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  #241 (permalink)  
Old 09-19-2009, 02:43 AM
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Re: WM6.5 build 21501 kitchen

Originally Posted by pio_masaki View Post
mastersm, anything other then stock does not work with that code, I had a walkthrough on how to workaround that with sprint, it applies for any carrier, however it seems to be missing (deleted? dunno why it would be though). So, anyways, that number is your MSL, enter ##778#, click on Edit, enter that number in, then click on the menu, go to NAM Settings, first line you want to edit is Mobile Directory Number, this is your phone number, which I would hope you know, after that is the MSID, this you will need from your carrier.

The work around is pretty simple, do what I said, then call your customer service, tell them you need to program it, when they say enter that code in, type in ##778# instead, click Edit, enter your MSL, go to NAM Settings, then enter whatever info they say. Tell them their code worked, NOT that you went with another menu, they'll refuse to program it any further. Or, sprint did, twice. All you really need is the MSID, so you can just do what I said, set your MDN, (that mobile dir number/your number) then call the rep and just wait for them to tell you what to do, play along like you are doing it, then once you get to MSID enter it in the line, hit OK, reset, welcome to service.

This assumes the ESN is registered as the current phone, of course.

Edit, found my workaround post, it didn't show up before for some reason. Normal search wouldn't find it.http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=83799
Hi thanks for that when I enter ##778# and select enter it asks for a code? How do I work out what it is? I have tried a variety of codes from my carrier and none worked...
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  #242 (permalink)  
Old 09-19-2009, 09:18 PM
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Re: WM6.5 build 21501 kitchen

That is for your MSL, they gave it to you already (by accident) with that 6 digit ## code they gave you earlier, type that number in and you're good to go. To remind you, in your post it was 482243. Try that out.
Moto Q Sprint
PPC 6700 (1.02 WM5/Android Test machine) Qwest
PPC 6700 (1.00 WM5>WM6.1>WM6.5) Sprint (Original hardware hiding under a new symbol)
PPC 6700 (2.02 WM5>WM6.5) Sprint

Guide:Activate WM6.1/WM6.5 flashed phone without ##MSL# code
Guide:Android on the Apache
I know where the thanks button is, do you?
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  #243 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2009, 04:32 AM
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Re: WM6.5 build 21501 kitchen

Tried that and a few others and no luck Is there any other way to work it out?
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  #244 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2009, 01:47 PM
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Re: WM6.5 build 21501 kitchen

try six 0s then, other then that you will need to pull it from your phone or reset it using the SE47 tool.
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  #245 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 04:49 AM
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Re: WM6.5 build 21501 kitchen

Thanks I had to go back to last original build (& install via XP as Vista wouldn't work)and radio, and then operator instructions let me change it all. Tried to load 21501 and it kept locking up. The went back to 21042, same issue, then 20931 worked, and then was able to go to 21501. Now only problem is it won't let me change the radio to 1.43 keep getting error 120 Country ID or error 150 ROM Upgrade Utility error (is this a Vista issue?).

BTW what is the SE47 tool, haven't heard of it? Is there a post to download it from?

Thanks again for all your help...
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  #246 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2009, 03:26 PM
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Re: WM6.5 build 21501 kitchen

The se47 tool is from kyrocera and it can 0 your MSL, other then that it's useless for apaches. Google it up, I lost my copy when my HDs failed (lost 3 in 2 days ugh). In the kitchen hit the drop down menu for RUU and choose NOID, see if that helps with those errors. Vista issues are usually resolved by turning off USB Connections in WMD. Double check you are setting the correct boot loader, I forgot to change mine from 1.02 to 1.00 once, then forgot to change it to 2.02 for my new phone. It helps to just kinda start over with a fresh one, and set each option one by one, leaving software out completely. If that works, slowly add 1 or 2 programs from the same (saved) setup until you find out whats going wrong.

When I made my ROMS I usually only include a few things, like SDHC, camera, PHM registry and HTC performance. I then will install on my own core media player, google maps, sktools5. Don't use a backup and restore after a new ROM, that can cause problems by itself. I use Sprite and have had problems with it needing hard resets after a restore, no matter how I try to restore (like just contacts) it does something else that causes problems. Sktools has a PIM only backup, I'll be trying that instead.

Last edited by pio_masaki; 09-21-2009 at 03:29 PM.
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  #247 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 01:50 AM
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Re: WM6.5 build 21501 kitchen

Apparently you can load the radio as part of the ROM upgrade? Any ideas on what files I need and where they need to go?
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  #248 (permalink)  
Old 10-02-2009, 01:14 AM
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Re: WM6.5 build 21501 kitchen

If 6.5 is officially out next week does anyone know what the build number is and when we can expect to see it in the kitchen?
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  #249 (permalink)  
Old 11-04-2009, 11:33 AM
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Re: WM6.5 build 21501 kitchen

Has anyone here has issues with selecting the SDHC 8gb drivers instead of the stock ones that only allow upto 2gb?

when i load the 8gb SDHC drivers...all media files in Windows Media played from storage card skip and buffer for anywhere from 5-30s into the file then they clear up and play fine...with the stock 2gb SD driver this problem is non-existent...
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  #250 (permalink)  
Old 11-05-2009, 05:29 AM
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Re: WM6.5 build 21501 kitchen


problem still exists with stock drivers in WMP...cache tweaks help somewhat but it still happens every 3-4 songs...

installed TCPMP and none of the audio files do it now so far...thinking perhaps with WMP's bloat in this version it just can't do it with such limited resources...

anyone else ran into this studder during media playback?
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