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-   -   [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 2.13.651.1 | Odex | Deodexed | v2.3 | Updated 10/2 (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=150224)

OMJ 06-01-2012 12:43 PM

[ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 2.13.651.1 | Odex | Deodexed | v2.3 | Updated 10/2

FEATURES v2.3 - 10/2/12

-Based on the 2.13.651.1 Official RUU
-Deodexed & Odex versions


-Stock Kernel (for now)
-Added S-ON Kernel Installer (Thx xHausx!)


-MusicBox aka Extended EQ & Beats modes (thx Mikeyxda & lyapota!)
-Visible Recent Apps set to 16 (thx Mikeyxda & Steal25!)
-Multitasking Tweaks (thx Mikeyxda & zeppelinrox!)
-Sense 4.5 Camera (thx lyapota!
-Advanced Power Menu (credit to flex360, thx!)
-Roam only option
-Browser Debug
-Rosie Menu button (credit to flex360 & Rydah805, thx!)
-Extended QuickSettings
-GPS icon removed
-Battery %
-Auto Brightness Settings tweaked
-Camera Shutter Sound option
-0 MMS Compression, Secure Box, block list, MMS over Wifi
-5M MMS size
-ADB icon removed
-init.d tweaks/scripts
-memory tweaks
-HTClinkify fix
-HotSpot/USB/BT tether Hack (though it's finicky, Wifi Tether much better)
-Keyboard icon removed


-Google Authenicator
-Google Now!
-Goo Manager
-DSP Manager
-ES File Explorer
-Wifi Tether v3.1-beta14
-Updated Sprint VVM

-All stock apps updated



Here are all the removed 2.13 apps zipped up

I want to Thank TeamWin for another excellent recovery, and the following devs for their contributions: aamikam, Tmartin, regaw_leinad, SteelH, Freeza, Viperboy, Vinchenzop, Rydah805, runandhide05, one_love_420 & Mwalt for all the excellent guides, tutorials, mods, kernels & help!


OMJ 06-01-2012 12:43 PM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | Coming Soon!

OMJ 06-01-2012 12:44 PM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | Coming Soon!
reserved again :D

OMJ 06-02-2012 10:26 AM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 Coming Soon!
anyone unlocked & want to be a guinea pig? :D

shadowxaero 06-03-2012 10:56 PM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 Coming Soon!
Lol *raises hand* I dont mind and im unlocked.

OMJ 06-04-2012 10:44 AM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 Coming Soon!

Originally Posted by shadowxaero (Post 2180417)
Lol *raises hand* I dont mind and im unlocked.

Here ya go....I'm sure there are apps that need to be updated. I'm more concerned that it boots :)


Be sure to Clear your Google Wallet Settings b4 flashing!


Vancer 06-05-2012 06:37 PM

Well couldn't take it any longer... Used this crappy computer I have access to on the road (took FOREVER on that slow a$$ pos!) and unlocked lol :)

Bout to give it a spin for ya ... I'll report if I find anything :)

Sent from my EVO 4G LTE using Tapatalk

Vancer 06-05-2012 07:08 PM

Ok... I didn't boot :( ... Full wipe w/ TWRP ... I guess it was my first boot loop on this device but unlike my OG EVO it only got to the white HTC screen (the one that now says development blah blah blah now that I'm unlocked) and didn't make it to the 4G screen

So I went back into recovery and wiped cache and dalvik again just in case but same thing... Boot loop on white HTC screen ... So I restored

Sent from my EVO 4G LTE using Tapatalk

Vancer 06-06-2012 10:11 AM

Fyi in case u haven't seen it...


Working on ViperRom no problems and solves linking issue due to Apple patent... Hahaha F u Apple! :)

Sent from my EVO 4G LTE using Tapatalk

OMJ 06-06-2012 10:55 AM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 Coming Soon!

Originally Posted by Vancer (Post 2180594)
Ok... I didn't boot :( ... Full wipe w/ TWRP ... I guess it was my first boot loop on this device but unlike my OG EVO it only got to the white HTC screen (the one that now says development blah blah blah now that I'm unlocked) and didn't make it to the 4G screen

So I went back into recovery and wiped cache and dalvik again just in case but same thing... Boot loop on white HTC screen ... So I restored

Sent from my EVO 4G LTE using Tapatalk

:( well thx for testing....it's probably one of the mods...If you want to test again, I can zip up the stock files to replace the mods.


Originally Posted by Vancer (Post 2180628)
Fyi in case u haven't seen it...

[solved] htclinkifydispatcher.apk - xda-developers

Working on ViperRom no problems and solves linking issue due to Apple patent... Hahaha F u Apple! :)

Sent from my EVO 4G LTE using Tapatalk

yep, saw it & already made the change :)

also noticed u on viper...how is it?

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