Originally Posted by sting
Well guys that's why I said we'll have to agree to disagree.
Thats fine we all do at some time and no one (for the majority here) is trying to pick a fight or arguement
Originally Posted by sting
"Iphones are for those kids who just wanna look cool and live in the moment." That's a very broad and ignorant statement, you honestly think everybody that buys an iPhone needs to look cool?
ah........yes.........everyone I know who has the iPhone got it because it was advertised so well and is "cool" because it is "so different". Even I myself fell into that catagory (sp).
Originally Posted by sting
I can't just go in to the Apple store and go wow this phone is alot better for me than what I'm currenty using and I'm consdiering switching?
....... again because the iPhone was so well marketed to the younger people.
Originally Posted by sting
I saw alot of ads from Sprint for the newer model a while ago but never anything out of Verizon, maybe because alot of the people who are going to be able to afford a phone that expensive are using blackberries,
VZW has is BB Storm and Diamiond varients coming as well as others. They are just more slow and we all complain about this.
Originally Posted by sting
I work in public transportation in NYC/NJ and in 2 years I've seen a total of 2 6700/6800's.
Again, how many PPCs do you see marketed on TV or internet ads? Publicity and education to the public in the form of education sells phones. For some reason they never advertise the PPCs.
Originally Posted by sting
Everyone has blackberries.
Those that you see with BBs are mostly company people. Those that are not company people eith grew up on Palm OS (I did) and never changed over and do not know or understand the fill potential and manipulation that can be done with a WM OS because of the platform and how it is built. Those that do know dont care because they dont want to tweak. They are like women and cars. They just wanna turn it on and use it. As long as it works they could care less.
Originally Posted by sting
And we're not allowed to have belt clipped phones, and I'm tired of this bulky thing bulging out of my pocket.
Here again, Apple did ace this one but the newer devices coming out are nwo right behind. Like I said, I personally feel as if Apple came out with a great device and because everyone else noticed it successfulness, they will incorporate some of those ideas into thier newer devices.