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  #191 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2010, 03:44 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

But Still... This is a G2!!!
The fact is that you guys are comparing two OSs.
At launch ALL WP7 phones will be comparable... If you like the other OSs on the market... Go for it... If you want faster specs but want WP7 then I guess you'll just have to wait till the next gen is released.
Bottom line is this is what we're getting and if you are on sprint you have some nice choices. Even some Rim devices if you want.
The details are all clear...

As you were.
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  #192 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2010, 10:49 AM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Now all you lovers of the device look at engadget and other websites and all of them are saying why did wm7 launch with an outdated chip, so I guess im not the only crazy person look at the reviews of all the devices with wm7 and a snapdragon the only constant with the reviews are why did they use an old snapdragon.
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  #193 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2010, 01:33 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by jpwhre View Post
LOL thanks gTen. I know it is auto filter so i edited myself so my post wouldn't be marked and be deleted.

I'm not saying the specs suck, hell it could have 3 snapdragons, and 1 of the new dual core 1.5 processors, plus room for 10 micro sd each capable of up to 32g's and I am not poking at the pro7 in general. It's MS that failed. I have been here a while, starting with an htc 6700, before the TP1 launched. I was watching, waiting for what MS was hoping to launch last year with all the screen shots. I was a total diehard WM fan, then MS fired the group making the first hoped release of wm7, 6.1 was great, cooked roms of 6.5 were even better, then the whole 6.5.x roms came, and on a small screen, total let down. Ran NRG for longest time. Best ever. (NRGZ28 come to android and cook something). But then ms went with a bunch of boxes, based off of zune, and wrapped the whole thing around xbox. They went on the notion that if peeps wanted a microsoft phone, they wanted microsoft everything, and we don't. Peeps want diversity and originality, something that makes them, them. But for microsoft to push everything they ever made into their new "lets change the world" device doesn't really give people the choice to be who they want, but more of what MS wants them to be.

MS epic failed me, and I'm sure I don't stand alone. I had really big hopes too.

Not bashing those that want the new MS OS7, just bashing MS for not giving everyone a chance for freedom.
I think MS's next direction would've been Android. I may get bashed for this but IMO android is nothing more than Windows 98 of this generation. It has the tried and true desktop feel to it. That's all fine. What If MS would've followed this? It would be way too similar and probably overlooked in the market as the MS doubters would come out of the wood work and say it's not as good as Android. MS needed something different and this is a fresh start I actually see working for them. It's sad we can't have the WM7 of yore but that's fine IMO.

Gun Doggy Bull Dodga of the WP7 Gang

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  #194 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2010, 01:38 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

I agree bro... And I smacked your thanks button for using the word YORE.
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  #195 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2010, 02:38 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by AZTECHKA View Post
I agree bro... And I smacked your thanks button for using the word YORE.

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  #196 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2010, 03:32 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by wud_e View Post
I think MS's next direction would've been Android. I may get bashed for this but IMO android is nothing more than Windows 98 of this generation. It has the tried and true desktop feel to it. That's all fine. What If MS would've followed this? It would be way too similar and probably overlooked in the market as the MS doubters would come out of the wood work and say it's not as good as Android. MS needed something different and this is a fresh start I actually see working for them. It's sad we can't have the WM7 of yore but that's fine IMO.
Well they could have added an option for running old programs for the more "Experienced" users..or maybe a twin mode..aka winmo for people who know what they are doing and wp7 for the average consumer..this way it would appeal to both sectors..

I mean I kinda wish it was like that with OS where I can swap between "business mode" and "home/personal mode" >.>
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  #197 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2010, 03:40 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

And yet in the HD7 review, the reviewer states that the only reason he would like to see newer hardware is because he likes to play the numbers game and see numbers get bigger. He says that the device performs excellently and is very snappy despite having last year's hardware.
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  #198 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2010, 04:29 PM
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Exclamation Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by Musicman247 View Post
And yet in the HD7 review, the reviewer states that the only reason he would like to see newer hardware is because he likes to play the numbers game and see numbers get bigger. He says that the device performs excellently and is very snappy despite having last year's hardware.

But see thats the problem, this phone is not coming out untill late march at the earliest for sprint, I just got intouch with an old friend in KC that works for sprint, its not sprint that wanted to wait its microsoft. MS is releasing an update to Wp7 end of first quarter beginning of second quarter 2011 thats what verizon and sprint and alot of folks are waiting for. (Ask developers if a big update is coming in the next 6 months after the U.S launch they will tell you yes i promise)

But back to my point yes 1 ghz 1st gen snapdragon will work without a hitch but why should i pay max dollar for an outdated chip and a chip thats really behind. And a phone without a big screen or a front facing camera or a better battery. This phone was made for the common people that want to try wp7 and not really care about tech, it is the iphone for WM but even the iphone 4 is stronger. (AND I HATE APPLE) MS dropped the ball and sprint and htc are tryting to make the best of it but its not looking good, especially Now because I really dont like android but from what all the tech heads including the person in KC just told me I might be waiting for the evo2 or the rumored EVO 2 PRO yes 4.1 inches and a tilting keyboard.

But i willing to give microsoft a shot if they make a real 2011 device not a rebadged 2009 HD2
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  #199 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2010, 04:44 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by kgnupe2 View Post
...I might be waiting for the evo2 or the rumored EVO 2 PRO yes 4.1 inches and a tilting keyboard.

But i willing to give microsoft a shot if they make a real 2011 device not a rebadged 2009 HD2
Where did you see a rumor for an Evo 2 Pro with a 4.1 inch screen and tilting keyboard?

I would be very interested in any info you have on that. I haven't heard a thing about it yet.
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  #200 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2010, 04:49 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Alot of people hear alot of things around here.
That's half the fun of a new release.
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