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  #71 (permalink)  
Old 10-13-2010, 01:06 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

I would just guess that they are just pushing these phones out real fast just to get WP7 out there. Considering how similar this line up is and how much they share the same specs, I can probably assume that the phones share at least 60% of the same parts if not more.

If the phones share a lot of parts, that means they can make these 5 phones cheap and fast.

The size of the screen may have to do with the fact that W7 is only designed for that resolution (According to what I heard on the vid I saw from the news article on here.). Who knows, maybe WP7 will be able run in a higher res down the road, maybe it'll be a flop by then.

Business wise it makes sense on paper, if the phones function well with a generation old processor and you can produce them cheap, then you can profit more on the phones. Unless WP7 is upgraded at some point, bigger res and true multi-tasking, I don't see why HTC would be in any hurry to produce the phone that we all want. If the resolution never gets bigger and the phone isn't going to need a more processor for running multiple apps, then the only thing left is to make it faster for gaming.

As far as gaming is concerned, with the addition of Xbox Live I think MS is banking on people buying XBL arcade games for the phone. They can then control the development so that those games never need more processor than the phone has. In the same way that if you buy a console game, your xbox "should" never freeze because your 360's graphics card doesn't have enough RAM.

I believe that applies to all programs too. In my opinion one of the things that keeps an iphone stable is the fact that because you can't fiddle with any real settings out of the box and any software you buy through the phone is controlled and tested throughly. At the same time that's what makes it undesirable to someone like me.

It seems that they have followed suit with WP7 to squash any problems associated with the "layman" using a WinMo phone. Where as the few that we are, who need to have that adjustability and customiziblnessss (warning not real words) are left out in the cold because the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many in this case.

I know what I want in a phone, as do all of you or else you wouldn't have bought a TP2. Now that MS has moved away from an OS that can be used like a computer, there may never be any need to make the phone that we all want. Unless someone decides to make a new OS that is similiar to WinMo that is compatible with all the same functions and prgrams. Or a phone that can straight out run XP or even even Win7, hell I'd even take a phone that ran ubuntu.

I'm probably going to hold onto my TP2 as long as possible until there is a phone that is just as capable, 4g and a "neural net learning CPU" so I can build a ****ing terminator out of it if I wanted to.

".....and Santa, if you could see to it that this new phone gets a flash that would just be dandy!"

Other than the 4g, the TP2 just comes so close to being the perfect phone, I mean we were right ****ing there. I'm so glad that OC is stable now and ROMS are coming out that don't even need to be OC'd, but it would be nice to have 4G when it comes here and it would definitely be nice to have FULL internet. Not a huge deal because I can tether to my 13 inch Dell, but how long before we can't do that anymore? Just being able to tether for the couple of hours a month that I use on my plan without paying a crap ton extra is invaluable.

I completely understand why people have moved away from the TP2 in favor of something like the epic, it's a good phone, works out of the box and has basically full internet, good camera, etc. As nice as it would be to have that stuff, as a whole I (and other people on here) see it as a downgrade.

God forbid my phone should break or disappear and that there are no replacements available, at that point I would have to bite the bullet and get something else. I hate to say this, but if it doesn't look like anything else is on the horizon, I may just buy a new TP2 in the box and squirrel it away for a rainy day.

It's funny, you would think that as advanced as we are, products would be mostly state of the art, indestructible and just well made. Instead products are mostly being made as cheaply as possible and as fast as possible.
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old 10-13-2010, 02:04 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by bobturismo View Post
The size of the screen may have to do with the fact that W7 is only designed for that resolution (According to what I heard on the vid I saw from the news article on here.). Who knows, maybe WP7 will be able run in a higher res down the road, maybe it'll be a flop by then.
Res and screen size is not related

