Look again:
Word completion tab. The auto-correction option is called "Replace text as you type". Make sure that checkbox exists and is checked. Then in the Options tab. The "Capitalize first letters of sentence" is there. Also make sure that exists and is checked. |
There should also be autocorrect.txt in \Windows. This contains all of the info as far as how the auto correct replaces certain words.
Kitchen updates at www.ppckitchen.org and you can get BuildOS help Here
If you have been helped by me or would like to support developers like Olipro, helmi_c, and others please feel free to Donate ALWAYS FLASH BACK TO YOUR CARRIER'S OFFICIAL ROM BEFORE TAKING YOUR PHONE IN FOR SERVICE OF ANY KIND ![]() |
"Capitalize first letters of sentence" is present and checked (no changes made by me). Quote:
Soft-reset and opened a new word doc and everything works as normall. Hmmm...wonder what caused the error then... |
I cooked a rom yesterday and loaded I have had my bluetooth turn off 3 times today, is there any thing that I need to check. Don't know if it is on my phone or not. It was just turning off 1 time a week with 3.3 on it, have the same software loaded with 3.5.
J Teas
I’ve been having the same word completion issues with it not working at all. Even when I start to type a name in the To: field nothing would come up. Everything is turned on under inputs like it should be.
After doing some research tonight I came across this set of registry entries: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboard layout\Preload] @="e0010409" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboard layout\Preload\1] @="e0010409" On my phone the first setting was “e0010411†and the second one was “e0010409â€. Once I changed both to “e0010409†my auto complete started to work again! Now when I start typing a name in the To: field it auto populates from cache or my contacts just as it should and when I type a word it tries to auto complete it like it should. Please give this a try and see if it works for any of you. |
Incoming call kills outgoing call
Not sure if this is on purpose or not, but often when I've just started making a call, an incoming call will kill the call before it completes.
Two things that are probably simple even though I don't know how to do them would have the base include a more current date (I think it was about a year off- I realize it will only be accurate for the day it is released but it would be nice if it was in the current month/year) and to have a more current PRL. Certificates won't work unless the date/time is set before you install the certs. Again, I certainly appreciate all the work people do on these and look forward to testing the next one. This is not an Issue, but it would be great if you could easily drop in VC on the base one - say a folder existed and if you happened to have your own copy of it, you could just extract your files into that folder before the flash, so it wasn't using your available memory for an install after the flash - does that make sense? It may not be possible - just a thought, I don't know squat about these kitchens/roms but install them as they've improved my base phone alot. Same thing with SPB pocket plus - I think there are enough people that use both of these by default - if there was space available and it was possible it would be great. Again, not sure how much space is available but I always install VC, SPB PP, Adobe Reader, Flash Player, PHM registry editor, vjcadella, etc - I realize there won't be enough space for all but anything that could free up normal memory/storage would be great! Thanks again. Thanks |
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