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  #181 (permalink)  
Old 10-19-2010, 11:08 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

sry for the bad image paint job but here you go. (Note there are no other speaker area's/holes on the device front of back same as the HD7)

Also side note that nearly no mobile device has "surround sound" Since the speakers cant physically surround you. The HTC 7 Surround has more speakers then normal (one possibly 2 under the speaker area on the back and 2 or more where the slide out speakers are) This is what makes the device special. The Dolby Mobile is to enhance the sounds in the built in speakers and HEADPHONES which can now have base and surround sound built in around your ears.

Last edited by ca2l3vin; 10-19-2010 at 11:55 PM.
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  #182 (permalink)  
Old 10-19-2010, 11:49 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by ca2l3vin View Post
sry for the bad image paint job but here you go. (Note there are no other speaker area's/holes on the device front of back same as the HD7)

Also side note that nearly no mobile device has "surround sound" Since the speakers can physically surround you. The HTC 7 Surround has more speakers then normal (one possibly 2 under the speaker area on the back and 2 or more where the slide out speakers are) This is what makes the device special. The Dolby Mobile is to enhance the sounds in the built in speakers and HEADPHONES which can now have base and surround sound built in around your ears.
It has 2 speakers, I know that. To have surround you need at least 4 speakers. That device has simulated surround (like just about every other smartphone on the market). The other one, with the slide out speakers, has more than 2 speakers.
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  #183 (permalink)  
Old 10-19-2010, 11:49 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
also does Evo have surround sound and xbox integration?
this is were epic fail comes to play.

best pc os by choice is windows
best gaming consul by choice is sony playstation
best mp3 player by choice is sansa.

of course these are by my choice, some would say Ipod, webos and NES.

To assume that everyone that wants a windows mobile device also wants xbox integration and a zune UI is really stupid thinking. In fact that is the major reason I jumped ship from a wm device to android. I don't want my phone to look like a zune and have xbox live. I want it to be an upgrade of wm6.5 just like 6.5 was an upgrade to 6.1 just like 6.1 was an upgrade to 6.0

Don't assume I want the extra ms goodies, cuZ I don't. I just want the ms os on a mobile device. I am not impressed by the squares for a home screen. Really, that is the best they could come up with? Before ms caned the original group building wm7, they had something great going on. It was starting to look a lot like an actual home screen on a pc, and you had shortcuts that could be made and changed. Now the home screen is a bunch of boxes and that just (ooohhhhh if the mods wouldn't edit it) sucks my (if they wouldn't edit this either).
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Last edited by jpwhre; 10-19-2010 at 11:54 PM.
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  #184 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2010, 12:08 AM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

It has 2 speakers, I know that. To have surround you need at least 4 speakers. That device has simulated surround (like just about every other smartphone on the market). The other one, with the slide out speakers, has more than 2 speakers.
I understand that which is why I said the note

Also side note that nearly no mobile device has "surround sound" Since the speakers can't physically surround you.
Its technically all simulated since you can't have surround sound without surrounding the person whos listening. The number of speakers is irrelevant. I can have a couple of cerwin-vegas hook up with my computer speakers and have 4 speakers...but if not hooked to a proper sound card its just a fancy loud Stereo setup. Same applies with the phones. Though only true surround you have from the phones are connecting surround sound headphones which can actually produce the sound around your ears.

best pc os by choice is windows
best gaming consul by choice is sony playstation
best mp3 player by choice is sansa.
lol I think this discussion/debate will only get more complicated with you putting all this into the mix. Many would disagree on all of these choices you call best. but I do understand these are just your preferences. To me though it sounds like you dont like WP7 in general. I think this discussion is more about just this particular phone and not the OS as a whole. I do respect your opinion but its starting to flow a bit off topic.
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  #185 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2010, 12:10 AM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
It has 2 speakers, I know that. To have surround you need at least 4 speakers. That device has simulated surround (like just about every other smartphone on the market). The other one, with the slide out speakers, has more than 2 speakers.

If it was 2 speakers..why would the speakers need to be so big? I have a laptop with long strips similar to that and each strip has 2 speakers in 1...and laptop has surround sound...

Originally Posted by jpwhre View Post
this is were epic fail comes to play.

best pc os by choice is windows
best gaming consul by choice is sony playstation
best mp3 player by choice is sansa.

of course these are by my choice, some would say Ipod, webos and NES.

