Originally Posted by joshj84
what about for regular email and not outlook email? Is there a way to change this as well?
It changes it for my Live email as well and I would assume any email account you have set up.
Question: I am trying to change the "Reply All" button when I am reading an email to "Delete". It is a pain to have to click "Menu" -> "Delete" every time when you open the email from TF3D. I can change it to "Reply" thanks to Baffles:
Originally Posted by Baffles
- Change "Reply All" in poutlook back to "Reply" - [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\BootLauncher\Servic es\OutlookEnhancement], set module to an empty string. TO revert, set module to "\\windows\\OutlookEnhancement.dll"
I opened OutlookEnhancement.dll with Resource Hacker thinking I could edit it but only could see the version info. Any one out there with more coding knowledge than me that can help me out