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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2010, 06:03 PM
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Re: Upcoming prototype WP7 device from LG - quick hands on impression!

Originally Posted by Whosdaman View Post
There is a flaw to your whole arguement. The bugs are in the software, not the hardware. The hardware works perfect. Its up to the software people to make sure it work with the hardware. And that my friend is MS. HTC does make a face for the software they are provided with from MS though. So HTC can only do with what they are given.
Actually, most of the bugs are in the drivers and HTC enhancements.
If you use a professional grade Windows Mobile device (such as point of sale handhelds or inventory devices) you'll find them surprisingly stable and bug free.
In fact, the NSA-approved military grade smart communication devices (which where all over the blogs when it was rumored Obama would have to give up his blackberry due to security concerns) almost ALL run Windows Mobile. By default, the OS is stable, secure, and EXTREMELY powerful.

Its just not "cool" like the other OSes currently, and when a manufacturer like HTC tried to make it something its not, the result is often unstable.
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Old 08-27-2010, 09:52 PM
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Re: Upcoming prototype WP7 device from LG - quick hands on impression!

I hope you're not talking about android. If its so great why do I have root to do anything fun or useful? The browser is the only thing I really care about on the evo and it would suck nuggets to if wasn't for the dragon. I can't wait for my wp7.
Kiss my grits
  #33 (permalink)  
Old 08-28-2010, 07:24 AM
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Re: Upcoming prototype WP7 device from LG - quick hands on impression!

Originally Posted by Whosdaman View Post
Just trying to save them money. Why not get a device that is moving forward then one that is moving backwards?
thanx for looking out trying to save me money but where were you when i bought my hero(junk) and evo? evo is nice but had dust under screen as did hero plus other issues most of which i see other threads about. most people are ok with managing there cash w/o you.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 08-28-2010, 01:19 PM
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Re: Upcoming prototype WP7 device from LG - quick hands on impression!

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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2010, 05:15 AM
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Re: Upcoming prototype WP7 device from LG - quick hands on impression!

Actually... android is a kids toy. What kid need mobile word, excel or PDF reader. Or a how about a decent email client that receives email b4 outlook? I had a droid for about 2 weeks and un-hesitantly took that back due to the fact that it had everything i didn't need. I'm not not pay for a stupid app to open my Office docs. When i can get it for free with WinMO. If you want a phone that has cool little apps that are pointless... then good for you. Get an Android or an Iphone. But for us who use our phone as a mobile office we need the functionality and practicality of WM.
  #36 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2010, 10:09 AM
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Thumbs down Re: Upcoming prototype WP7 device from LG - quick hands on impression!

Originally Posted by dishe View Post
First of all, you're complaining about bad hardware and calling it Microsoft's fault.
It is 100% Microsoft's fault, you just are over complicating things. Microsoft owns 100% of the licensing rites to Windows Mobile. They could have done ALMOST everything that they are doing now, except leaving the OS OPEN and not treating us like iPhone users.

They could still have a store, that checks to see if an app is rogue or not, but still allow users to sideload apps and have access to the filesystem and registry if THEY need it. Here is the worse case scenario MS could have implemented and still made me happy, if you want the ability to sideload apps or have access to the file system and registry, you need to be a development customer and you will be emailed a jailbreak code. Yes, I would actually pay a coulple of bucks extra for this privilege. This way you protect the majority of the idiots out there but you still make the rest of the users happy. They can dictate to the manufactures that IF you want a Windows device license the following items MUST be met.

All Microsoft needs to be responsible for is making sure the phone itself is stable both OS and hardware wise at release. They do NOT need to close the OS and treat all of it's old loyal customers like Apple chooses to do. They screwed over both the consumer and the programmers by making these changes.

And even after the proverbial "eff you" M$ gave us, people are actually still excited over WP7, instead of resisting Microsoft and trying to get them to bend somewhat on taking away most of the choices we JUST had.

You'd think that in 2010 I could buy a device that could do EVERYTHING that I want it to do so that I don't have to carry multiple devices around with me. Leave it to Microsoft to still make me need a computer, laptop, netbook and phone.

Can someone please explain to me how this is progress? Sure doesn't seem like it to me.
  #37 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2010, 11:42 AM
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Re: Upcoming prototype WP7 device from LG - quick hands on impression!

1 word. Certificate. WE decide to take that checking mechanism off our phones in order to install apps written by Joe Blow. Just my .02
  #38 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2010, 03:42 PM
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Re: Upcoming prototype WP7 device from LG - quick hands on impression!