To assume that everyone that wants a windows mobile device also wants xbox integration and a zune UI is really stupid thinking. In fact that is the major reason I jumped ship from a wm device to android. I don't want my phone to look like a zune and have xbox live. I want it to be an upgrade of wm6.5 just like 6.5 was an upgrade to 6.1 just like 6.1 was an upgrade to 6.0

Don't assume I want the extra ms goodies, cuZ I don't. I just want the ms os on a mobile device. I am not impressed by the squares for a home screen. Really, that is the best they could come up with? Before ms caned the original group building wm7, they had something great going on. It was starting to look a lot like an actual home screen on a pc, and you had shortcuts that could be made and changed. Now the home screen is a bunch of boxes and that just (ooohhhhh if the mods wouldn't edit it) sucks my (if they wouldn't edit this either).
No one is assuming anything...I personally don't care for those features either...maybe surround sound wouldn't be too bad..but either way I am particularly not impressed with the device and wp7 as is..but that doesn't mean I won't defend it...I am fully aware those features are up to preference...and in same way the advantages of the Evo mentioned are also up to preference...hence in terms of raw specs I say they are about even...

Also..mods didnt edit anything..its an automated filter against swear words..please do not try to avoid it.
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  #186 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2010, 12:47 AM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

LOL thanks gTen. I know it is auto filter so i edited myself so my post wouldn't be marked and be deleted.

I'm not saying the specs suck, hell it could have 3 snapdragons, and 1 of the new dual core 1.5 processors, plus room for 10 micro sd each capable of up to 32g's and I am not poking at the pro7 in general. It's MS that failed. I have been here a while, starting with an htc 6700, before the TP1 launched. I was watching, waiting for what MS was hoping to launch last year with all the screen shots. I was a total diehard WM fan, then MS fired the group making the first hoped release of wm7, 6.1 was great, cooked roms of 6.5 were even better, then the whole 6.5.x roms came, and on a small screen, total let down. Ran NRG for longest time. Best ever. (NRGZ28 come to android and cook something). But then ms went with a bunch of boxes, based off of zune, and wrapped the whole thing around xbox. They went on the notion that if peeps wanted a microsoft phone, they wanted microsoft everything, and we don't. Peeps want diversity and originality, something that makes them, them. But for microsoft to push everything they ever made into their new "lets change the world" device doesn't really give people the choice to be who they want, but more of what MS wants them to be.

MS epic failed me, and I'm sure I don't stand alone. I had really big hopes too.

Not bashing those that want the new MS OS7, just bashing MS for not giving everyone a chance for freedom.

Last edited by jpwhre; 10-20-2010 at 12:51 AM.
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  #187 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2010, 12:51 AM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
If it was 2 speakers..why would the speakers need to be so big? I have a laptop with long strips similar to that and each strip has 2 speakers in 1...and laptop has surround sound...
Your laptop has simulated surround sound, not real surround sound. And the strips are long on that phone because that is how they designed it. They are long on the Touch Pro 2 and the Evo as well.

You should look into this stuff before you continue. SRS is a simulated surround, not a real surround. If you go to their website right now, you can demo SRS surround on any computer.

There are lots of DSP apps out there. The fact that this phone has one is not something I would consider a feature that is better than an Evo. Lets face it, the speakers on these phones aren't high quality enough to really watch a movie using the phone speakers as the sound source anyway (tinny, not enough volume, etc). And just about every stereo bluetooth headphones have 3D surround anyway.
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  #188 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2010, 01:06 AM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
Your laptop has simulated surround sound, not real surround sound. And the strips are long on that phone because that is how they designed it. They are long on the Touch Pro 2 and the Evo as well.

You should look into this stuff before you continue. SRS is a simulated surround, not a real surround. If you go to their website right now, you can demo SRS surround on any computer.

There are lots of DSP apps out there. The fact that this phone has one is not something I would consider a feature that is better than an Evo. Lets face it, the speakers on these phones aren't high quality enough to really watch a movie using the phone speakers as the sound source anyway (tinny, not enough volume, etc). And just about every stereo bluetooth headphones have 3D surround anyway.
yep, speaker sucks on evo. But it must just be me. (well it has a magnet in the speaker like all speakers do) metal shavings are a part of my life, and my phones as well. Every phone owned has had bad speaker, well they all have magnets anyways. best speaker was a keyocera kx-5 from cricket 4 yrs ago. do construction and from a large building with lots of big power tools and heavy machinery, I could still hear my mp3 player from 300 ft away with volume at 50%. I keep my phone on vibrate now adays cuz I can't hear it ring in my pocket. Ohh how technology has improved.
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  #189 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2010, 02:04 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

You can have whatever experience you want. Nobody is forcing you to buy WP7. You can buy the HD2 and have current specs with the old style WinMo.
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  #190 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2010, 03:37 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

See guys this is what I mean:

T-Mobile G2 overclocked to 1.4GHz, starts blitzing benchmarks (video) -- Engadget

Even that 800mhz 2nd gen snapdragon can be overclocked to 1.4ghz...(the old one only 1.2ghz from 1ghz)..even though the minimum for wp7 is 1ghz.you would have been better off with the 800mhz chip >.>
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