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  #121 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2007, 09:56 PM
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dosen't any one have any answere !!
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  #122 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2008, 10:36 PM
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Originally Posted by haus View Post
(See edit at bottom...issue resolved, see bottom for fix)

Ok, I built a custom ROM with .NET and Crossbow.tsk. Then I tried to go back and edit my default.hv to make some registry edits with the idea of rebuilding my nk.nba file and reflashing (an incremental update, if you will). I get the error in the attached screenshot.

When I initially built default.txt for my first attempt at a ROM, I pasted all the .NET registry entries at the bottom of the file. I've noticed that when I went back to edit default.txt the second time around, the entries for .NET had moved to the middle of the file. I guess the txt-to-hv file does this - maybe it alphabetizes them.

Needless to say, this isn't working now. I get the above error trying to build default.hv, and the default.hv that comes out of this process is much too small (552KB, when the original was 676KB).

Does this mean that one has to start from scratch every time you do a ROM? That seems like a ton of work...Colonel, how are you handling your updates as you add things?

Thanks to all for the tools and for any advice!

EDIT: The solution was that all the registry entries I copied for .NET CF2 had "\" in the paths, which need to be "\\" so the parser can figure out what to do with them. Being a former Perl guy I really should have figured that out more quickly - and I recall reading something about that somewhere as well. Here's what I don't get: Colonel's registry entries from the .NET package are formatted correctly. So I'm wondering what process undid that and messed up my default.hv file? Hopefully I won't have to fix this every time I rebuild a new ROM.
I just came across the same problem trying to remake a ROM. How did you pinpoint where the mistake in the registry was??
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  #123 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2008, 06:35 PM
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Re: How To: Build your own Custom ROM!

Originally Posted by Wideawake View Post
First let me say that Im a novice at this, so take what I have said below with a pinch of salt. As its all done from my head and not recreating the steps myself. And if anyone wants to correct me on any point that Im wrong, feel free to do so. I took a simple method in which you had to use the command prompt and made .bat files to enter everything for ya. So this makes it quicker and easier than having to remember that to decode you use the command "prepare_imgfs.exe nk.nba -nosplit" and so on. I will post the advance/command prompt method when I get time. Big thanks always goes out to XDA-Developers, Buzzdev.net, and all others who helped in creation of these tools used. Detailed credits and links on the installer.
Have fun!

Note: You will need both parts of my custom package attached. And you have to be logged in to see and download the files.

Files you need to work on and how to get them.

1. You will need to download the Custom ROM package I put together. It includes almost every tool that I myself personally use in the making of my Custom ROM and other development tools. Once you have downloaded the package, extract the .exe file from the .zip. Run the .exe. This will create a new folder located at C:\Custom ROM Tools. It will also place a shortcut to the folder on your desktop.

2. Now we have the toolkit you can begin work. You will need a Offical (and/or unoffical) ROM and/or complete upgrade package. You can download that from the UTStarCom site.

3. Install winrar (located in the Apps folder) if you dont have it installed already. Extract the .exe downloaded by right-clicking on it and extract anywhere you like. (Just remember the location )

4. Once extracted you will have a folder that contains two folders. One will have 3 files in it. (nk.nbf, ms_.nbf, and radio.nbf) The two you want are the nk.nbf (the core OS) and the ms_.nbf (the ExtROM).

Decoding the .nbf to a .nba.

1. To decode you .nbf to a .nba open the Custom ROM Tools folder and cut and paste your nk.nbf into the 1. De-Encode .nbf folder.

2. Run the HTC64 Tool, select Decode. In the browse box find the nk.nbf. Click next, It will give you a warning that you CAN ignore. On the next screen, in the FAT16 File box, change the extension from .fat to .nba. Then click decode. This will decode the ROM to a nk.prj (Project File) and a .nba file which can be dumped.

3. Now you wanna cut you nk.nba from this folder and move over to the folder named 2. IMGFS Tools. Once you have the nbf in the folder you can run the nba_to_dump.bat. This will convert your nbf file into a DUMP folder. This folder contains both files (ones not in folders) and modules (the ones in folders). You can modify this folder as needed for your custom Rom.

