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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2010, 03:25 PM
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No Verizon subsidy for the Nexus?!

I was on the phone with VZ tech support this morning about my Omnia crapping out. While on the phone I mentioned to the support rep that I was only trying to keep the Omnia going till I could replace it with the Nexus.

He told me that his understanding was that VZ was not going to subsidize the Nexus. He said you would buy the Nexus full price from Google, then activate it with VZ and there would be no ETF.

If this rep is correct, is it possible VZ might still be getting there own version of the Bravo with Sense? Here's hoping, as I doubt I'll be paying the $530 Google is charging.
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Old 01-19-2010, 02:42 PM
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Re: No Verizon subsidy for the Nexus?!

If a customer service rep said it, it isn't true. The phone isn't coming out for a few months, so no cust. serv. reps know any details about the phone. Keep on truckin' until Verizon itself posts info about the phone.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 01:10 PM
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Re: No Verizon subsidy for the Nexus?!

Let's see:
Android is owned by Google.
The Nexus is Google's foray into getting in on the branding/selling handsets action.

Now TMo lets you buy a (subsidized) phone from Google and activate it on their network. This requires an agreement with Google, including TMo cannot sell the Nexus in their stores. Google keeps the sales activity in their baliwick.

If (IF!) Verizon will let you buy a (full-priced) Nexus from Google and activate it on their network, I seriously doubt that Google would give up any sales to Verizon. Subsidized by Verizon or otherwise.
Sure, it may be an HTC Desire by another name, but it will be running Android so Google will have a lot to say about the sales arrangements.

That being said, we ARE talking about a couple of 800lb gorillas. As we know, that type of beast can change rules and arrangements whenever they feel like it.
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Old 02-09-2010, 08:44 PM
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Re: No Verizon subsidy for the Nexus?!

I read somewhere that Verizon was not going to subsidze it. Might make since because they have other phones with google and will get more.Might not want the hassle of service with Google.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2010, 02:06 PM
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Re: No Verizon subsidy for the Nexus?!

i will post the truths as soon as i find out. I work at verizon.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2010, 06:11 PM
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Re: No Verizon subsidy for the Nexus?!

This is all conjecture. I would imagine verizon to be more than happy to subsidize the phone as it will get people to sign contracts.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2010, 09:58 AM
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Re: No Verizon subsidy for the Nexus?!

verizon... 1st passing on iphone and now this. thought they would have learned by now.
Mike D.

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2010, 01:35 AM
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Re: No Verizon subsidy for the Nexus?!

i went to a vzw store last night to deactivate my tp2 so i can sell it and upgrade to the n1 when they get it. i asked the sales rep what he knew about it. he said that something that big (the n1) would not stay on the down low, that is vzw would definitely market it and have it advertised, and therefore probably subsidize it.

he also said that the vzw rendition will have different (better) specs, possibly a different name. he would not tell me what the "better" specs were, but did say that it was receiving a track-pad instead of a track-ball...

but here is the kicker. i was believing him until...

he asked my why i didn't like my tp2. i simply said "its not the phone its winmo." he said well if you can wait it out the tp2 will be getting a windows phone 7 update when its out. face palm. i almost laughed in his face...

so take everything with half a grain of salt. hopefully we'll find out facts soon, i don't know how long i can last on my moto rival, gah!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2010, 12:39 PM
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Re: No Verizon subsidy for the Nexus?!

It sounds like he was talking about the HTC Incredible which although similar is not the Nexus One. They are separate.

The incredible doesn't have a trackball, it has an optical touchpad. It will also sport the HTC Sense UI and probably a host of other HTC software.

The Nexus One will be using the Google UI and I see no reason to think it will be available anywhere but directly from the Google online store.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2010, 06:27 PM
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Re: No Verizon subsidy for the Nexus?!

Originally Posted by banden View Post
It sounds like he was talking about the HTC Incredible which although similar is not the Nexus One. They are separate.

The incredible doesn't have a trackball, it has an optical touchpad. It will also sport the HTC Sense UI and probably a host of other HTC software.

The Nexus One will be using the Google UI and I see no reason to think it will be available anywhere but directly from the Google online store.
lets hope so. i like the n1 the way it is. waiting (im)patiently...
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