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  #81 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2008, 01:22 AM
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Re: Major problem with Internal Storage on HTC Diamond

Don't connect activesync. Only connect as disk drive. You can set this in start settings communication. Delete it with file explorer on phone.
On On U of K!!!! Sammy GS4 - ATT - Clean Rom - Xposed Mod
  #82 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2008, 01:52 AM
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Re: Major problem with Internal Storage on HTC Diamond

Its not working, I'm thinking the physical connection between the phone and mass storage is damaged in some way, or maybe they forgot to include it altogether who knows.

Going to get it replaced which according to them is going to take weeks...
  #83 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2008, 01:53 AM
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Re: Major problem with Internal Storage on HTC Diamond

Originally Posted by battlekat View Post
Its not working, I'm thinking the physical connection between the phone and mass storage is damaged in some way, or maybe they forgot to include it altogether who knows.

Going to get it replaced which according to them is going to take weeks...
Yea that will take a while. Have you gone into the settings clear storage and chosen format internal storage only to see if it is there?

Edit: Have you tried a different USB cable?
  #84 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2008, 01:59 AM
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Re: Major problem with Internal Storage on HTC Diamond

Originally Posted by jthomas8946 View Post
Maybe try to format the card on your computer and then reinsert it into the phone. Just a suggestion.
oh the comedy relief... no offense... it was just funny man

Originally Posted by mbellis View Post
was having the same problems as everyone else, spoke to HTC no help.... spoke to sprint and told them about multiple reports of this issue on the forums and the rep was actually reading the forums while waiting for order support to order me a replacement, I could not get my windows xp desktop or my vista laptop to format the internal storage, finally booted my bootcamp install of vista ultimate on my macbook pro, took forever but it formatted the internal, but something just doesn't seem right can anyone go into the memory settings and confirm if they are the same as mine right after a hard reset, storage shows as total 91.55mb in use 42.66 mb and free 48.90 mb, program is total 203.84 mb, in use 62.46 mb and free 141.38 mb, storage card shows as 3832.48 mb total memory with 3827.67 mb free after hard reset, this doesn't seem right as my mogul has total storage of 146.11 mb, even though it appears to be working im definitely waiting till the new one comes, something just isnt right.
Dont have the device, anyone with a sprint diamond wanna post this specs?

Originally Posted by jreach View Post
LOL - Ok so I gave up planned on getting a new phone. Battery died at work so about 5 minutes ago I plugged it into usb on computer just to charge it.

After a few minutes I got a phone call on phone, answered it and hung up the call. Screen pops up on windows saying it needs to format the e: before use. I figure wth its 4:07 and beer is right around the corner....

It worked!!!! OMG

Dare I try and resync music now ..... of course but only after a few beers!

Thanks guys...persistence is the solution. I still think its a ROM problem....something software wise is causing this...
uhh... weird!

Originally Posted by guitardoc64 View Post
Thanks to all for helping add weight to my decision to wait for the Touch Pro. The Diamond's lack of SD was a big ol' red flag to me, and this issue is really putting me off even more. After all the SD issues the Touch had that I experienced until the 6.1 ROM came out, it concerned me in a "what if" way that the Diamonds internal storage might be the same. Looks like it is. Sorry to hear it, hope someone finds out a permanent solution (go no2chem!) and these issues are solved. Best of luck.
We will just hafta wait and see how many 'released' diamonds are affected. it could be a small percentage, or rather larger one
  #85 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2008, 03:04 PM
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Exclamation Re: Major problem with Internal Storage on HTC Diamond

I was experiencing the problem of the missing internal storage area on my Sprint Touch Diamond but after reading this forum and some other information I was able to fix it.

I am not 100% sure what caused the problem, but I think it started when I did a clear storage. I selected the option to clear storage and format the internal storage. Next time I need to clear storage I will try leaving the internal storage alone and see if that keeps this from happening.

1. Perform a hard reset to start with a fresh device. Simply use the Clear Storage function located in Start > Settings on the System tab. Once the device resets complete the setup wizard and you will have a fresh system. If you do not want to wipe your system clean then skip this step because I don't know that it was necessary.

2. Open Start > Programs > File Explorer. If you have a folder called Internal Storage you should delete it. If you have any files in there you think you want to save you should copy them somewhere else before deleting.

