Make sure you give props to all those who keep this site running, as well as those who provide all those ever-so-useful ROMs and applications. If someone helps you out, or answers a question of yours, be sure to click the "Thanks" button.
Do it Kirvin. I've used yours since it first came out and I love it. Great job, btw.
Bad Sector
PPC-6700 ->6800 ->6900 ->Touch Pro2, Sprint |
Just want to put in my gratitude and appreciation in advance for any 'Clean and Simple' roms off the newest kitchen (we are on Verizon). My brother, myself and a few people we told have been running Jeffs for a while and love it.
Thanks for Clean and Simple and Cant wait for the Latest Rom
Jeff, Thanks for the greatest rom ever. I have helped many of my PPC 6700 friends to switch to your rom and each one of them love it.
Cant wait to see you new rom. |
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