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-   -   [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 2.13.651.1 | Odex | Deodexed | v2.3 | Updated 10/2 (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=150224)

OMJ 06-01-2012 12:43 PM

[ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 2.13.651.1 | Odex | Deodexed | v2.3 | Updated 10/2

FEATURES v2.3 - 10/2/12

-Based on the 2.13.651.1 Official RUU
-Deodexed & Odex versions


-Stock Kernel (for now)
-Added S-ON Kernel Installer (Thx xHausx!)


-MusicBox aka Extended EQ & Beats modes (thx Mikeyxda & lyapota!)
-Visible Recent Apps set to 16 (thx Mikeyxda & Steal25!)
-Multitasking Tweaks (thx Mikeyxda & zeppelinrox!)
-Sense 4.5 Camera (thx lyapota!
-Advanced Power Menu (credit to flex360, thx!)
-Roam only option
-Browser Debug
-Rosie Menu button (credit to flex360 & Rydah805, thx!)
-Extended QuickSettings
-GPS icon removed
-Battery %
-Auto Brightness Settings tweaked
-Camera Shutter Sound option
-0 MMS Compression, Secure Box, block list, MMS over Wifi
-5M MMS size
-ADB icon removed
-init.d tweaks/scripts
-memory tweaks
-HTClinkify fix
-HotSpot/USB/BT tether Hack (though it's finicky, Wifi Tether much better)
-Keyboard icon removed


-Google Authenicator
-Google Now!
-Goo Manager
-DSP Manager
-ES File Explorer
-Wifi Tether v3.1-beta14
-Updated Sprint VVM

-All stock apps updated



Here are all the removed 2.13 apps zipped up

I want to Thank TeamWin for another excellent recovery, and the following devs for their contributions: aamikam, Tmartin, regaw_leinad, SteelH, Freeza, Viperboy, Vinchenzop, Rydah805, runandhide05, one_love_420 & Mwalt for all the excellent guides, tutorials, mods, kernels & help!


OMJ 06-01-2012 12:43 PM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | Coming Soon!

OMJ 06-01-2012 12:44 PM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | Coming Soon!
reserved again :D

OMJ 06-02-2012 10:26 AM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 Coming Soon!
anyone unlocked & want to be a guinea pig? :D

shadowxaero 06-03-2012 10:56 PM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 Coming Soon!
Lol *raises hand* I dont mind and im unlocked.

OMJ 06-04-2012 10:44 AM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 Coming Soon!

Originally Posted by shadowxaero (Post 2180417)
Lol *raises hand* I dont mind and im unlocked.

Here ya go....I'm sure there are apps that need to be updated. I'm more concerned that it boots :)


Be sure to Clear your Google Wallet Settings b4 flashing!


Vancer 06-05-2012 06:37 PM

Well couldn't take it any longer... Used this crappy computer I have access to on the road (took FOREVER on that slow a$$ pos!) and unlocked lol :)

Bout to give it a spin for ya ... I'll report if I find anything :)

Sent from my EVO 4G LTE using Tapatalk

Vancer 06-05-2012 07:08 PM

Ok... I didn't boot :( ... Full wipe w/ TWRP ... I guess it was my first boot loop on this device but unlike my OG EVO it only got to the white HTC screen (the one that now says development blah blah blah now that I'm unlocked) and didn't make it to the 4G screen

So I went back into recovery and wiped cache and dalvik again just in case but same thing... Boot loop on white HTC screen ... So I restored

Sent from my EVO 4G LTE using Tapatalk

Vancer 06-06-2012 10:11 AM

Fyi in case u haven't seen it...


Working on ViperRom no problems and solves linking issue due to Apple patent... Hahaha F u Apple! :)

Sent from my EVO 4G LTE using Tapatalk

OMJ 06-06-2012 10:55 AM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 Coming Soon!

Originally Posted by Vancer (Post 2180594)
Ok... I didn't boot :( ... Full wipe w/ TWRP ... I guess it was my first boot loop on this device but unlike my OG EVO it only got to the white HTC screen (the one that now says development blah blah blah now that I'm unlocked) and didn't make it to the 4G screen

So I went back into recovery and wiped cache and dalvik again just in case but same thing... Boot loop on white HTC screen ... So I restored

Sent from my EVO 4G LTE using Tapatalk

:( well thx for testing....it's probably one of the mods...If you want to test again, I can zip up the stock files to replace the mods.


