05-10-2010, 02:36 PM
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Wirelessly posted (Touch Pro 2: Opera/9.80 (Windows Mobile; WCE; Opera Mobi/WMD-50369; U; en) Presto/2.4.13 Version/10.00)
Originally Posted by Cicatrize
Yeah, I kinda like that PPCG is sort-of a "catch-all" forum for all sorts of devices. Most sites are specifically geared toward one thing, be it WinMo, iPhone, Android, or Blackberry, etc., but you can find all of that here (except not much iPhone...but no one here cares).
XDA Dev is a great forum and its size is incredible, but let's face it, the community isn't as friendly or helpful and it's...well...kinda ugly. (this is not to bash the site...just saying I like it here better, lol)
I totally agree with you on the xda thing. My favorite thing about this site is the mobile forums, it makes it incredibly easy to check the forums quickly