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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 05-02-2007, 02:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Shaska
yeah, the ability to hack these phones isn't a matter of if, but when... people always love digging around the new technology. I personally want to see if I can get a swap out in the near future thanks to my analog stick goin wonky slowly over time... also, I like the charcol gray design

Unfortunately from what iv been told by Sprint's TSR and my local Sprint CSR you will "not" be able to swap a 6700 for a 6800! although you cant get a 6700 right now there are plenty in the warehouse. they are holding on to them till the 6800 hits because they know when it dose everyone's going to try to do an insurance swap. I guess only time will tell. my joystick is busted also and iv been tearing my hair out trying to get a replacement for about 3 weeks now. at this point a 6800 would be nice but a working 6700 would be good too. I almost bought an I830 yesterday but thought better of it and decided to wait ............................
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 05-02-2007, 03:05 PM
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Not sure if I am going to go to a 6800 or not. I do like my 6700, but the size and lack of a apendage like antenna would be nice. I have had my 6700 for about a year and I am not sure if being smaller, lighter and cooler looking is entirely worth it. Ofcourse, this will all change the minute i step in to a sprint store to take a "peak" at it.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 05-02-2007, 05:21 PM
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Not me... not for now at least.

I don't get the whole obsession with the lack of an antenna. I use it as a handle to get my 6700 out of my holster!

Plus, I haven't seen enough of a difference between WM5 and WM6 to make it worth my while. Personally, in the PC world, I won't upgrade to a new OS until Microsoft releases at least SP1 (no Vista here for quite a while!) so I can let the rest of the world be the beta testers. I have a business to run.

The only real advantages I see are EvDO rev A (which we won't have from Alltel for a while) and the increased memory... but we have all learned how to work a 2GB miniSD to do what we want, so is the extra memory really worth it?

I'll probably look at it in a year or so... my contract is up in December so definitely not before then.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 05-02-2007, 05:23 PM
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Originally Posted by phyrebird
I'm going to go for the 6800 because it's the only one I can find for the money. I'd buy a 6700 because it's got.. ah.. [i]tenure[/]... and because it's so well-documented, but I can't find it anywhere for less than retail, it seems, and if I'm going to buy retail, I might as well buy a 6800 that Sprint will "support".
Anyone who wants a 6700 I'll sell mine for $225 (after paypal fees, buyer pays shipping) with two sets of OEM accessories and three OEM batteries including a 1GB and 2GB SanDisk miniSD with adapters. It's not a refurb and the screen has always had a protector. No scratches, never dropped (only has paint wear on buttons from normal use). PM here if interested.

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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 05-02-2007, 05:51 PM
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Originally Posted by schettj
I'm all over the 6900 - the 6800 turned out pretty icky after all (very minor hardware gains over the 6700.)
So...you are holding out for 512 memory? You might be waiting a while for that schettj!!!

Originally Posted by Glossman
I'll be there opening day. My 6700 has some serious miles on it, so it's time for a new phone. I'm looking forward to not carrying this enormous brick around anymore.

As for WM6, well, I'm sure Colonel will have something cooking really soon.

And that brings me to a point: If most of are going to upgrade the ROM anyway, why worry about what OS the phone comes with? It's not like most of here have a factory ROM anyway!
Alas, I will be there opening day as well. I look forward to getting the band back together to hack the hell out of it. Unifed ROM Project Team Reunion Tour? I hear its sweeping the nation...

Originally Posted by Big D5
I am the original form of the phone whore but this time I will resist. I have learned my lesson I will never leave my 6700 again so when the 6800 comes out I will have to do some care full considering and see if it is really better than the 6700 before I go out and spend another $500-600 on a new PPC. So what I am trying to say is I will most likely buying one within 48 hours of the release.

Phone whore
I thought I was bad, but you make me look like a phone nun! Well...maybe I'm no nun, but maybe when I get the 6800 I can move up the ladder to Entry Level Phone Whore!
Device History: PPC 6800 (Mogul) < PPC 6700 < PPC 6600 < iPAQ 2200 Series < Palm 505 < Pen & Paper

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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 05-02-2007, 06:30 PM
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Originally Posted by answerman
Not me... not for now at least.