Modifing the registry (hv files)

1. You have 3 main files that contain registry entries. (boot.hv, default.hv, and user.hv) boot.hv has been included (XIP Tools folder). The other two you can retreve from the DUMP folder. Make sure you set your folder options to view hidden/system files. Boot.hv is loaded on first boot I do believe and contains HKLM values. Default.hv also contains values for HKLM. User.hv contains values for HKCU. These files have to be as close to matching in values as possible. If one says it then the other should also.

2. Converting the files to txt files to edit. To do so just place whichever you would like to work on, in the folder named 3. HV Tools. Run the appropriate *blank*_hv_to_txt.bat and it will convert it to a txt file, that can be edited.

3. Once you have the txt file, open it and add the following line to the very top. "REGEDIT4" no quotes. And save as a unicode file. If the txt moves and becomes unformatted, disregard the txt file and start over. I would add the line to the top and save as unicode first BEFORE modifing the file, to cut down on issues.

4. Edit the file as you like.

5. Then just run the correct make_*blank*_hv.bat and this will convert it back into default.hv and so on.

6. To replace, just cut and paste it back into the DUMP folder with the exception for boot.hv. To replace/edit this one, go to step 7. Note: Dont go to step 7 until you have recompiled your DUMP folder back into a nk.nba file.

7. Editing/Replacing the boot.hv and boot.rgu (both have to be matching files) In folder 4. XIP Tools you will find the files boot.hv and boot.rgu. If you wanna modify your boot.hv then you can right click on boot.rgu, edit it as you like, and save. The boot.rgu then can be converted to a boot.hv by running make_boot_hv.bat. To replace these files, place your nk.nba into the the XIP Tools folder and run the Replace&AddBootXIP.bat. This will replace both files for you.

Setting up file flash directories. (Creating new folders....etc.)

1. You will need to find the file names initflashfiles.dat

2. Open the file with notepad and add any .lnks or new folder directories you want here.
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games"):-File("Pocket Chess.lnk","\Windows\Pocket Chess.lnk")
Would add a link to pocket chess to the games folder.

3. After editing, just click file/save.

4. Install Hex Workshop Trial if you havent already. Open initflashfiles.dat in the hex editor. The first 4 digits should say FFFE or something like this. Highlight those first 4 numbers and right click and delete. This is the header written in by notepad. This HAS to be removed for you initflashfiles.dat to work correctly. Then save.

5. Replace the original file with the modified version.

Rebuilding your nk.nbf from your modified DUMP folder.

1. After you are finished with all the above (minus replacing the boot.rgu and boot.hv) and have a "finished" product. You can run the dump_to_nba.bat which will convert your modified DUMP folder back into a working nk.nba file.

2. Now to convert back to a nk.nbf. To do so, just take ur newly created nk.nba and move it over to folder labeled 1. De-Encode nk.nbf. Run HTC64 Tool and select Encode. It will ask for the .prj file. Open it and press encode. You may get a overwrite warning....just ignore and click ok.

3. You now have a nk.nbf thats ready to be flashed onto your device.

Changing bootscreen.

1. copy your nk.nba file into the directory 5. BootScreen, then rename to nk.fat.

2. Run patchlogo.exe, select nk.fat in the first dialog and your preferred .nb file in the second. Note: If you have a 320X240 image you would like to use, you can use the nb_image_converter_859_418.exe to create a custom .nb file

3. Rename the nk.fat back to nk.nba and convert back into a nk.nbf.

Flashing your newly made nk.nbf.

1. Take the nk.nbf and move to the 6. Flash folder. Once there connect your device to the PC in bootloader mode.

2. Run MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe and wait! Your almost there.

3. After it upgrades, Hard Reset. And voila your own Custom ROM!

Making a flashable ExtROM.

1. Take the ms_.nbf we extracted in the beginning and decode using the HTC64 Tool. This time instead of changing the file extension from .fat to .nba we are gonna leave it as a .fat file.

