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  #171 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2007, 04:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Robtao View Post
So a hard reset, of course, restores from serious system problems, but also can remove issues that could be left after a ROM flash.

What about, say its been a long time since a hard reset, making a full Spb backup, then hard reset, then full Spb backup restore? Advantages? Waste of time? If you correct any issues with a hard reset, does a backup restore also restore the issues?

I am looking for a better understanding of what a full or system backup does and how that relates to benefits gained by a hard reset. My assumption has been that the hard reset could serve a maintenance or "oil change" function, but don't want to turn around and pour the old oil right back in.
A full backup, hard reset, restore is usually a waste of time.

A full backup backs up the registry, files, and PIM information. A hard reset clears all of those. A full restore restores everything to as close to the original backup state as can be had - about all that's different is temporary files might not be part of the backup, depending on how thorough the backup was in the first place. There's an OEM that clears temporary files that's probably equally effective, much less risky, and far less hassle.

The benefit of a hard reset is clearing junk out of the registry (which a full backup/restore eliminates any benefit of) and clearing out junk/temporary files (which a full backup/restore may, depending on how "full" it is, eliminate any benefit of).

BTW it's precisely this same reson why you shouldn't do a full restore when upgrading from one kitchen to the next: file and registry changes corrected by the new kitchen will be overwritten by the restore.
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  #172 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2007, 09:50 PM
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Thanks, gguruusa. Just the kind of answer I was looking for.
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  #173 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2007, 12:24 AM
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Originally Posted by gguruusa View Post
I am unable to replicate your issues (the original one about the .net file and this one). If you're not using the latest kitchens, download them and try again. While you can't click on items in the buildstatus window, if you push the "Save to File" button at the top of the window, it will create a logfile with the current date in the filename in your installation directory that contains the buildstatus log.
I'm still getting the error. attached is a pictur the of the error. is it possible you could just send me the missing folder? i tried re-downloading both the build file and the OEM file, but i'm still getting the error. i'm really curious now on why i'm getting it and you are not. i did also click the top buildstatus window, but because it wont save. let me know what you think. thanks
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File Type: jpg rom build error picture.jpg (96.0 KB, 28 views) Click for barcode!
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  #174 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2007, 12:52 AM
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Originally Posted by nelly48237 View Post
I'm still getting the error. attached is a pictur the of the error. is it possible you could just send me the missing folder? i tried re-downloading both the build file and the OEM file, but i'm still getting the error. i'm really curious now on why i'm getting it and you are not. i did also click the top buildstatus window, but because it wont save. let me know what you think. thanks
When you push the "save to file" button it creates a file in the install directory called "buildos {date}.txt". Alternativevly, you can push the "copy to clipboard" button, open your favorite text editor (wordpad, notepad, etc), and paste the clipboard contents.

Your problem is that you installed PPCgeeks_OEM.rar incorrectly. PPCGeeks_OEM.rar should be placed in c:\buildos. It should be left in .rar form. It appears you have extracted it into the USER_OEM folder, which is incorrect.
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  #175 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2007, 07:02 AM
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Originally Posted by nelly48237 View Post
I'm still getting the error. attached is a pictur the of the error. is it possible you could just send me the missing folder? i tried re-downloading both the build file and the OEM file, but i'm still getting the error. i'm really curious now on why i'm getting it and you are not. i did also click the top buildstatus window, but because it wont save. let me know what you think. thanks
Yes, I agree... It appears as you have the rar in the root directory which is fine, but it also look's like you extracted it into the User_OEM\PPCGeeks_OEM directory. Delete everything that is in the PPCGeek_OEM directory, and just leave the rar file in the root of the kitchen like it is in the pic. This version of BuildOS extracts the files at build from the OEM.rar so there is no need for you to extract it yourself.

Just delete everything in User_OEM\PPCGeeks_OEM directory, delete the directory itself, and try it again.
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Last edited by lennysh; 11-21-2007 at 07:04 AM.
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  #176 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2007, 01:09 PM
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I'm getting the "Unknown Carrier Type" error when I open BuildOS. And then when I try to flash I get a FAT16 filesize error (and yes I am SURE I am using the correct folder for the prj). I am a Verizon user. I tried to save Verizon as my carrier and reopen BuildOS, but still get the same error.

Any ideas?
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  #177 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2007, 02:05 PM
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The carrier error doesn't seem to be a problem from what I can tell, but no matter how small I make the rom I am still getting the FAT16 filesize error. Any ideas?
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  #178 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2007, 02:20 PM
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Soft Reset vs Hard Reset

Hello all,

With the latest kitchen there is now a new message that pops up in the flashing process. With previous kitchen builds we would finish by disconnecting the cradle/USB cable and then soft reset the phone. Now after I click Finish a new message comes up saying that a hard reset is needed.

Is the hard reset necessary or is this an extraneous message? If its needed could you update the previous dialog box to indicate the hard reset there?


BTW - The kitchen rocks...I have an awesome 6700 now!
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  #179 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2007, 02:27 PM
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You should always hard reset after a ROM flash. Since the flash is supposed to wipe your device, and you are aware going in that you'll be starting from scratch, there is no reason not to. On the other hand, many times problems arise if you do not hard reset. So it would be a good idea to follow that last message.
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  #180 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2007, 03:10 PM
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Originally Posted by n8mack33 View Post
I'm getting the "Unknown Carrier Type" error when I open BuildOS. And then when I try to flash I get a FAT16 filesize error (and yes I am SURE I am using the correct folder for the prj). I am a Verizon user. I tried to save Verizon as my carrier and reopen BuildOS, but still get the same error.

Any ideas?
Are you picking your carrier at the top as well as on the list? There is now two locations you have to pick your carrier. Try that, and post your results.
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