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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 12:17 PM
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Re: Early WinMo 7 not compatable w/ our current apps

I also used Palm for years and had accumulated a fairly large list of applications routinely used. When I made the permanent move to WM, a look for similar applications was for the most part successfully done and I also purchased Style Tap. Well, Style Tap was installed on each successive device and to this day is rarely used. Style Tap does bridge the gap; however, it's compatibility has issues. The move for me involves compatibility with MS applications and HanDBase, the rest I can suffer with.

Originally Posted by Mike20PR View Post
im baffled of the people that are surprised by this....
besides, Palm WebOS has a Classic emulator to use the thousands of PalmOS apps that were available. Maybe WinMo will have the same thing so we can use all our apps within 7
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 12:22 PM
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Re: Early WinMo 7 not compatable w/ our current apps

I hated the stylus, but loved the simplicity. When the 5-way became the rage, productivity was so much better. The reasons I moved to WM: multi-tasking (a pain at times due to the loss of productivity and the once in a while loss of data), the loss of data when exiting applications (HanDBase especially) and the tendency to reset with problem applications). I currently use a Centro and because it is no longer my primary device, the customization I have done with it is zilch. HanDBase is stable with it.

Originally Posted by kabuk1 View Post
No backwards compatibility- what a wonderful way to piss off your legacy customers! If this is true, count me out of this "upgrade". This would be an okay move if they offered WM7 alongside traditional WM, but not as a replacement. I'm not gonna give up the apps I've been using for years just to switch to something that's incompatible but *prettier*. New is NOT always better. I was a faithful Palm user for years until they switched to WebOS. I had hundreds of Palm apps that I loved & used daily, and I wasn't about to buy a device I couldn't use them with. Palm was a worthwhile offering until they abandoned Garnet, and now they're the lowest rung. I don't get why companies do stuff like this, most people don't like sweeping changes. Yeah, WM7 might be new & improved, but you have to learn a whole new OS & have to find alternatives to the apps you've used for years. Eff that. I don't like the way mobile software is going these days, I don't want all-touch interfaces & cloud storage & app stores. In my day, we had 10 different buttons surrounding our screens and 500mhz processors. We had to use a stylus for everything, and gosh-darnit WE LIKED IT!

~sigh~ I'm just old. I hate change.
  #13 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 12:52 PM
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Re: Early WinMo 7 not compatable w/ our current apps

I'd be shocked if they lose backwards compatibility. One of the major things about WM is the software, I'd bet if you searched out all applications that run on Windows Mobile (things from PocketPC 2000 +)I'd bet it would beat out the iphone list.

A bunch of them won't run due to display res but, most of them should and other minor issues but, over all most of them should run.

It's just like Windows... I still have on a CD (ripped from floppies), a Windows 3.1/95 Monopoly game, it was just very simple, small and it works. I installed it on Windows 7 the other day, guess what, it still works.

I'd deal with it if it happend but, would not be happy about having to rebuy all these apps (games, apps, etc)
  #14 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 02:23 PM
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Re: Early WinMo 7 not compatable w/ our current apps

Originally Posted by sprinttouch666 View Post
It sounds like Windows Mobile 7 has been built from scratch. I think that is a good thing interms of stability and speed, but we have to start over in developing apps lol. From the engaget article it sounds like 7 is still in a very early stage, which means we probably will not get a very good look at WMC in a month, and makes a 2010 launch seem unlikely


but on the bright side I read another article recently stating that HTC had a large part in developing WM7, which to me sounds epic

let me know what you guys think about the rebuilt from scratch vs no old apps reality (im pro rebuilt from scratch atm)
That guy has been dead wrong before, don't jump the gun.
  #15 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 02:55 PM
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Re: Early WinMo 7 not compatable w/ our current apps

I think it's probably better for the OS to drop everything and move on the the next generation IF what they come with as a replacement is good. There were lots of apps for WM before, but damn, they were scattered haplessly all over the web.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 03:07 PM
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Re: Early WinMo 7 not compatable w/ our current apps

Originally Posted by breakmyfootoff View Post
they were scattered haplessly all over the web.
just like all the good, free iPhone apps
  #17 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 03:24 PM
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Re: Early WinMo 7 not compatable w/ our current apps

come people! If he said it was compatable the same people would have complained that that the OS wasn't built from the ground up and is too similar to what we have now. This is a good thing if it's true.
  #18 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 04:07 PM
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Re: Early WinMo 7 not compatable w/ our current apps

lol exactly.. people like to gripe..esp bout microsoft and sprint.lol

whatever ms does.. im sure it will be worth the wait.. lesson learned. windows 7..

we just dont need a vista on the mobile platform.lol
  #19 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 04:32 PM
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Re: Early WinMo 7 not compatable w/ our current apps

If microsoft came out with a tutorial to easily port Iphone apps to WM 6.5, then i can see them also coming out with a way to easily port WM 6.5 apps to WM 7.
  #20 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 05:14 PM
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Re: Early WinMo 7 not compatable w/ our current apps

lol ya then apple would have another reason to sue someone.lol
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