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Old 09-27-2008, 12:46 PM
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Re: Still Cant Configure GPS, Help Anyone

Originally Posted by konads View Post
I tried to configure the GPS on my Sprint Diamond using the guide that was given here at PPC. I did the registry changes, installed the QPST program and used the "Get SPC" to generate my SPC using the ESN number that was provided when I was configuring the QPST port. When I hit read SPC from the gpsOne menu and type in the SPC number, it waits and then i get a box saying that I entered the wrong number and to re-enter it, also almost instantaneously the COM port disables itself and closes the connection. It is back on after a few seconds. I tried to generate my SPC again using the CDMA Workshop however i get an error saying i need the full registered program to read from Universal RAM method.

Any help on this is greatly appreciated. I just want this to start working for me.
Sprint uses a different method to generate there SPC. Get SPC does not work for sprint users. there is a thread in the upgrade section that will help you out

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