2. Install Extra Drive Pro Trial, if you havent done so already. Now in Extra Drive Pro. Select the option to make a file to drive. In the panel open up the ms_.fat we just created. This will mount the .fat to a editable drive.

3. Open the drive, you will see a folder that says something like TFAT_SOMETHING. Open it and add your cabs and config.txt here making sure that it is READ-ONLY!

4. Close/unmount the drive.

5. Reconvert back into a ms_.nbf using the HTC64 Tool. Drop it in the flash directory and run MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe. Or you could place both the ms_.nbf and the nk.nbf in the flash directory and flash both at the same time.

Other Info.

You can use the included app Resouce Hacker to edit .exe and .dll files. Important if your gonna be replacing icons of programs.

WinCE Cab Mgr is included so that you may learn how to build/make your own .cab files. Can also be used to extract the contents of .cabve offereds.
Ok im a super novice at rom creation and ive read countless forums and still dont have a grasp on the steps i should be doing. I read yours and downloaded the links that you've offered and when i get to the (2. Now we have the toolkit you can begin work. You will need a Offical (and/or unoffical) ROM and/or complete upgrade package. You can download that from the UTStarCom site.) step i am totally lost, can u please help
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  #124 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2008, 11:24 AM
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Re: How To: Build your own Custom ROM!

Thank for the great tut
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  #125 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2008, 05:45 PM
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Re: How To: Build your own Custom ROM!

1. You have 3 main files that contain registry entries. (boot.hv, default.hv, and user.hv) boot.hv has been included (XIP Tools folder). The other two you can retrieve from the DUMP folder. Make sure you set your folder options to view hidden/system files. Boot.hv is loaded on first boot I do believe and contains HKLM values. Default.hv also contains values for HKLM. User.hv contains values for HKCU. These files have to be as close to matching in values as possible. If one says it then the other should also. ""

This bit of info, I am confused by. "These files have to be as close to matching in value as possible". Matching how? All three or just the default and user file? I compared all 3 files and they are so off from one another, Do I attempt to edit one to match the other? I read through the entire post on this subject and I am apparently the only person with this question.
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  #126 (permalink)  
Old 11-22-2008, 06:53 AM
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Re: How To: Build your own Custom ROM!

help I used this build os with the 6.1 kitchen. after the rom flash i did the hard boot my phone goes to a screen that says go back to factory specks then i type y nad space bar, but then the screen goes blank, nothing nadda.. and I need my phone.... help apache ppc6700 w sprint
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  #127 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2009, 06:00 PM
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Re: How To: Build your own Custom ROM!

I would like to have a rom with no phone. what files sould I delete from my rom? I know this sounds crazy but I am wanting to give my old 6700 to my 8 year old son and he is not ready for a cellphone but he is very computer savy.
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  #128 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2009, 09:07 PM
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Re: How To: Build your own Custom ROM!

Originally Posted by NLANA View Post
I would like to have a rom with no phone. what files sould I delete from my rom? I know this sounds crazy but I am wanting to give my old 6700 to my 8 year old son and he is not ready for a cellphone but he is very computer savy.

You don't just delete files. And this is one of the oldest guides on the book. Besides, if there is no service on the phone he can't make calls. Sorry for saying so but your post is almost hularious...
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  #129 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2009, 05:44 PM
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Re: How To: Build your own Custom ROM!

Originally Posted by PDAPhoneJunkie View Post
You don't just delete files. And this is one of the oldest guides on the book. Besides, if there is no service on the phone he can't make calls. Sorry for saying so but your post is almost hularious...
If you can add files when cooking a rom you must be able to delete some.

In my area just because your account is closed the phone will still make collect calls & 911 calls.

PS: I have been flashing for over 4 years.

Last edited by NLANA; 03-10-2009 at 05:48 PM.
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  #130 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2009, 08:43 PM
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Re: How To: Build your own Custom ROM!

Originally Posted by NLANA View Post
If you can add files when cooking a rom you must be able to delete some.

In my area just because your account is closed the phone will still make collect calls & 911 calls.

PS: I have been flashing for over 4 years.
Okay, lol...
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