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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2008, 12:25 PM
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Still Cant Configure GPS, Help Anyone

I tried to configure the GPS on my Sprint Diamond using the guide that was given here at PPC. I did the registry changes, installed the QPST program and used the "Get SPC" to generate my SPC using the ESN number that was provided when I was configuring the QPST port. When I hit read SPC from the gpsOne menu and type in the SPC number, it waits and then i get a box saying that I entered the wrong number and to re-enter it, also almost instantaneously the COM port disables itself and closes the connection. It is back on after a few seconds. I tried to generate my SPC again using the CDMA Workshop however i get an error saying i need the full registered program to read from Universal RAM method.

Any help on this is greatly appreciated. I just want this to start working for me.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2008, 12:46 PM
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Re: Still Cant Configure GPS, Help Anyone

Originally Posted by konads View Post
I tried to configure the GPS on my Sprint Diamond using the guide that was given here at PPC. I did the registry changes, installed the QPST program and used the "Get SPC" to generate my SPC using the ESN number that was provided when I was configuring the QPST port. When I hit read SPC from the gpsOne menu and type in the SPC number, it waits and then i get a box saying that I entered the wrong number and to re-enter it, also almost instantaneously the COM port disables itself and closes the connection. It is back on after a few seconds. I tried to generate my SPC again using the CDMA Workshop however i get an error saying i need the full registered program to read from Universal RAM method.

Any help on this is greatly appreciated. I just want this to start working for me.
Sprint uses a different method to generate there SPC. Get SPC does not work for sprint users. there is a thread in the upgrade section that will help you out

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2008, 01:04 PM
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Re: Still Cant Configure GPS, Help Anyone

GetSpc worked flawlessly for me on my Diamond. You need to use the ESN HEX in the EXACT case that its written on the box.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2008, 01:26 PM
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Re: Still Cant Configure GPS, Help Anyone

Thanks for the replies guys. Can someone sent me a link with CDMA workshop that actually will let me use Universal RAM?

When i did the GetSPC i wrote it exactly and in small letters and both gave me an error when i was putting it into QPST.
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