The only one I know is this one. Other than that I don't know.
For the second one, it might already be there depending on if you have a custom rom or not. Get rid of SMS Delivery acknowledgements (popup and text msg) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\OEM\SMS change “delivery ack†from 1 to 0 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Inbox click on “Inbox†then Edit, new key. Name the new key “Settings†Click on “Settings†and then edit, new string value. Value Name should be “SMSNoSentMsgâ€, Value Data should be “1″. |
thanks craigerk for at least looking at this.
Sorry, I have had network problems and have been away from the board for awhile. Anyway I do not have a folder for SMS under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\OEM... As for the second part, I already have a SMS no sent message set to 1 under HKLM/Software M$/Inbox/settings ( I think that was part of Saridnours ROM) Any other thoughts???? Anyone else???? I guess this wasn't as simple as I thought. |
Weird, you should have a folder for SMS under OEM, it came stock. The other one SETTINGS is usually the one people don't have unless they amke it or have a custom ROM (like you do). Cause as soon as you set those both no more pop-ups for messaging. Well, atleast texts. I don't use e-mail on my device so I don't know.
Added the folder SMS and created the key delivery ack
changed nothing. I didn't expect that it would, but I figured that it wouldn't hurt. I intended to find "deliver ack" in my registry, but for some reason, my PHM regedit does not give me the option to search.....the icon (binoculars) is there, but its not an active link....go figure.... |
Re: stop ALL email notifications
Is there a reg. edit so that the text window wont show up when you receive a text. I no it can be turned of in sounds and notifications but after a reset or anything else you have to go back and uncheck it again. I just want it gone for good. Some people just dont need to see my incoming text.