Originally Posted by Vancer (Post 2180628)
Fyi in case u haven't seen it...

[solved] htclinkifydispatcher.apk - xda-developers

Working on ViperRom no problems and solves linking issue due to Apple patent... Hahaha F u Apple! :)

Sent from my EVO 4G LTE using Tapatalk

yep, saw it & already made the change :)

also noticed u on viper...how is it?

fearbasel04 06-06-2012 12:38 PM

I can test it too. Ur roms always make me happy lol

Sent from my EVO on the PPCGeeks App

OMJ 06-06-2012 02:51 PM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 Coming Soon!
ok, so anyone who wants to test, the link below is the stock files that I have replaced in my ROM. Open both zips, then drag the file from one zip to the other prior to flashing ROM.

I suspect the issue may be SettingsProvider.apk but who knows....you can try just that apk first or all....up to u, but one at at time would help isolate.



Vancer 06-06-2012 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2180631)
:( well thx for testing....it's probably one of the mods...If you want to test again, I can zip up the stock files to replace the mods.

yep, saw it & already made the change :)

also noticed u on viper...how is it?

Viper is running pretty smooth! Haven't had any issues since flashing so far :) ... Also running Run/Viper's mod with APM, menu and long press home and did the build.prop edit I mentioned of course

I can always test anything u need me to buddy! :)... But if you replaced those files how would it be any different from your stock rom then ?

Sent from my EVO 4G LTE using Tapatalk

OMJ 06-06-2012 02:54 PM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 Coming Soon!

Originally Posted by Vancer (Post 2180662)
Viper is running pretty smooth! Haven't had any issues since flashing so far :) ... Also running Run/Viper's mod with APM, menu and long press home and did the build.prop edit I mentioned of course

I can always test anything u need me to buddy! :)... But if you replaced those files how would it be any different from your stock rom then ?

Sent from my EVO 4G LTE using Tapatalk

see my post above yours.....that's why u try one file at a time :)

ideally, when I have a issue, I'll copy the stock files back in, flash, then push one file at a time until I find the bad one....though some would use logcat, I'm not that good at deciphering.

Vancer 06-06-2012 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2180661)
ok, so anyone who wants to test, the link below is the stock files that I have replaced in my ROM. Open both zips, then drag the file from one zip to the other prior to flashing ROM.

I suspect the issue may be SettingsProvider.apk but who knows....you can try just that apk first or all....up to u, but one at at time would help isolate.



Uh oh ... Still on the road and don't think I can stand the time it would take on that pos computer lol ... Unless there's a way to extract and zip back up on my phone? ... Seems I tried that before on my phone and didn't zip back up properly and wouldn't flash

... I am gonna d/l the files and snoop at ur changes though :) hehe

Sent from my EVO 4G LTE using Tapatalk

dimensi0n 06-12-2012 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2180663)
see my post above yours.....that's why u try one file at a time :)

ideally, when I have a issue, I'll copy the stock files back in, flash, then push one file at a time until I find the bad one....though some would use logcat, I'm not that good at deciphering.

Unlock old man.

Sent from my HTC EVO 3G Fresh LTE 5.0.0 using Tapatalk 2

OMJ 06-12-2012 11:30 AM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 Coming Soon!

Originally Posted by dimensi0n (Post 2181052)
Unlock old man.

Sent from my HTC EVO 3G Fresh LTE 5.0.0 using Tapatalk 2

lol....I was actually considering doing it today...

Vancer 06-12-2012 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2181066)
lol....I was actually considering doing it today...

Bout time! ... We can flash radios and splash screens with S-on on this phone now and we both know you are never gonna send that thing in for an HTC warranty! :P

Sent from my EVO 4G LTE using Tapatalk

princem131 06-12-2012 01:46 PM

Lol ^

Does it automatically void the warranty or it just MAY void warranty?

I think I'm diving in today. I need to see if a custom rom can FULLY rectify this multitasking. How's your rom running so far OMJ? Have you guys worked out the little quirks discussed above? What's your plans for multitasking? I know you included the mods that are floating around but to me they don't seem to really solve the problem, but just slightly reduce it. Is there any hope of getting more traditional multitasking on this phone?!