I don't get the whole obsession with the lack of an antenna. I use it as a handle to get my 6700 out of my holster!
I know the feeling, nothing like shooting out thoes texts and e-mails. My aim has gotten much better, I've got 10 notches on the case.

Jeeze, I barely got my finacee to not want to kill me for the price of the 6700, I guess I'll have to sneak a 6800 on a wedding registry

Sprint PPC-6700 Hemi_C's Aku 3.3 -=-Contribute to the Wiki-=-
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 05-02-2007, 06:50 PM
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I have had my 6700 since the day they were released to business users which was a real long time ago.... like 18 months +. Time for a new device!
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 05-02-2007, 07:19 PM
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Hrm, all these people so eager to jump the good ship 6700.

I would suggest that some of you really stop and consider.

2. Do we know how the new Qualcomm processor is going to perform vs. our Intel PA270's?

3. Has everyone become left handed? You know the 6800 opens on the opposite side as the 6700.

4. I guess you guys like working the bugs out of a new phone just in time for it to be EOL'ed. If experience has taught me anything the 6800 will have serious flaws that have to be discovered and hacked around. Except there is a difference now, there are literally thousands of newbies that will all hose their phones and do not know how to search...vs. the old days when there were maybe a few hundred of us doing the original work.

5. Are you ready to throw out your wired accessories? You know the 6800 uses a new proprietary USB/Audio Jack.

6. Who gets the concession on the thousands of used miniSD cards? Who is going to make a killing on selling thousands of new microSD cards?

7. Is there any reason to believe that Sprint will not be able to monitor tethering on the 6800?

They can on every EVDO phone since the 6700... A little bird told me that the 6700 was rushed out and that the second NAI system for monitoring tethering was not ready at the time.

8. Is no one going to miss the joystick?

9. When will EVDO Rev A be out in say 50% of the country? It is supposed to be much quicker, but many of us know that the PPC can barely use and output EVDO speeds, any bets on whether the 6800 hardware can make good use of the extra bandwidth?
Note: This all hinges on a promised update to RevA; the phone is not RevA at introduction. Ask our 6600 brethren about data CAPABLE hardware that needs to be updated to actually be used.

Okay I know some of those are tongue-in-cheek, but I think you can follow the meaning.

I for one am going to wait this jump out for a while. Yes, the 6800 being thinner is nice, and the scroll wheel does have some of my old Blackberry memories buzzing, but overall this iteration does not thrill me.

I think HTC and the CDMA carriers can and will do better.

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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 05-02-2007, 09:13 PM
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I will be getting one, it won't be right away though. For me their is enought of an upgrade from the 6700 I had and my 700wx to want it. And unlike my 6700 I will be able to tweak the hell out of it, as it will be on my second line not my primary.
'If it ain't broke, don't fix it,' unless you're a tweaker, and in that case you already fixed it ten times and it's still broken. - Dave Mustaine

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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 05-02-2007, 10:09 PM
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OKay, this thread needs a little bit of clarity... here we go:

All of the 6700 wired accessories will work perfectly fine on the 6800. The only "proprietary" bit about the USB jack is for the Y plug that allows you to charge and listen to the wired USB headset at the same time. A 6700 car charger will work fine in the 6800.

Size. The 6800 is marginally thicker than the Moto RAZR. The slimmer form factor alone is a wonderful benefit over the bulk of the 6700.

Lithium Polymer. For those that don't know, that means higher mAh and smaller battery size. I am getting comparable if not better battery life on the stock 6800 battery vs my extended batteries in the 6700.

As for the lack of ROMs, we're working on it. Thus far, we have managed to figure out how to get into bootloader and read the partition table of the phone. It shouldn't be too much longer before we can get a ROM dump.

The processor is great. I've noticed marginal increases in speed and overall performance on the 6800 and while I have crashed the thing a few times since getting it, it's been far more stable than my 6700 ever was.

Hope that clears up a few things.
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