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Old 12-31-2009, 04:40 PM
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Re: Who all is jumping ship to T-Mobile for the Nexus?

Originally Posted by Theutus View Post
I was actually about to pull the trigger on the Hero to be honest. From all the reviews/impressions i've seen of the Nexus though, it seems like it is a LOT better performance wise than the hero.

I'm also not really a fan of the looks of the hero, and I love the design of the Nexus... All in all, i just think the pro's of the Nexus outweigh the con's of taking a lesser phone (at full purchase price) to stay with sprint....
Yeah the Nexus does look a lot nicer and it's 1 ghz snapdragon is a beast, I just wasn't sure about how much you wanted to stay with sprint. If I start to have any problems with my hero or with sprint in the coming couple of weeks I may just use the January fee increase to get out of sprint and sign up for T-Mobile.
[Device History: Alltel Apache(sold), Sprint Vogue(sold), Alltel Vogue(stolen), Alltel Diamond(traded), Sprint Touch Pro(sold), Palm Pre(sold), HERO]
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