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  #111 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 07:21 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

So the question is when do we see a rom start circulating? Any speculations?
  #112 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 07:23 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

probably not for a while...
  #113 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 08:19 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

Originally Posted by aggiematt1 View Post
So the question is when do we see a rom start circulating? Any speculations?
I'm guessing June is when we will start to see roms pop up.
  #114 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 09:04 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

i was listening to last week's wmexperts podcast and they think this creation is just the 1st version. they think a professional version will be next and then a combo (super) version will be after that.

if not, i think WM will lose customers to blackberry and palm, while hoping to gain customers back from android and iphone. that would be a bad move i think.
  #115 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 09:42 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

I'm not sure i agree with the june "assumption"
I think we need to understand that everything has to be re written from the top. The kitchens currently support ce 5.2 and the development community hasn't even truly begun to get into ce 6, but we are talking as if ce 7 is a hop skip and a jump away (and wp7 runs on ce 7 core).
It is going to take some time and even above this time constraint, only gsm (int'l) phones will have the hardware specifications to run that...with the tmo hd2 (minus the bing button)
Where are we getting the magical june thing though?
As for the multiple OS threads, I will hear it from MIX I guess
  #116 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 10:05 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

Originally Posted by Noir View Post
I'm not sure i agree with the june "assumption"
I think we need to understand that everything has to be re written from the top. The kitchens currently support ce 5.2 and the development community hasn't even truly begun to get into ce 6, but we are talking as if ce 7 is a hop skip and a jump away (and wp7 runs on ce 7 core).
It is going to take some time and even above this time constraint, only gsm (int'l) phones will have the hardware specifications to run that...with the tmo hd2 (minus the bing button)
Where are we getting the magical june thing though?
As for the multiple OS threads, I will hear it from MIX I guess
oh i thought wp7 ran ce6.... so says engadget...
msg me if you need a fast download mirror =), its wat i do
  #117 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 10:38 PM
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im sorry but im not a fan of winmo 7 at all it looks like crap on the demo video it might run very well but the ui looks dated and its not even out yet! im also not a big fan of 6.5.x ether!! i love 6.1 and lite 6.5 roms!!

i feel microsoft needs to stop tryin to look like the iphone and start to realize the the look and feel of winmo will be lost in wm7! i can see now i will be porting 6.1 and 6.5 to most of my future devices unless they make major ui changes to winmo 7 (if i wanted the iphone i would buy one)!!
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Last edited by Adrianh85; 02-15-2010 at 10:42 PM.
  #118 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 11:22 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

Originally Posted by nrfitchett4 View Post
i was listening to last week's wmexperts podcast and they think this creation is just the 1st version. they think a professional version will be next and then a combo (super) version will be after that.

if not, i think WM will lose customers to blackberry and palm, while hoping to gain customers back from android and iphone. that would be a bad move i think.
To expand/clarify:

I think the real locked down version is Pink/Turtle/Pure. See some specs and more info here posted today, which are new/not covered yet.

Next is a stripped down, business edition. We have not seen that yet, but read this article and note what HTC says: "Unique HTC experience". Serious question: what do you think that means? I think it refers to Sense or something analogous.

I think what we saw today was the "high end" full version. But I'm real curious as to what HTC has to say. More on that tomorrow.
  #119 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 11:31 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

I'm glad I jumped ship to WebOs. The things that stood out to me on some vids were...


The three looked unimpressive, just like the previous versions of Winmo. Granted they didn't open up any emails just showing the inbox. The one thing for me personally is that I have a iPod classic. Being a huge lover of music I need large storage for music. So I don't really need that being a focus on my phone. As well I don't really use facebook.

I use my smart phone for the three things mentioned, so for me, I will be sticking with my pre.

Oh, did anyone else notice when not in the lock screen the top taskbar does not show you signal / wifi... wtf
  #120 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 11:58 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

I have no problem with what microsoft has done. From a business standpoint this had to be done. I'm not sure how everything will play out as far as games,apps and developers but im hoping microsoft has them already lined up. From what i've seen, the os isn't innovative and it borrows heavily from other os". Those who like/dislike the os all have valid points. Having zune or xbox live intergration wont really do much for those who dont own/like zune interfaces. I'm sure microsoft will do well when compared to their last couple of years but thinking it will become number one again doesnt make much sense.How can you say that and it isnt even out yet. Although i dont like fanboy comments at least they do defend os' that are out. If i walked into a store(being a non informed consumer) and saw one of these phones next to others then maybe it has a fighting chance of being purchased. but if i asked for help or did research on a windows phone device...nothing would set it apart.. Its web browser isnt the best, zune cant compete itunes, the apps arent anywhere near the quantity of any of the other os'(its zero by the way) it has live tiles/widgets whatever you want to call them but so does blur/sense/webos/android...everyone. Actually webos does it the best and it ties in your facebook,yahoo aim and so on info. Microsoft is singing integration but they had htc doing it for them,motorola has it in blur and palm already has it done the best because everything can be worked with notications and multi-tasking combined...no one else does this. Im sure its not hard to get to where you want on the device but swiping up and down through a list of tiles takes much longer than swiping left or right(apple,android) and selecting an app. Webos also has them beat, you have the gesture area that can bring up whatever no mater what...no leaving anything to go back to the home screen,no swiping/bringing up lists/tiles/rows no button presses..nothing. I can already post something on facebook and have it pop up on a friends calendar in webos,same with yahoo. I know it sounds like im bashing microsoft, trust me im really not.. Their new os is great for them it just doesnt stand out when compared to other os', nothing is new or hasnt been done before. All they did is copy and make it their own. Being able to have a unique windows device is what kept them afloat(touchflo,sense,mobile shell) now they just kinda turned their back on those values and became followers. By the way, notice i said this is "from what i've seen" i'm basing my "opinion" on the same things everyone (for the most part) is. Please if you agree/disagree comment. Be respectful because im not disrespecting anyone else's opinion.
If I help don't forget to hit thanks..
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