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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2008, 11:16 AM
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Re: How to erase everything to sell the 6700

Well thats because the iPhone doesnt really have an OS. Besides, ppl just getting the 67s now are way behind and getting "hand-me-downs". I mean look at the age of the device and when it was first released. The iPhone did so well because it was marketed so well. How many 67s/68s do you see advertised on TV and internets ads? WM6 was never meant to be on a 67 to begin with and WM7 will be out soon. PPCs with OSs and CPUs are for geeks with missions. Iphones are for those kids who just wanna look cool and live in the moment. Dont get me wrong because Im not trying to bash you. I love my Dodge QC truck but others like thier Fords. Its preference issue and nothing more. Plus now that I think of it, VZW is supposed to be getting the 3rd Gen iPhones in 2010.
Loving my rooted Droid X
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2008, 03:13 PM
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Re: How to erase everything to sell the 6700

Yeah, this is just the age old Apple/Mac vs PC preference/marketing scheme playing out again and I know there is no ill will intended on either side. Apple continues to isolate users from how the OS interacts with the hardware. Alot of people like it that way as long as it works. PC users like the control of tweaking and knowing how the OS works with the hardware. Apple has restricted the usage to ATT and just recently released code for more 3rd party apps. WM has been tweaked to many carriers, phones, and software developers so there are alot more chances for hickups. PPL that use the phone for business like the "ability" (sometimes it doesn't work the greatest) to work on, sync Office docs, and use network shares. I don't think you would find many iPhones in a business situation but Apple is known for multimedia pizzazz for the average consumer. So, yes, to each his own...

And Weed, the 6700 is not THAT far behind...But I know you still luv the 6700...LOL.

Oh, to get back to original Q, there was a similar post 3-4 months back that you could get rid of the account/config info. If I find it, I'll post. The hard reset still won't get rid of that. Here it is:

Last edited by gambatte; 10-16-2008 at 04:00 PM.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2008, 04:06 PM
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Re: How to erase everything to sell the 6700

Good luck on getting insurance on the IPHONE, before you go to the ICRAP look at teh Instinct. The phone is only as good as the network it is on. ATT SUCKS and always will. 3g is a very limited market for ATT. So beware before you buy. Honestly the phone would be better if it had a better network to support it. GSM TDMA is SOOOO 1980s. lol
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2008, 10:15 PM
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Re: How to erase everything to sell the 6700

Well guys that's why I said we'll have to agree to disagree. I'm in the Jersey/New york city area, so service is decent, I'm not really concerned about that. "Iphones are for those kids who just wanna look cool and live in the moment." That's a very broad and ignorant statement, you honestly think everybody that buys an iPhone needs to look cool? I can't just go in to the Apple store and go wow this phone is alot better for me than what I'm currenty using and I'm consdiering switching? I saw alot of ads from Sprint for the newer model a while ago but never anything out of Verizon, maybe because alot of the people who are going to be able to afford a phone that expensive are using blackberries, but that's just a guess. I work in public transportation in NYC/NJ and in 2 years I've seen a total of 2 6700/6800's. Everyone has blackberries. And we're not allowed to have belt clipped phones, and I'm tired of this bulky thing bulging out of my pocket.

Thanks for that link gambatte
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 10-17-2008, 09:19 AM
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Re: How to erase everything to sell the 6700

Originally Posted by sting View Post
Well guys that's why I said we'll have to agree to disagree.
Thats fine we all do at some time and no one (for the majority here) is trying to pick a fight or arguement

Originally Posted by sting View Post
"Iphones are for those kids who just wanna look cool and live in the moment." That's a very broad and ignorant statement, you honestly think everybody that buys an iPhone needs to look cool?
ah........yes.........everyone I know who has the iPhone got it because it was advertised so well and is "cool" because it is "so different". Even I myself fell into that catagory (sp).

Originally Posted by sting View Post
I can't just go in to the Apple store and go wow this phone is alot better for me than what I'm currenty using and I'm consdiering switching?
Ah........no ....... again because the iPhone was so well marketed to the younger people.

Originally Posted by sting View Post
I saw alot of ads from Sprint for the newer model a while ago but never anything out of Verizon, maybe because alot of the people who are going to be able to afford a phone that expensive are using blackberries,
VZW has is BB Storm and Diamiond varients coming as well as others. They are just more slow and we all complain about this.

Originally Posted by sting View Post
I work in public transportation in NYC/NJ and in 2 years I've seen a total of 2 6700/6800's.
Again, how many PPCs do you see marketed on TV or internet ads? Publicity and education to the public in the form of education sells phones. For some reason they never advertise the PPCs.

Originally Posted by sting View Post
Everyone has blackberries.
Those that you see with BBs are mostly company people. Those that are not company people eith grew up on Palm OS (I did) and never changed over and do not know or understand the fill potential and manipulation that can be done with a WM OS because of the platform and how it is built. Those that do know dont care because they dont want to tweak. They are like women and cars. They just wanna turn it on and use it. As long as it works they could care less.

Originally Posted by sting View Post
And we're not allowed to have belt clipped phones, and I'm tired of this bulky thing bulging out of my pocket.
Here again, Apple did ace this one but the newer devices coming out are nwo right behind. Like I said, I personally feel as if Apple came out with a great device and because everyone else noticed it successfulness, they will incorporate some of those ideas into thier newer devices.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 10-17-2008, 10:28 AM
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Re: How to erase everything to sell the 6700

Originally Posted by weedahoe View Post
Ah........no ....... again because the iPhone was so well marketed to the younger people.
That's like saying I saw a commercial and had to drive straight to the Apple store to get an iPhone. If it's so well marketed why haven't I bothered to touch one until NOW when I happened to go into the Apple store to look at laptops and played with everything else in the store. And don't write that off as I saw an ad for a laptop and that made me goto the Apple store. It's in a mall, I go in alot of stores.

I can't even believe I paid as much as I did for the 6700 when less then a year later the iPhone is cheaper, WITH lots of hard drive space.

Here's another possible slap in the face to the 6700 when comparing to the iPhone. http://www.icontrolpad.com/

Or you could just write that off as nothing because its a """kids""" feature

Last edited by sting; 10-17-2008 at 10:34 AM.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2008, 11:14 AM
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Re: How to erase everything to sell the 6700

Originally Posted by sting View Post
I can't even believe I paid as much as I did for the 6700 when less then a year later the iPhone is cheaper, WITH lots of hard drive space.
Just to clarify, thats flash memory and not a HDD. Get whatever you like, no one is here to talk you out of it (as fas as I know) and it is a good device.
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