As far as gaming is concerned, with the addition of Xbox Live I think MS is banking on people buying XBL arcade games for the phone. They can then control the development so that those games never need more processor than the phone has. In the same way that if you buy a console game, your xbox "should" never freeze because your 360's graphics card doesn't have enough RAM.
See thats where the problem is..the old snapdragon gpu is pretty bad...so what can happen is it will be left behind...lets put it into perceptive:

current 1ghz snapdragon: 22m/sec
800mhz 2nd gen: 40m/sec
3rd gen: 80-88m/sec
hummingbird: 90m/sec
2nd gen hummingbird: 200m/sec

Some games when played on EVO do not work as well as when played on a hummingbird..this is not a good sign for gaming as it can mean these old cpus will not work with games 1 year from now or even sooner...this happened same with the iphone 2 which had horrible hardware in comparison to say an iphone 3 and above...it got completely left out...


I know what I want in a phone, as do all of you or else you wouldn't have bought a TP2. Now that MS has moved away from an OS that can be used like a computer, there may never be any need to make the phone that we all want. Unless someone decides to make a new OS that is similiar to WinMo that is compatible with all the same functions and prgrams. Or a phone that can straight out run XP or even even Win7, hell I'd even take a phone that ran ubuntu.
You can run win95 on a TP2 lol..and ubuntu you can run on almost any phone from TP2 to a Galaxy S and beyond..

Other than the 4g, the TP2 just comes so close to being the perfect phone, I mean we were right ****ing there. I'm so glad that OC is stable now and ROMS are coming out that don't even need to be OC'd, but it would be nice to have 4G when it comes here and it would definitely be nice to have FULL internet. Not a huge deal because I can tether to my 13 inch Dell, but how long before we can't do that anymore? Just being able to tether for the couple of hours a month that I use on my plan without paying a crap ton extra is invaluable.
Its fine in terms of form factor but even overclocked the CPU is too old..and lack of drivers to use the imageon chip makes it worse..I mean least HTC could have done was include the drivers...

I completely understand why people have moved away from the TP2 in favor of something like the epic, it's a good phone, works out of the box and has basically full internet, good camera, etc. As nice as it would be to have that stuff, as a whole I (and other people on here) see it as a downgrade.
Why would it be a downgrade again?
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old 10-13-2010, 02:47 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by bobturismo View Post
God forbid my phone should break or disappear and that there are no replacements available, at that point I would have to bite the bullet and get something else. I hate to say this, but if it doesn't look like anything else is on the horizon, I may just buy a new TP2 in the box and squirrel it away for a rainy day.
got a thanks for this. this is my plan, as i've said before, the only good wp7 phone out right now is going to t-mobile, and i'm not letting my hd2 go for the hd7. i would've if it was my sprint tp2 though, as much as i love that phone. and you are 100% correct, the tp2 was about as close to perfect as you can get.
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  #74 (permalink)  
Old 10-13-2010, 02:58 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by kgnupe2 View Post
First look at my post I dont care about storage that is NOT my concern, Please re-read SIR. YOU ARE A FAILURE because IF YOU READ my original post my points are screen size and the lack of a current generation processor, this phone is AN EPIC FAILURE TO ME due to it using almost 3 yrs old hardware a small screen when measured against its competitors wheres the innovation, Just because your hype off of two generation old hardware im not going to be hype, remember this phone is not coming out until march 2011 and it will be behind in technology more in march than it is now and its behind if it was released last month let alone march. You call me a troll, check my post all i use is wm6.5 and i dont like android, maybe you like second rate things in life I dont. So when Microsoft tells me they are going to change the phone game with innovation and devices like no other this SECOND RATE TP7 is no innovation. Its a shunken hd2 with a keyboard something people asked for before the hd2 came out anyway circa 2009 (If you remember everyone wanted this same chip in the original tp2 due to it having the tp1 chip. but now you give it to us in 2011 SUPER EPIC FAILURE.

Now the android beef you have, grow the hell up i dont like android i stated that in my op and in my last post but maybe you make up things or just see what you want and things that are not there.

So your 8gb or 16gb is not an issue TO ME although its still piss poor tech, I wont fill up 8gb i have a mp3 player for that so please re-read my post, Yea you and this failure of a device need each other.