Originally Posted by Whosdaman View Post
Is it me, or is everyone just dumb? I mean I know I havent used WM in a year, but Widnows Phone 7 is ugly. It looks like something that is completely unfinished.
Windows phone 7 is ugly in the video, but ive heard that with W7 HTC devices u will be able to still use Sense, or the Sense look.Also this is an LG device. I personally only use HTC devices anymore and have only used HTC devices for more than 2 years.I find that HTC devices offer more user customizable options on almost every aspect of their devices,from customized UI's to custom roms, and everything in between. The Windows 7 HTC device i looked at had the regular ugly looking windows 7 screen weve all seen, but in an RSS feed article from HTC they talk about a Sense 2.5 looking homescreen skinned to Windows 7 and with all the new options available for Windows 7 it should be very nice. So i think that the look of Windows 7 after HTC and other device manufacturers get ahold of it will be improved upon, especially by HTC and if they can skin the Sense 2.5 look already imagine what they will do in the future. Everyones got to remember that Windows is starting from the ground-up on a completely new and different system. I imagine that after Windows 7 has been available for about 6 months that there will be so many new homesreen shells, new UIs, and lots of new look options and customizations.Give it a chance, but i do agree, Windows 7 is ugly in the video.
  #39 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2010, 11:50 PM
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Re: Upcoming prototype WP7 device from LG - quick hands on impression!

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
thanx for looking out trying to save me money but where were you when i bought my hero(junk) and evo? evo is nice but had dust under screen as did hero plus other issues most of which i see other threads about. most people are ok with managing there cash w/o you.
And your telling me WM never had major flaws either? Hero never had any issues except for the end button chipping and the Evo has a screen issue yes, but dust does not get under the screen, that has already been proven.

Let me go through the list of WM phones
Vogue - power button crack, flawed drivers, verizon never even officially release the GPS drivers for it
Diamond - Idk, i didnt pay attention
Touch Pro - Keyboard's flex cables went bad constantly, and the software was horrendous
Touch Pro 2 - LCD screen failed on numerous occasions. the phone constantly locked up on the stock roms, 6.1 and 6.5
HTC HD - Screen split issue, just like Evo
HTC HD2 - Camera had pink spots, GPS never locked
HTC Mogul - Every piece of hardware on every carrier had problems at one point or another.

Idk anything about the European phone, but I know they had problems too. Android phone rarely have problems with their software. It is very very rare they do. And if they do...a fix is released promptly unlike WM which took a year or more, sometimes a fix never came.

Android continues to get better due to it being open source. So they just include stuff developers make. Such as Wifi tether, Apps2SD, Import/export contacts, and most important text to speech and speech to text.

Let me see MS put that in their ROMs, well besides the appstosd, cause they already have that.
  #40 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2010, 06:57 PM
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Re: Upcoming prototype WP7 device from LG - quick hands on impression!

Originally Posted by Whosdaman View Post
And your telling me WM never had major flaws either? Hero never had any issues except for the end button chipping and the Evo has a screen issue yes, but dust does not get under the screen, that has already been proven.

Let me go through the list of WM phones
Vogue - power button crack, flawed drivers, verizon never even officially release the GPS drivers for it
Diamond - Idk, i didnt pay attention
Touch Pro - Keyboard's flex cables went bad constantly, and the software was horrendous
Touch Pro 2 - LCD screen failed on numerous occasions. the phone constantly locked up on the stock roms, 6.1 and 6.5
HTC HD - Screen split issue, just like Evo
HTC HD2 - Camera had pink spots, GPS never locked
HTC Mogul - Every piece of hardware on every carrier had problems at one point or another.

Idk anything about the European phone, but I know they had problems too. Android phone rarely have problems with their software. It is very very rare they do. And if they do...a fix is released promptly unlike WM which took a year or more, sometimes a fix never came.

Android continues to get better due to it being open source. So they just include stuff developers make. Such as Wifi tether, Apps2SD, Import/export contacts, and most important text to speech and speech to text.

Let me see MS put that in their ROMs, well besides the appstosd, cause they already have that.
Lies. Take a Samsung moment or Intercept out for a spin. The user reviews claim the software locks up at least once a day.

The Evo and Hero are quite a bit better, but only because HTC has better smartphone experience (dating back to the first PDA phones) than Sammy does.

Bottom line- you can't judge the stability of the OS by a single manufacturer. The one thing Apple did right, is design both the hardware AND software in house. Too many cooks spoil the broth, you know.
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