Re: How to erase everything to sell the 6700
Well thats because the iPhone doesnt really have an OS. Besides, ppl just getting the 67s now are way behind and getting "hand-me-downs". I mean look at the age of the device and when it was first released. The iPhone did so well because it was marketed so well. How many 67s/68s do you see advertised on TV and internets ads? WM6 was never meant to be on a 67 to begin with and WM7 will be out soon. PPCs with OSs and CPUs are for geeks with missions. Iphones are for those kids who just wanna look cool and live in the moment. Dont get me wrong because Im not trying to bash you. I love my Dodge QC truck but others like thier Fords. Its preference issue and nothing more. Plus now that I think of it, VZW is supposed to be getting the 3rd Gen iPhones in 2010.
Loving my rooted Droid X