Lastly i dont care if they sell 200 million of these its still an failure to me I think the iphone is a failure that dont mean the phone wont sell, you must be a paper pusher at work or something the device is a failure because its old tech really old and they pushing it so paper pushers like you buy it and think its the latest and greatest.

Have a nice day!
once again if you feel that the phone is epic fail in ur eyes then dont post threads about it here. wait to see how it performs before u judge it. and what i called u in my first reply is worse than u calling me a paper pusher.
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old 10-13-2010, 02:58 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Sprint | Epic

Like that?

Its a 4 inch slider....>.>
whoops lol, forgot about the epic, considering its the only 1 (ever?) there not exactly showing up left and right
Touch -> Touch Pro -> Touch Pro 2 -> Evo 3D
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  #76 (permalink)  
Old 10-13-2010, 07:21 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by sprinttouch666 View Post
whoops lol, forgot about the epic, considering its the only 1 (ever?) there not exactly showing up left and right
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3rd time's a charm? lol
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  #77 (permalink)  
Old 10-13-2010, 07:26 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Ooops... Sorry fellas... Didn't mean to step into the android forum.
Thanks for sharing gTen.
Looks pretty silky smooth. Too bad about the red there... I would have preferred Fizzy bubuleh yellow or even kjhamus white.
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  #78 (permalink)  
Old 10-13-2010, 07:34 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by AZTECHKA View Post
Ooops... Sorry fellas... Didn't mean to step into the android forum.
Thanks for sharing gTen.
Looks pretty silky smooth. Too bad about the red there... I would have preferred Fizzy bubuleh yellow or even kjhamus white.
Its called answering a question...or in TP2 forums we aren't allowed to answer questions? lol

And I'd repaint it if necessary but putting in a 4 row keyboard is fail >.>
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  #79 (permalink)  
Old 10-13-2010, 11:02 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Res and screen size is not related
I understand that you can have different size screens for the same resolution, but from what I was saying about the 5 new WP7 phones being so similar, is why they have greatly varying sizes when they probably share a lot of the same parts.

See thats where the problem is..the old snapdragon gpu is pretty bad...so what can happen is it will be left behind...lets put it into perceptive:

current 1ghz snapdragon: 22m/sec
800mhz 2nd gen: 40m/sec
3rd gen: 80-88m/sec
hummingbird: 90m/sec
2nd gen hummingbird: 200m/sec

Some games when played on EVO do not work as well as when played on a hummingbird..this is not a good sign for gaming as it can mean these old cpus will not work with games 1 year from now or even sooner...this happened same with the iphone 2 which had horrible hardware in comparison to say an iphone 3 and above...it got completely left out...

And that will probably be the case as games aren't a priority for HTC I gather. We all saw the success of integrated phone/ handheld gaming platforms.

At the same time, I believe, again that these phones are simply a push to move WP7 out fast and cheaply. Hopefully in the immediately future a WP7 "2" is in the works with what we all want from a TP2 replacement.

As I was typing my post, I came to realize that may not happen. In regards to the fact that WP7 seems to run fine on an old gen proc and if there isn't any change to WP7 needing more speed, there wouldn't be any reason for them to put a faster cpu in there, other than for something like gaming.

Even to that extent if there was some reason, like everyone started using some "friend link" system and it blew up like twitter/facebook then I'm sure they would simply release a new phone. Hopefully these 5 WP7 phones are just an interim for a new line of phones that will be more up to date (4G, dual core, etc.) And that the TP 7 seen as a sister phone to the TP2, just running WP7 and not an actual "replacement" to the TP2.


You can run win95 on a TP2 lol..and ubuntu you can run on almost any phone from TP2 to a Galaxy S and beyond..
Right, but your missing the point of what I was saying. I don't need to run win95 or Ubuntu on my TP2 because it has WM6.5. The TP2 is also not 4G, current gen cpu, etc and neither is the TP7.

