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  #101 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2011, 03:44 PM
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Re: Verizon Wireless Windows Phone 7 status updates !

VZW is so anti MS there's no reason for this release to be so much farther behind the sprint release. The rom is ready and everything so I don't know what they are waiting for. And there won't be any good reviews about it since its 3G only. I've found tons of bad reviews on the arrive just for this reason alone. Some of these reviewers are idiots.
  #102 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2011, 04:28 PM
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Re: Verizon Wireless Windows Phone 7 status updates !

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
VZW is so anti MS there's no reason for this release to be so much farther behind the sprint release. The rom is ready and everything so I don't know what they are waiting for. And there won't be any good reviews about it since its 3G only. I've found tons of bad reviews on the arrive just for this reason alone. Some of these reviewers are idiots.
lol, +1 on this post, I don't get what VZW has against WP7 so bad.
  #103 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2011, 10:50 PM
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Re: Verizon Wireless Windows Phone 7 status updates !

[QUOTE=DavidinCT;2076477]More possable BS from WPCentral.... April 15th ? WTF Verizon, Next thing they say we'll be waiting for June...F Verizon
[/Sorry David I thought of you when I read it....

Somebody said june though a while ago...

Verizon HTC Trophy is a global phone, coming out in June? [Photos] | wpcentral | Windows Phone News, Forums, and Reviews

but even though the big red hater in me wants to say; that the day after the first playstation phone,the week after the first 4g android phone and the month after the first eyephone: sounds about right for a new windows phone release (to vzw)..I honestly feel that they are behind because the trophy is a world phone requiring more testing(...including overseas )-after nodo..the test unit in the above link has an earlier build than the build that the arrive ships with(nodo build)....the date of the final push through the fcc (march 22/23 or something) may have been with the final nodo build, the earlier build being just cdma radios or beta nodo for internal vzw testing. Who fucccin knows.. but middle of april..does that give enough time to stock the shelves?

The fact remains that a month after their first eyephone,the week after the first 4g (4"+) Android phone , the day after the first playstation phone....verizon will introduce their first new windows phone on the back stage.
I remember a day when there was no iphone,no androids and no psphone..That same day there was 3 windows phones in verizons store..How soon you forget big red...
  #104 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2011, 09:21 AM
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Re: Verizon Wireless Windows Phone 7 status updates !

im hoping this 15th date sticks although i should leave ima wait it out only because the 15th is a pay day for me lol but this is getting frustrating waiting...i dont think that playstation phone is goin to be a hit tho....i think the best thing that will happen with that phone is the birth of a playstation network app which im hoping and praying can come to windows phone some how...ima playstation guy myself ...xbox does nothing for me
  #105 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2011, 09:54 AM
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Re: Verizon Wireless Windows Phone 7 status updates !

Originally Posted by waycoolkennel View Post
Hey David... give the MS offer number a call now.. Maybe they have changed their tune

I'm guessing the VZW MS offer is a pre-order only offer.. so.. 7th deal ends.. cause the device will be available on the 15th .. What you think ? The offer says "PRE-LAUNCH" !!! So that makes sense...

Waited this long.. another two weeks.. ? I dunno.. VZW definitely SUX!
I called them yesterday with the same BS.... "Early 2011" and I said (exact quote) "Early 2011 has come and gone where is it and when will verizon get with the program like every other US carrier has?"

Still they say "Early 2011" At least they know what the phone is, a month ago, they were asking me about the Trophy because only 1 out of 6 of them knew about it (yep, I went around calling 15 stores in 3 states asking about it and most had no clue about WP7 never mind the Trophy ).

Not sure what to say now, we have had a ton of dates now going back from Mid Jan....still nothing offical from Verizon. If they gave a public statement that they will have a WP7 phone on the 15th, I would beleive it otherwise, there is no reason to believe it's true.

The first is almost here...DO I move like have been saying for months or do I stick with a crappy carrier who will drop the ball on new model phones coming out in 6-12 months again ? I guess I'll wait till the HD7s is on the shelfes at AT&T and take a look at it.

Originally Posted by WMFan85 View Post
That makes sense that it would be like that. I e-mailed that Steve Sapp to see what he says about the whole thing. Maybe we can get a definite date.
I'm sure he'll say "Early 2011" but, maybe he knows something different. Let us know IF you get a reply.
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If I helped in anyway, please hit thanks !
  #106 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2011, 06:33 PM
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Re: Verizon Wireless Windows Phone 7 status updates !

Originally Posted by DavidinCT View Post
I'm sure he'll say "Early 2011" but, maybe he knows something different. Let us know IF you get a reply.
I'm actually fairly suprised. He e-mailed back within a few hours. Here is what he said.

Hi Dusty. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I don't have a firm date yet but will be before the reimbursement window closes. neal can help you out with the promotion if you decide to take it.. our product team is very conservative relative to disclosures and our testing process is very rigorous. Thanks!
Now, I don't know if the reimbursement window is the April 7th date on the poster or some other date they have in mind. But nonetheless it was not the answer I was hoping for.
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  #107 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2011, 10:11 PM
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Re: Verizon Wireless Windows Phone 7 status updates !

Actually I think that is right.. the reimbursment date IS the date on the promo.. Its a pre-announcement offer.. so .. My interpretation is that.. the device SHOULD be available by Apri, 15 .. one week from the promo date closing..

So.. right now.. I'm gonna wait.. TWO MORE WEEKS. Then........ I'm going eyephone. I'm not changing my mind.. thats the date.

I will buy the eyephone off contract if the trophy isnt available .. so I can leave VZW .. thats it.

VZW SUX. still...

  #108 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2011, 12:34 PM
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Re: Verizon Wireless Windows Phone 7 status updates !

If you go to verizonwireless.com, you can type windows phone 7 into the support search on the bottom of the screen and different pages will pop up with different articles about Windows Phone 7 support. So I'm assuming they definitely are getting one. I just wish it would have been today.
  #109 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2011, 07:35 PM
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Re: Verizon Wireless Windows Phone 7 status updates !

If you're going to leave VZW for Sprint you'd better do a thorough comparison of the coverage in your area first. I know I give yall a hard time over here lol.. but im dead serious about that one. Depending on where you live there's a good chance youll end up regretting it. No smack today though
  #110 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2011, 11:32 AM
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Re: Verizon Wireless Windows Phone 7 status updates !

Well.. No announcement today... hopefully a week from today ..

Starting to research what all I will want for the device and how to best use it .. Apps, USB file, tethering ?

Also looking a eyePhone options.. in the event.. thats the only option

One more week.. then it will be settled... I wonder if the imagio will fetch anything on this ?:


Last edited by waycoolkennel; 04-04-2011 at 11:34 AM.
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