Positive Vibrations

OMJ 06-12-2012 01:55 PM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 Coming Soon!

Originally Posted by Vancer (Post 2181068)
Bout time! ... We can flash radios and splash screens with S-on on this phone now and we both know you are never gonna send that thing in for an HTC warranty! :P

Sent from my EVO 4G LTE using Tapatalk

yep, I know


Originally Posted by princem131 (Post 2181073)
Lol ^

Does it automatically void the warranty or it just MAY void warranty?

I think I'm diving in today. I need to see if a custom rom can FULLY rectify this multitasking. How's your rom running so far OMJ? Have you guys worked out the little quirks discussed above? What's your plans for multitasking? I know you included the mods that are floating around but to me they don't seem to really solve the problem, but just slightly reduce it. Is there any hope of getting more traditional multitasking on this phone?!

Positive Vibrations

that's the million dollar question, lol

I wouldn't know, still locked & haven't tested my ROM....I don't believe anyone but Vancer had flashed it, so I'll have to test myself. Plans for multitasking? I'll implement whatever fix comes about in the ROM....in case you haven't figured it out yet, I consider myself more of a ROM chef than dev....I'm no guru.

OMJ 06-12-2012 02:03 PM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 Coming Soon!
and no, I haven't done it.....yet


OMJ 06-12-2012 02:29 PM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 Coming Soon!
ok, I took the plunge.....unlocked :) ....time to play

btw, I used RegawMOD only because he is using a generic htcdev login & email....doubt if it matters, since they now have my token, but at least it's not on record that it's unknown who actually unlocked the phone

[ROOT] RegawMOD EVO 4G LTE Rooter | Updated 06.04.12 - xda-developers

juortiz85 06-12-2012 09:10 PM

Kool dude so when will u release the Rom?

Sent from my htc_jewel on the PPCGeeks App

Vancer 06-12-2012 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2181079)
ok, I took the plunge.....unlocked :) ....time to play

btw, I used RegawMOD only because he is using a generic htcdev login & email....doubt if it matters, since they now have my token, but at least it's not on record that it's unknown who actually unlocked the phone

[ROOT] RegawMOD EVO 4G LTE Rooter | Updated 06.04.12 - xda-developers

WooHoo! :)

Sent from my EVO 4G LTE using Tapatalk

OMJ 06-13-2012 06:16 AM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 Coming Soon!

Originally Posted by juortiz85 (Post 2181097)
Kool dude so when will u release the Rom?

Sent from my htc_jewel on the PPCGeeks App

hopefully soon...I basically had to start from scratch.....none of my ROMs would boot, but I'm making progress...

princem131 06-13-2012 04:38 PM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 Coming Soon!

Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2181079)
ok, I took the plunge.....unlocked :) ....time to play

btw, I used RegawMOD only because he is using a generic htcdev login & email....doubt if it matters, since they now have my token, but at least it's not on record that it's unknown who actually unlocked the phone

[ROOT] RegawMOD EVO 4G LTE Rooter | Updated 06.04.12 - xda-developers

Cool thanks for the link, I'm reading thru everything now. Plan to knock this out tonight or tomorrow may have to hold out for your rom now ;)

OMJ 06-13-2012 05:00 PM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 Coming Soon!

Originally Posted by princem131 (Post 2181147)
Cool thanks for the link, I'm reading thru everything now. Plan to knock this out tonight or tomorrow may have to hold out for your rom now ;)

ROM is almost done, just adding a few things & testing, will most likely upload tomorrow.

princem131 06-13-2012 06:02 PM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 Coming Soon!

Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2181149)
ROM is almost done, just adding a few things & testing, will most likely upload tomorrow.

Great! just rooted using method above. Much easier than similar process for the 3VO on hboot 1.5. Nice having it handle the HTC Dev part makes it go quick!

OMJ 06-13-2012 07:03 PM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 Coming Soon!

Originally Posted by princem131 (Post 2181151)
Great! just rooted using method above. Much easier than similar process for the 3VO on hboot 1.5. Nice having it handle the HTC Dev part makes it go quick!

