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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2011, 12:41 AM
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so i went and got the arrive yesterday ..

and right away my contacts wouldn't go over to it when i was at the store they tried to put em on it .i tried to sync em thru my email like the tards at the store said i also tried bluetoothing them over to no avail .. i also tried to sync my music over thru zune and it's not working either does any1 and i mean any1 that has the arrive know how i can get them over from my tp2 ????
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Last edited by rrjskj; 04-24-2011 at 12:44 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2011, 12:46 AM
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Re: so i went and got the arrive yesterday ..

Take it back to the store and make them switch the contacts.

If they say they can't, they're lying. I went from a TP2 to the Arrive with no problems. The store was able to move the contacts no problem.

As for the music, the Zune software should automatically detect any music that it can use on your computer so long as it is in your c:/Music folder. If your music is kept somewhere else, go into the Zune software on your computer and change the settings to look in other folders to find the music.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2011, 12:52 AM
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Re: so i went and got the arrive yesterday ..

i did all that already i even went to the repair center here and they can't get em on there so i dunno whatelse to do and for zune i tried that too still keeps syncing sample music from my laptop am i doing something wrong ???
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2011, 01:16 AM
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Re: so i went and got the arrive yesterday ..

Originally Posted by rrjskj View Post
i did all that already i even went to the repair center here and they can't get em on there so i dunno whatelse to do and for zune i tried that too still keeps syncing sample music from my laptop am i doing something wrong ???
That is odd. The Sprint store should have no problems with grabbing your contacts. Maybe try a different store?

As for the music, make sure that the music you have is a format that the Arrive will recognize and is NOT DRM protected iTunes purchases. If they're from the iTunes music store and have DRM they won't sync. Just make sure you've got the settings set up right. Like I said, make sure the software is looking in the right folder, make sure they're not DRM'd, and make sure that the sync options are telling it to sync automatically instead of manually.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2011, 01:26 AM
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Re: so i went and got the arrive yesterday ..

their not drm'd their mp3's i converted over to wav's and it's still not finding em in my public music or my music on my laptop but when i got thru my docs not zune i can clearly see them in there under music and we only have 2 stores in this 1 horse town and i went to em both 1st on thursday when i picked it up and the other store today and they can't figure it out ..

Last edited by rrjskj; 04-24-2011 at 01:32 AM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2011, 03:46 AM
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Re: so i went and got the arrive yesterday ..

I am no Zune expert nor use it yet on my Arrive. I did find this quote for you.."unfortunately the Zune cannot play WAV files; however, it can play WMA Lossless files". This makes sense Zune doesn't recognize it because when I used HTCRIE tonight to edit my ROM before flashing my spare TP2 I noticed the Zune logo was on the WMA files and not the WAV files for alarms/ringtones. As far as your contacts issue, Sprint tried and told me they couldn't transfer mine because I had a custom ROM installed and it wouldn't recognize it. I was on an extended lunch purchasing so I decided to clean up and edit mine manually while watching the tube (all 265 LOL). There are other posts here regarding this issue. I know Eric will drop in here and help you out. He knows the ins and outs on this issue.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2011, 08:34 AM
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Re: so i went and got the arrive yesterday ..

all my contacts and music transferred flawlessly from my tp2 to arrive. what u need to do js setup a new hotmail account then goto ur tp2 and set it up to sync with exchange (bing for exact instructions) then on the arrive add that new account as a primary account and then set it to sync contacts and u should be good to go. and as for Zune make sure all ur music is saved in one folder if not then u have to set it to find the others. then u will want to convert all those .mp3 and .wav files to .wma files (dbPoweramp converter is a good program for this) the format that I recommend u convert them to is .wma pro with a sample rate of 48khz and with a bitrate of 96kbps doing this will provide superior sound than an .mp3 at 256k and at half the filesize. I don't recommend using WAV. while uncompressed is the best way to go the filesize is much too large for a mobile device
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 04-25-2011, 12:20 AM
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Re: so i went and got the arrive yesterday ..

yeah i dunno wtf is going on still nothing i even went ahead and reconverted my music to wma's zune still isn't finding them ..
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 04-25-2011, 05:57 AM
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Re: so i went and got the arrive yesterday ..

try putting them in the documents>my music folder that's where Zune looks by default and u can always add more folders.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 04-25-2011, 10:07 PM
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Re: so i went and got the arrive yesterday ..

I had to go to 2 different stores to get mine transferred from my TP2. First I had to reinstall the original ROM(not sure if needed, but didn’t want to risk it). They couldn’t connect to the TP first, then they didn’t have the Arrive on the machine. They figured out another device that allowed the transfer. just contacts, nothing else.

One would figure they would have synching to outlook more readily available. Some of the issues observed are valid, however, the performance is definitely the upgrade. Battery life is great, and having 3 TP2 batteries means never having to worry when out for extended periods away from power.
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