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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2009, 11:03 AM
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Who all is jumping ship to T-Mobile for the Nexus?

Assuming the phone is officially announced on the 5th, and the specs are solid... I think i'm going to take the "contract change" way out of my sprint contract (just got a TP2).

I had a chance to play with the Droid Eris a bit over christmas, and the OS is just really smooth. Plus the app-store is full of free apps unlike the Microsoft store which charges for everything....

I hate to leave Sprint, but I really really want an android phone now... Anyone else planning on jumping ship?

Also, how is T-Mobiles network in relation to Sprints? I'm kind of nervous switching carriers...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2009, 01:30 PM
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Re: Who all is jumping ship to T-Mobile for the Nexus?

Originally Posted by Theutus View Post
Assuming the phone is officially announced on the 5th, and the specs are solid... I think i'm going to take the "contract change" way out of my sprint contract (just got a TP2).

I had a chance to play with the Droid Eris a bit over christmas, and the OS is just really smooth. Plus the app-store is full of free apps unlike the Microsoft store which charges for everything....

I hate to leave Sprint, but I really really want an android phone now... Anyone else planning on jumping ship?

Also, how is T-Mobiles network in relation to Sprints? I'm kind of nervous switching carriers...
If you're on sprint now and want to stay with them and you liked the eris, why don't you get a hero? It's the same guts as the eris. Sure the Nexus One will have better specs but if you want to stay sprint, the hero is a great android phone.
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Old 12-31-2009, 03:06 PM
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Re: Who all is jumping ship to T-Mobile for the Nexus?

Originally Posted by Leukay View Post
If you're on sprint now and want to stay with them and you liked the eris, why don't you get a hero? It's the same guts as the eris. Sure the Nexus One will have better specs but if you want to stay sprint, the hero is a great android phone.
I was actually about to pull the trigger on the Hero to be honest. From all the reviews/impressions i've seen of the Nexus though, it seems like it is a LOT better performance wise than the hero.

I'm also not really a fan of the looks of the hero, and I love the design of the Nexus... All in all, i just think the pro's of the Nexus outweigh the con's of taking a lesser phone (at full purchase price) to stay with sprint....
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2009, 03:13 PM
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Re: Who all is jumping ship to T-Mobile for the Nexus?

Or hang in there with your TP2 until Android gets ported over... That's what I'm doing... Been with WM for some time now and just got my girl the Hero and I'm lovin' it...

I'm eagerly awaiting the ported version of Android for the TP2... It's real close...

Check out the site:

It's being followed closely in the TP2 forum here on PPCGs:

And here's the development thread over at XDA:

Can you tell I'm following this subject closely?!?!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2009, 04:40 PM
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Re: Who all is jumping ship to T-Mobile for the Nexus?

Originally Posted by Theutus View Post
I was actually about to pull the trigger on the Hero to be honest. From all the reviews/impressions i've seen of the Nexus though, it seems like it is a LOT better performance wise than the hero.

I'm also not really a fan of the looks of the hero, and I love the design of the Nexus... All in all, i just think the pro's of the Nexus outweigh the con's of taking a lesser phone (at full purchase price) to stay with sprint....
Yeah the Nexus does look a lot nicer and it's 1 ghz snapdragon is a beast, I just wasn't sure about how much you wanted to stay with sprint. If I start to have any problems with my hero or with sprint in the coming couple of weeks I may just use the January fee increase to get out of sprint and sign up for T-Mobile.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2009, 06:11 PM
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Re: Who all is jumping ship to T-Mobile for the Nexus?

I will wait a year before I consider leaving Sprint. With the slow rollout of Android versions to the Hero, I may get a Google Phone.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-01-2010, 04:23 AM
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Re: Who all is jumping ship to T-Mobile for the Nexus?

It's not Microsoft that charges for the applications it's the developers. I suspect Google develops most of their own applications so they don't charge for them. The applications Microsoft writes in house are free on Marketplace.

I would say to make sure you can get good service where you live and where you travel too.

These carriers with not so good coverage seem to be doing these exclusive deals to draw people in.
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Old 01-01-2010, 11:03 PM
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Re: Who all is jumping ship to T-Mobile for the Nexus?

I might wait to see if Sprint gets this:

Most rumors have it as Android not wm
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-01-2010, 11:39 PM
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Re: Who all is jumping ship to T-Mobile for the Nexus?

I know it doesn't have as much heat on it as the rest of the newly released phones, but you may give the Moment a look over. I went from a TP, and was absolutely scared of the change over, but from my personal experiences, I am really satisfied. I have friends with Hero's, and from playing with them side-by-side, yes, the Hero is a more "developer friendly" phone, and has more spotlight, but my Moment was definitely quicker with the 800Mhz processor. The screen is bigger on the Nexus, yes, but I've played with up-and-coming phones with that big of screen, and I have to say it's way too big. It was uncomfortable to reach half a mile to touch buttons. I'd say stick with Sprint...data is faster here than on T-Mobile, plus the plans are a little pricey for smartphone users. Just a little input.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2010, 02:49 PM
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Re: Who all is jumping ship to T-Mobile for the Nexus?

It is coming to Verizon. I rather jump ship to verizon for it.
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