I see u edited your msg, so u probably already know when u unlock it only wipes data, not system

princem131 06-13-2012 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2181154)
I see u edited your msg, so u probably already know when u unlock it only wipes data, not system

Yeah lol figured it out. Also got impatient with my freshly unlocked, custom recovery flashed phone and started experimenting.

Trying Viper Rom with dual core mod, long press home for recent app/recent app = menu mod, and half press camera for voice search. And of course removed Apple bs.

So far very impressed with the dual core mod in terms of instantly noticeable performance boost, we'll see on battery. Really nice to get my full screen real estate now that soft menu button is no more.

Can't wait to see what you whip up!

Positive Vibrations

leckey73 06-14-2012 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by OMJ (Post 2181075)

Can we still take this phone in for sprint repairs

Sent from my EVO using PPCGeeks

OMJ 06-14-2012 03:54 PM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 Coming Soon!

Originally Posted by leckey73 (Post 2181210)
Can we still take this phone in for sprint repairs

Sent from my EVO using PPCGeeks

after unlocking? Yes, but I would relock & flash the stock RUU

OMJ 06-14-2012 04:52 PM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 | Updated *6/14/1
Ok, here is my initial release. I still have a few things I want to do....

OMJ's ELTE ROM 4.0.3 v1.0!!!
Deodexed w/ Freezas Kernel!!!


Features v1.0 - 6/14/12

-Based on the 1.13.651.1 Official RUU


-Freezas Kernel


-Battery Percentage
-Advanced Power Menu
-Camera Shutter Sound option
-0 MMS Compression, Secure Box, block list, MMS over Wifi
-5M MMS size
-ADB & GPS icon removed
-ext4 Tweaks
-Recent App button mapped to Menu, Longpress Home mapped to recent apps
-Landscape Rosie & 360 Rosie
-init.d tweaks/scripts
-memory tweaks
-HTClinkify fix
-HotSpot/USB/BT tether Hack (though it's finicky, Wifi Tether much better)


-Facebook v1.9.5
-Adobe Flash v11.1.115.11
-ES File Explorer
-CachCleaner 2.16
-MyBackupRoot v3.2.1
-AdFree v0.8.44
-Chrome to Phone v2.3.0
-Flashlight v4.0
-PPCGeeks TapaTalk v1.0.0
-Wifi Tether v3.1-beta14

-All other stock apps updated


-Too many to list now, Here are all the removed apps

I wanted to Thank TeamWin for another excellent recovery, and the following devs for their contributions: aamikam, regaw_leinad, Tmartin, SteelH, Freeza, Viperboy, Vinchenzop, Rydah805, runandhide05 & Mwalt for all the excellent guides, tutorials, mods, kernels & help!


princem131 06-14-2012 04:55 PM

Sweet! Will the various mods posted at xda like dual core work with your rom?

Edit: never mind I see it's built into the kernel

Positive Vibrations

OMJ 06-14-2012 04:57 PM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 | Updated *6/14/1

Originally Posted by princem131 (Post 2181217)
Sweet! Will the various mods posted at xda like dual core work with your rom?

Positive Vibrations

most of the mods are already in the ROM

leckey73 06-14-2012 09:32 PM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 | Updated *6/14/1
THANKS OMJ 4 the Rom:D
I am having 1 problem I can't seem to find the file when i place it on the root of my sd card. Im not sure what Iam doing wrong.

:lol: ok so I did not put in the root of the SD card iam :D now!!

shadowxaero 06-14-2012 09:57 PM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 | Updated *6/14/1
Sweet, flashing now. Does this have the htclinkify fix in it already?

SeventhGen 06-15-2012 02:03 AM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 | Updated *6/14/1
downloading...bout to unlock and flash! thanks for the ROM

OMJ 06-15-2012 11:27 AM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 | Updated *6/14/1

Originally Posted by shadowxaero (Post 2181233)
Sweet, flashing now. Does this have the htclinkify fix in it already?

ah yes, forgot to mention, will add to list of mods

OMJ 06-15-2012 11:59 AM

Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC ELTE Custom ROM | 1.13.651.1 | ICS 4.0.3 | v1.0 | Updated *6/14/1
1 Attachment(s)
I just modded Services.jar to hide the keyboard icon when typing (thx SteelH), unzip, then....

adb reboot recovery
adb shell mount /system
adb push services.jar /system/framework
adb reboot


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