Originally Posted by tmc_adio07
1) I notice that if i set a custom song (ringtone) to "Incoming Text Message", it will constantly play the song until it is over, not even pressing the "Dismiss" button solves it?
Try using the mp3trimmer software and cut the "song" you want to use to a satisfactory length. Its built right into the phone.
2)Whenever I run Opera, it constantly brings up the keyboard while Im using the internet....is there another build I can download to resolve this?
You need to disable the sip popup. The tweaker program "DiamondTweaks" found on various threads here will allow you to so so. You can always click on the icon to bring keyboard up when you need it.
3) I notice that this has been asked a few time but it has simply been thrown out...but is it true WM6 is not too reliable on staying on all night on the charger? Its only happened once but ive noticed that its turned itself off during the night.
I'm lucky, I guess, it hasn't happened to me as of yet so I can not comment.
4) Not really an issue, but is there a cool calculator out there that does Weight, Unit, and tip? I liked that function on my old instinct, but if not...oh well. Ill live.
Try a search for windows mobile 6 tip calculators.. I found this one that looks pretty interesting. I'll bet there's also some free ones out there.
Thanks for any and all the help guys, im loving this forum.
Hope it helped even a little bit! Welcome aboard.