3. Open Start > Settings > USB to PC (Connections Tab). Make sure that the option Disk Drive (Faster file transfer) is selected. This will allow you to connect to your Touch Diamond as a USB storage device instead of a HTC Phone.

4. Connect your phone to your computer via the USB cable. In Windows Vista, you will see a new drive in the Computer folder. I assume that in Windows XP you will also see the new drive in the My Computer folder. In Windows Vista, mine showed up in the Devices with Removable Storage section next to the DVD drives.

5. Windows Vista automatically popped up a message that said this drive needed to be formatted before it could be used, and allowed me to select to format the drive using FAT32. I completed the format and once that was done disconnected the phone from the PC. If you do not get automatically prompted to format the drive I would recommend right clicking on it and looking for the format option. This step is the key to fixing your Internal Storage drive.

6. Reset the device using the reset button under the back cover by inserting the stylus. When your device boots you should now see the Internal Storage device again. You can confirm this by checking Start > Settings > Memory (System Tab) and looking at the Storage Card Tab.

7. If you want to reconfigure ActiveSync Open Start > Settings > USB to PC (Connections Tab). Make sure that the ActiveSync (Sync with Outlook) option is selected.

I really think this should work for those of you experiencing the problem. Sprint technical support has no clue what this issue is about when you report it. They told me to take the phone to the store to have it reprogrammed but I knew that there was something I could do to fix it. I actually don't think Sprint could fix it by programming the phone, I think they would also have to reformat the Internal Storage to make it work.

Last edited by crabacus; 09-20-2008 at 04:21 PM.
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  #86 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2008, 10:26 PM
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Re: Major problem with Internal Storage on HTC Diamond


I was able to restore the internal storage card and install some programs. Everything seemed to work, but once I copied music to the internal storage/music folder, none of the media players work. When I try to play music ALL of the media players on the phone error out. Do any of you have the same issue?


  #87 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2008, 10:50 PM
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Re: Major problem with Internal Storage on HTC Diamond

Originally Posted by crabacus View Post
I am not 100% sure what caused the problem, but I think it started when I did a clear storage. I selected the option to clear storage and format the internal storage. Next time I need to clear storage I will try leaving the internal storage alone and see if that keeps this from happening.
I just experienced this same thing. I have been playing with this and that tweak all week and now that I've decided what I want on the phone and what I don't want to do to the phone I planned to do a hard reset and load/unload/tweak those choices, do a full backup and be good to go.

I used the clear storage method of hard reset and it was in the middle of this (basically after pressing yes) that I got a message saying mass storage couldn't be accessed. Never before. I let it go ahead and reload the os etc but at the end Same thing not seen in USB or Activesync mode. In on phone file explore it showed internal storage but when I added files via usb/data transfer it had "no room". I right clicked, reformat/quick format device defaults and did the clear storage hard reset again... all is good.

I do remember having Storage card issues on my treo where it wouldn't show up and then it would and I'd have two... deleting one did the trick. I had that option at one point after "formating" the diamond but I really wanted a clean reset so took the chance.

I hope this doesn't happen every time I need to hard reset.. I never could get the manual steps coordinated!
  #88 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2008, 12:35 PM
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Re: Major problem with Internal Storage on HTC Diamond

im agreeing with the clear storage. Thats when it happened to me.

"I pity tha fool... that don't press !"
  #89 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2008, 12:56 PM
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Re: Major problem with Internal Storage on HTC Diamond

Is anyone having this problem with Win XP? It just sounds like everyone with this problem is using Vista.

Knock on wood I have not had this problem and I have used Active Synch and Data connections with my Win XP machine.
  #90 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2008, 01:15 PM
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Re: Major problem with Internal Storage on HTC Diamond

Originally Posted by elwuero View Post
Is anyone having this problem with Win XP? It just sounds like everyone with this problem is using Vista.

Knock on wood I have not had this problem and I have used Active Synch and Data connections with my Win XP machine.

This happened to me using XP. Mine occured after foolishly using CraptiveSync to transfer 2g of files to the "Internal Storage". I was finally able to recover and reformat it. DON'T USE ActiveSync to transfer files!
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