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  #401 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2007, 09:56 PM
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Those are really the only remaining issues with my phone using PR6 and they existed sporadically before upgrading ROMs. I'm forced to have my phone use a password every hour of non-use for exchange push email and when it wakes in password mode with an incoming call it sometimes freezes and I can't accept the call. I also randomly am unable to connect to call or data when I pick up the phone after it's been sleeping for a while. A soft reset always solves these problems. My vzw phone is almost 2 yrs old now. I'd upgrade to a 6800 as long as it's free since it's basically the same phone, but not sure vzw would let me with my insurance.
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  #402 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2007, 10:11 PM
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Originally Posted by saridnour
I think my PPC6700 is starting to go...
Looks like the radio may be cutting out as I am begining to have issues with placing and receiving calls. I did a reset to the last sprint Rom (this reloaded the latest sprint radio rom), then back to the PR6 Rom as I know it was working prior and am still seeing issue . I am getting error daily at this point.

Anyone else seeing the following:
1- Try to place call, call stays at connecting.
2- Hang up, Re-try call. Get error dialog on the line of low to no signal at full bars.
3- soft reset phone (same position - not driving).
4- works again.

Phone shows full bars but incoming call does not ring or bring up dialer app. Soft reset corrects issue.

Just want to verfiy if this is being seen by anyone else with my rom??? I am going to revert back to the Offical sprint 2.2 for a day or so to verify that it is not the ROM (do not believe it is the case). I spoke to my local sprint store and they are telling me that I can not get another 6700 as they are out and will not get more so this ROM may need to get handed off to someone else as I amy not be able to dev or test any longer.
Either way, I am going down fighting. They are going to have to pass me up the ladder to satisfy this sprint customer. I pay for equipment protection for a reason and since I do dev work on the 6700 and have asesories for it, getting a treo as a replacement was not satisfactory (more so since I got rid of a treo for the 6700).
Anyhow, I am just covering my bases before I start a getting into it with them so we will see how things go.

Holy cow, Saridnour. I've had the exact same problems a couple times recently. It doesn't happen often enough that I'd consider a hard reset - but the phone will hang, completely unable to complete an outgoing call, until I do a soft reset. That suggests it's something in the ROM.
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  #403 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2007, 10:20 PM
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saridnour.....I tried Kirvin's simple & clean.....BT works fine, I tried colonel's 3.5, it has BT problem as well....the same problem with yours....

anyone with the same problem??
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  #404 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2007, 01:07 AM
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Hi Sardinour,

Sorry to hear about the radio problem. I'm don't think my phone is exibiting this problem. My phone takes a few (~8 eight) soft resets for the OS to boot fully. Sometimes it'll make it to the WM splash screen, others times it'll get to the today screen. Eventually it boots all the way up and runs fine. No problems placing calls so far.

I just bought a couple cheap batteries off ebay and the above problem seems to happen more severly when plugged into a charger. So far I've just written it off as a minor inconvience due to the cheap ass batteries or something. The only other software change I've made recently is a switch from ABDWeather to marsware Weather Panel.

Good luck.
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  #405 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2007, 01:52 AM
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I'm still on the last public release prior to the kitchen, on Verizon, no radio issues, slight sporadic BT issues, the only thins in my startup folder are shortcuts to:
wisbarlite, onlock, and msvc.

Might I suggest: check your startup for unnecessary crap, seeing how many people are on sprint/verizon/whatever as well.
Mine is also a crime deterent device,
Go ahead, try to take my wallet...

Have Wifi and GPS on your phone???
Check out Navizon. It's $$$ in your pocket!
Navizon- Get paid $s to use your phones GPS & Wifi!

