion. as someone already said just because it runs faster doesnt mean you'll consume more data. and for users switching from winmo to android you will use more data but thats just because its android. now unless you're tethering and burning through insane amounts of data the amount of data usage on the evo will probably be the same as what its been on the Moment and Hero, with the same usage patterns for me on Windows Mobile i went through about 350MB/month, WebOS it went up to about 500MB/month and when i had the Hero it went to about 700MB/month and guess what, since I went back to Windows Mobile, I'm at about 350 again. go figure.

so like i said, unless people start going out of their way to tether with the Evo (which is what the $29.99 hotspot is for) you can't say its going to eat through so much more data that it justifies an extra charge. so why should i have to pay extra when i'm probably going to use the same amount of data as i did on the hero, like the majority of people probably will
you're wrong, i'm positive people will consume more data and sprint knows this. you're just being naive saying you won't. If you have your tp2 and a computer in front of you, you will obviuosly type on your computer to threads like these, with the evo you will definitely consider writing the response from you're phone because it will be almost just as fast. Anybody who is using a tp2 WILL use more data when they get their evo. You will be downloading apps, that aren't available to you, now, so much more will be opened up to you that will cause more data consumption.
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  #180 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 03:06 PM
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Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Probably not Sprint fan boys, but people that just say it how they see it. You say that people are up in arms about this fee, But I only see you still crying about it in every thread.
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