Should a new HTC phone come out in next year or so that is a good replacement for the TP2 specification wise, it's probably not going to be running WinMo 6.5, but WP7 which is following suit with iphone/android etc as far as being "dummy proof" which not what I'm looking for, or else I would just "go buy" an android or iphone.

Who knows, maybe an advanced version of WP7 will do everything I need it to or even the current WP7 (highly unlikely based upon everything I've read about WP7).

I can't see into the future, so I don't know, I'm just speculating about all of this. Should you be able to somehow run WM6.5 and retain WP7 on the TP7, it may be a viable option for some people. It would just like the TP2 came with a 1ghz cpu in the first place.


Its fine in terms of form factor but even overclocked the CPU is too old..and lack of drivers to use the imageon chip makes it worse..I mean least HTC could have done was include the drivers...
Of course and that's where we all agree that HTC dropped the ball. I didn't find out until after I bought my TP2 that it was the same cpu as the TP1. I had owned a 6800, but never a TP1 and only played with a buddies. I was under the impression that the TP2 would be a bigger screened TP1 and run comparatively well.

Why would it be a downgrade again?
We'll have to see the full specs....

Going from WM ->WP7 is a downgrade for me, I don't need "twitter" or XBL on my damn phone, the only time I need it is on my actual Xbox. I bought a TP2 because I wanted a phone that had a lot of capability and could do the things I needed it to do. Again, if I wanted a phone setup like WP7, I would have just bought an android or iphone.

Stylus -> No Stylus : Downgrade

Mini USB -> Micro USB : Downgrade.

World Phone -> Non-World Phone: Downgrade (I'm on Sprint) and I travel overseas.

MIcro SD -> No Micro SD: Downgrade

Straight talk conference calling/Dual Mics and Speakers -> No Dual Mics and Speakers: Downgrade, but I guess the 7 Pro has Dolby and SRS...

As far as the screen tilting, I'm not sure, but it seems that it only sits at that angle and that every time you open it, it goes to that angle, not positive about that, but that is definitely a failboat.

Yup, just watched a video, phone only has two positions, closed and tilted open.

AS far as everything else, I consider these "downgrades in the sense they are not upgrades, or I guess we could call them sidegrades", because when you are buying a newer gen phone, it should have better specs all around and not share the majority of them, hence why I would consider the Pro 7 the WP7 sister phone to the TP2 and not a replacement, but again about WM ->WP7, is there ever gonna be a replacement for the TP2.


Bluetooth 2.1, 3G only, 3.6 inch screen, 1500MaH battery, etc.

So what are the upgrades?

CPU, Ram, camera MP and a flash? Am I missing something, does this phone do something amazing I don't know about?

My TP2 runs just fine with it's CPU and Ram, camera works good enough for what I use it for but I would love to have a flash and again one of the things that we all agree HTC dropped the ball on.

If I wanted a phone that was faster and had a better camera and that was a slider with a keyboard, it all ready exists. In fact it all ready exists as several phones, I see them all the time, pretty much ANY phone with a sliding keyboard these days can match or beat the Pro 7's specs.

Just to compare with the mos recent phone, let's do Epic -> Pro 7

Epic ---------> Pro 7

4G -> 3G


4inch -> 3.6inch

Digital Zoom -> Don't know yet, doesn't look like

Hummingbird -> Snapdragon (I don't know, is it a toss up? Supposedly HB is faster at graphics?)

Memory card slot -> No slot

MP3, AAC, AAC+, FLAC, WMA, WAV, AMR, OGG, MIDI -> MP3, WMA, M4A (Apple lossless), M4B

So, if you do think a Pro 7 is a downgrade, then you obviously bought your TP2 for the complete wrong reason. They're are plenty of phones out there that would've fit your needs better if the Pro 7 fits your needs.
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  #80 (permalink)  
Old 10-13-2010, 11:30 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Moved to the new HTC 7 Pro section...enjoy the new forum...
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