My Navizon Thread:
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  #406 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2007, 01:50 PM
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Ok Before every one starts yelling that the sky is falling...
This ROM was working. These are new issues as these issues were not present before. I am trying to collect information to see if something on the network has changed or if something new was done that is casueing new issues. There is a knownissue with the rom locking on soft reset, but this is an issue with the items in startup and why some see it when others do not. ALL Roms (even offical releases) have an issue with data connections blocking the ability to answer the phone. If the unit suspends, but the app needs to check data, it will do so when it wakes when it rings and blocks you from answering. Again this is with ALL roms and it is not the issue I am having. What I am seeing is that the radio is not responding correctly. It shows full power and it is connected to the network, but fails to receive or place calls and seems to go into limbo and has been an issue with other standard cell phones with bad radios.

I know some of you have issues, but I am just trying to keep new readerrs from thinking that this is all the fault of this rom or the rom is breaking phones. Although we are getting some issue reports for a few usersa, there are a large number of users with this rom that are having no issues at all. It just seems we hear about the bad rather than the good, but thats how forums seem to work

jendand: Sounds like the phone is going into suspend and halting it from doing a data connect from an app. I had this issue when I had a weather app set to manage my data. Do a search on here and there should be more detail on the issue.

teevah: That does sound a bit like my issue although after a reset the radio is back on. What carrier are you on?

mn3kgtvr4: Sounds like your having the suspend when another app is managing a data connect. Search the forum and I bet you can find the answer and more details.

PolloLoco: I would say it was the rom if it had happend from the begining, but this is new. It was not happening until the other day and I have done a number of hard resets and have been running this rom longer than anyone . In your case I would try a hard reset and testig wthout adding in other apps right away and see if your issue is resolved. The issue I am seeing is a more then once a day thing and I may not even know when it is failing to identify and incoming call (random voicemail indications after no ring).

bro4ever : I have had no BT issues at all, but have not tested file transfers too much (I think that was your issues, correct?). I do PAN and Stereo all of the time (and whats killing me about having to revert to sprints 2.2 for some time to test the radio).

pringlet: There is a known issue with the device locking after a soft reset "softlock". This happens to some from time to time but it sounds like you got a bad case of it. Look back in the thread for more details on it but it seems to be from the items and order of items running at startup. In pr5 the order caused many softlocks. In PR6 I reset the order and cleard all of mine for the most part. Others still see it after adding in Voice command and/or other apps. Suposedly there is an app that can re-order the startup list and fix some of the issues as well as adding in another mort app that may just give enough delay to keep other apps from conflicting.

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  #407 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2007, 05:14 PM
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Need to get Hotmail on my 6700.....need some help

Missing MSN DATA for those that need it:
I just put together a cab that has the MSN and hotmail data that was removed from pr5. If you need add back in the MSN apps then you will need this data back in the registry. Just uncompress the file and run the cab. The reg file just listes the changes......

well, I ran this, but still can't figure out how to get HOTMAIL on my 6700. If some kind soul would just point me in the correct direction, I Would greatly appreciate it. When I go into add new account in email setup, I just get the "POP/IMAP and Outlook" email options
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  #408 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2007, 05:19 PM
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my align screen screen wont clear... what am i doing wrong?
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  #409 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2007, 09:47 PM
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I agree completely that this ROM is working!!!! It's fast and it's stable. It's also rich with useful/fun features. Okay, I've commented several times about the soft reset lockup issue, but just changing the order of startup seems to have corrected it. Hey, that was a VERY small problem anyway!

I think if we kept a talley of people's problems with this ROM, we'd find that the #1 problem is that people are not hard-resetting correctly. Also, some people just don't search the thread thoroughly for answers that are already there. I'm probably guilty of that myself.

Anyway, this ROM is still working great for me -- and I've been using it almost from the beginning.

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  #410 (permalink)  
Old 05-16-2007, 06:04 AM
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Saridnour, in no way am I saying that this is a bad ROM. I'm still using it - and wouldn't otherwise. I just wanted to note that in the last couple of weeks I've had similar problems with my phone being unable to send or receive calls - and it's only been since I started using your ROM. So, I suggest that you try 2.2 again for a good amount of time to see if that fixes your problems. Seeing that we've had similar issues - it MIGHT be a problem with the same ROM we're using. No accusations, just a suggestion.
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