Re: Change soft keys in Messaging?
"Module"="\\windows\\OutlookEnhancement.dll" Change "Module"="\\windows\\OutlookEnhancement.dll" to "Module"= then soft reset
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Re: Change soft keys in Messaging?
That's exactly what I wanted for the soft key while in an email. Thank you. I don't care so much about the delete left soft key when in the Text Messaging account, I was mainly annoyed with the Reply All.
Re: Change soft keys in Messaging?
Question: I am trying to change the "Reply All" button when I am reading an email to "Delete". It is a pain to have to click "Menu" -> "Delete" every time when you open the email from TF3D. I can change it to "Reply" thanks to Baffles: I opened OutlookEnhancement.dll with Resource Hacker thinking I could edit it but only could see the version info. Any one out there with more coding knowledge than me that can help me out
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