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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2011, 10:45 PM
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Re: $70 Loyalty/Renewal Credit??

Can you get the Loyalty credit and the upgrade credit at the same time?

If you take the Loyalty credit and extend the contract 2yrs are you then ineligible for the upgrade which says you have to have a new line or extend your contract for two years????

My wife and I are 10yr sprint customers so we both qualify for the upgrade pricing ($150) every year, which we are using for the 3d on June 24.

Our contracts are up in the fall.

Very confusing.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2011, 02:44 AM
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Re: $70 Loyalty/Renewal Credit??

The people on the forum for the post linked above are claiming they got the credit and the upgrade was still on their accounts. If you talk to Sprint, I bet they could tell you.

Last edited by draghn; 06-20-2011 at 02:48 PM.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2011, 10:07 AM
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Re: $70 Loyalty/Renewal Credit??

i remember when i purcahsed my Touch Pro back in 08 i simply asked the tele sales girl if there were any discounts that applied to my account being that i was an account holder since 03 and she plugged int he loyalty discount it took about 40 bucks off my TP purchase i'm gonna try it again when i place my order tonite
SCP-5500->PPC-6700->Mogul (PPC-6800)->Touch Pro->Touch Pro 2-> EVO3D
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2011, 05:27 PM
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Re: $70 Loyalty/Renewal Credit??


I thought I'd give my experience if anyone else wanted to try for a credit as well.

I tried the online chat way of getting the credit today. I told them I received a text message (like the OP on sprintusers.com did) and that it sent me to a website that said I was eligible for a $75 service credit. The chat representative (after being transferred to an "employee" account rep) said that since I was already on a heavily discounted plan, they could not credit me whatsoever. And ignored the fact that I said I'd gotten a text message.

So I decided to call the number on the website and try just one more time. I told the person I'd gotten the text etc. He said he didn't have sufficient security protocols to access my account and said his supervisor would have to call me back in two hours and get it taken care of. I said ok and figured I would give up trying, not expecting a call back. I'm past 18 months into my contract, but I knew I was also trying to work the system anyway...

An hour and a half later a supervisor called. He was from the employee account side of this, he claimed, and asked what I was inquiring about. I told him about the text message and website. He was confused because they are no longer giving $75 credit and it's usually $70 nowadays, and my plan wasn't supposed to get it. I gave him the website my theoretical text message sent me to--http://sprint.us/rz2--so he could see it was saying $75. He couldn't get to the site though, saying they are behind a proxy. But to give me the benefit of having to call in and everything, he went ahead and applied a $75 credit to my account. He said it would renew my contract for 2 years. He assured me (I asked twice throughout our conversation) that it would not affect my upgrade eligibility in any way. My account already reflects a $75 credit when I check it online.

I am on the SERO plan, and like other corporate discounts, etc., they are reluctant to apply credits/discounts to this plan. I believe I got lucky with the supervisor that called me back. Hopefully others can as well. Good luck.

Last edited by draghn; 06-20-2011 at 06:30 PM.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2011, 11:36 PM
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Re: $70 Loyalty/Renewal Credit??

Also on SERO with TP2 scheduled to upgrade to SERO-P this Friday with HTC EVO 3d. Got the $70 credit / line with two year contract extension. I was out of contract for the last 7 months and now I'm anxious hoping I made the right choice, esp considering the signal at work is horrible (none to 1 bar depending on how far I am from the window). I put a bug in his ear about Airave, and made sure he annotated my a/c with free Airave with no fees and then I'd agree to the contract extension. He did and two reps later (had to speak with advanced tech support) got my Airave shipped at no charge with no fees. I probably can't plug this in at work so will probably just keep it at home (yet another damn device that needs to be plugged in!).

Still concerned about the upgrade as I'm in a city which should have 4g, but I have none. And my bill going from $30-->$50 *yikes*
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2011, 07:34 AM
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Re: $70 Loyalty/Renewal Credit??

Originally Posted by ymarker View Post
Also on SERO with TP2 scheduled to upgrade to SERO-P this Friday with HTC EVO 3d. Got the $70 credit / line with two year contract extension. I was out of contract for the last 7 months and now I'm anxious hoping I made the right choice, esp considering the signal at work is horrible (none to 1 bar depending on how far I am from the window). I put a bug in his ear about Airave, and made sure he annotated my a/c with free Airave with no fees and then I'd agree to the contract extension. He did and two reps later (had to speak with advanced tech support) got my Airave shipped at no charge with no fees. I probably can't plug this in at work so will probably just keep it at home (yet another damn device that needs to be plugged in!).

Still concerned about the upgrade as I'm in a city which should have 4g, but I have none. And my bill going from $30-->$50 *yikes*
Yea, I'm struggling a bit with this too. I'm really excited to finally ditch WinMo but at the same time, an extra $20/mo adds up($240/yr). Yea yea, I know it's cheap to begin with, but it's still extra money I don't "need" to be spending.

Anyway, as for upgrading to SERO-P, rather than let the Best Buy people mess it up, I think I'm gonna call in on Thursday and have Sprint do it beforehand. This will give me a chance to make sure it was done right before heading to get the phone, plus it will make it easier on the Best Buy people. While I'm talking to Sprint, I figured I'd give the $70 deal a try. I am 5 months short of 2 yrs, so I should be good.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2011, 12:05 PM
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Re: $70 Loyalty/Renewal Credit??

I got postcard yesterday and its $50.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2011, 01:10 PM
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Re: $70 Loyalty/Renewal Credit??


Just called up the number in the link. Spoke to one guy that had no idea about it. He put me on hold to "investigate." When he came back he said he had to transfer me to the right people. He did so. I spoke to another guy that gave me $75 credit on my main line and offered me $50 on my wife's line (which is little over 6months from being out of contract) saying he couldn't access the $75 option. I pushed a little saying that since I just pre-ordered two E3Ds after friday I won't be eligible for anything like this (if it is even offered) for another two years. He put me on hold and "spoke with his supervisor" (who knows if it is true or not) and when he came back he gave me the $70 credit instead of the $75. Checked my account less than five minutes later and there is a $140 credit to my account (yea they shorted me $5 but I don't think I'll push the issue lol). So that $140 pays for most of my $149 E3D preorder from wirefly...which is also tax and shipping free. WOOOOT! Paid $179 for my wifes (also tax and shipping free) so basically I just got both phones for less than the price of one if I had shopped at a sprint store!

Can you tell I am excited? I am VERY FUCKING EXCITED. The only thing that would make this better is if I had not just paid this and next months phone bill at the same time so that $140 credit will sit until my August bill rofl.

I tried to bring up the waiving the activation fee at the end of the call, but he nicely said no/probably not. I figure I will try again later after the fee appears on my bill. Hell...so far this week Sprint has moved one of my upgrade eligibilities up 6 months and given me $140...I cannot complain too too much right now .
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2011, 01:13 PM
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Re: $70 Loyalty/Renewal Credit??

Actually what would have made this whole thing even better is if I had paid more attention to this site...seen wirefly's $149 preorder price sooner along with that early upgrade thread and got both phones at the same time at the $149 price....ahh well...I am still pretty freaking happy!
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2011, 01:13 PM
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Re: $70 Loyalty/Renewal Credit??

Worked for me but I only got the $50 which will show up as -$10 credit for the next 5 months, which works for me lol. The rep (after being asked multiple times by me) assured me that it would NOT prevent me from using my 2yr upgrade this friday for the Evo 3D! Thanks for this info!

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