Re: No Verizon subsidy for the Nexus?!
i went to a vzw store last night to deactivate my tp2 so i can sell it and upgrade to the n1 when they get it. i asked the sales rep what he knew about it. he said that something that big (the n1) would not stay on the down low, that is vzw would definitely market it and have it advertised, and therefore probably subsidize it.
he also said that the vzw rendition will have different (better) specs, possibly a different name. he would not tell me what the "better" specs were, but did say that it was receiving a track-pad instead of a track-ball...
but here is the kicker. i was believing him until...
he asked my why i didn't like my tp2. i simply said "its not the phone its winmo." he said well if you can wait it out the tp2 will be getting a windows phone 7 update when its out. face palm. i almost laughed in his face...
so take everything with half a grain of salt. hopefully we'll find out facts soon, i don't know how long i can last on my moto rival, gah!