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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2009, 05:43 AM
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Re: Why all the windows mobile hate?

I love WinMo. I love lamp. I hate Apple.
Rooted Droid, Overclocked @ 1.1 GHz, Sprecovery 0.99.3b, Blue Smoked glass 2.0.1 Rom

My primary waste of time and money http://www.cardomain.com/id/FireDiverZ28
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 09-25-2009, 08:26 AM
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Re: Why all the windows mobile hate?

Iphone is decent enough. WM disorganized? Well, considering home many times MS has been sued for having a monopoly while Apple has not, can't say I blame MS. Given the Iphone's domination in this genre and their total control over phone & apps, have to wonder why They haven't been brought before the DOJ? Not bashing Apple, but if WM were the giant Iphone is, there'd likely already be lawsuits flying.
Anyhow, TP is my first foray into the smartphone world. Learning all the time, and as a professional who uses it's features all the time, I am very pleased with it. Now, carriers, that's another story.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 09-25-2009, 09:27 AM
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Re: Why all the windows mobile hate?

Originally Posted by hubshee007 View Post
Hi there, I am new to this forum as well..I have had my touch pro for 10 months now..In the begining, i thought it was great, because i never had a phone like this before(I had the samsung a-900 aka blade) before this...I have no clue about software, so the only thing i did was put some cab files on my touch pro for appearances and some minor tweaks...I know nothing about rom's or even what they are, so totally confused about that stuff..But all I can say is that I don't like windows mobile very much at all..It all just seems very disorganized, even on the Microsoft webpage..To me, it just seems like the iphone is so much easier to use and has more functionality, in terms of apps and seems so much more better organized...of course it is way more expensive, which totally sucks, but why can't windows be better organized...I mean, there isn't much on the Microsoft webpage about the new 6.5 version or about upgrades...And where are the Apps??? Just doesn't seem like Microsoft has put their best effort into this OS...I mean, there are plenty of guys like me out there who know nothing about windows mobile, and we shouldn't be forced into buying apple(just on principle i won't buy apple because they charge an arm and leg for everything).....Or maybe I haven't made enough effort into learning more about rom's to make my phone faster and better(can someone please help me, the total idiot that I am, on what a rom is and which one is the best one for me, etc...)...Sorry for the long rant.. Just wish it was better organized because I know it can be…but my touch pro is so slow it’s ridiculous…to send a picture mail is agonizingly slow…anyway, that’s my 2 cents…I’m sure everyone will disagree
Do a google search on installing windows 6.5, it is really easy to do but make sure you have the one (rom) for your phone and service provider.

Then buy "spb mobile shell" and you will love this operating system, it makes the iphone look old and very outdated and is extremely easy to use.

The iphone only runs one app at a time meaning that if you’re on the internet and you get a text you have to close your browser to reply to the text. Windows mobile runs multiply apps at the same time, just like your computer.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 09-25-2009, 09:42 AM
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Re: Why all the windows mobile hate?

People hate on Windows Mobile because Microsoft's efforts in keeping pace with the SmartPhone market has been anemic at best. At one time they were the innovator in the SmartPhone Market. These days they have not had any big innovations in the market, and they even hold back implementation of new technology.

For those of you that say people hate windows mobile because they are too lazy to customize and tweak it into something more useable. I don't buy it. As a consumer the device should be inherently easy to use. That doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to tweak and modify to your hearts content.

The biggest peeeeve about WM is the Ancient UI. Windows Mobile interface sucks. Period. Sure there are the Titaniums, TouchFlo3D's, and Mobile Shells... but those are lipstick on a pig. You still have to call up the impossibly hard to use (unless you use a stylus) Native Windows programs and interfaces. The Entire Smartphone Market is moving to Finger Friendly interfaces, and WM is woefully inadequate in that respect.

The next thing that will detract is that it sucks to browse the web on WM. Sure there are multiple browsers out there that are good at different types of web experiences, but they all pale in comparison to what Safari or Android Browser have to offer. I hate having to use PIE, Opera, SkyFire, and Iris. Why can't I use just one?

WM is a wonderfully flexible platform, but the alternatives are really starting to show where the cracks in the wall are. The alternatives look better and better everyday (especially the way it's gaining steam, popularity, and support.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 06:45 AM
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Wirelessly posted (HTC Touch Diamond: HTC-P4600/1.2 Opera/9.50 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en))

People just love to hate on Microsoft.

Tell me a product Microsoft released that was loved by everyone?

The irony is that people will post their hate for MS products on their Microsoft Windows PC while listening to their Zune.
Phones, Past to Present: HTC Wizard, AT&T Samsung Blackjack, HTC Touch Diamond, HTC Evo 4G
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 01:49 PM
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Re: Why all the windows mobile hate?

Originally Posted by robsta View Post
Tell me a product Microsoft released that was loved by everyone?
the new BlueTrack mice FTW!!!
7 windows to rule them all, 7 windows to find them,
7 windows to bring them all, and in the network bind them.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 02:30 PM
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Re: Why all the windows mobile hate?

the people are lazy thing is kinda true,, but most people like me now,, dont have alot of time to dig in and devote alot of time to learn new stuff.. little back story.. im 34 married with 3 daughters.. back in 96 i got my first pc..right before my first girl was born.. the pc became a addiction for me as i had to learn everything.. fast forward 2003..i was building water cooling oc'ing trying to get the best 3dmark scores possible. while playing in a counterstrike clan and competing in cal. lol then comes 2004 i just realized im spending too much time and cash on this crap and missing out on life and my girls.. so i sold all 4 of my computers. and bought i very nice laptop.. and havent looked back. still play games once in awhile.. but my point is,lol ( sorry for the rant ) people with kids and day to day things dont really have time to sit down and learn the inner working of winmobile or anything to complex.. i mean this forum and my diamond are all the extras i get in life atm..the rest of my time is kids job. wife. and making sure they grow up with common sense and a head on their shoulders.. so for people like me in my situation the iphone and blackberries make perfect sense.lol but not for me im winmobile to the end..only cause i know how to use google and learn,lol

But the other 80% of people are just plain stupid and lazy to use google or the net period to find answers etc.. look at my post count vs my registration date,lol i can find what im looking for without starting new threads etc... ok rant over with... man i miss playing counterstrike, hahahaah
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 09:13 PM
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Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 7.11))

I was a rabid symbian fan till I grabbed an old HTC Wizard off ebay. Now, I can't fathom using any other OS. Winmo is simply the best.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 10-09-2009, 01:39 AM
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Re: Why all the windows mobile hate?

For the longest time Windows Mobile was a very uninteresting mainly for power users operationg system for phones and pda's. Well we are in some exciting times now folks. Over the course of the next 2 years, windows mobile now called windows phone will become more user friendly, more fun to use when not talking on the phone, and well just all around better. Windows mobile basically just sat around for the last 8 years with no major updates or upgrades. Thats all about to change in the next 2 years. Hopefully. Just browse around on all the carriers sites, heck even this site and look at the money being spent on advertising by microsoft. Right now if you see an orange banner of sorts and your on a pocket pc or windows mobile site, 75% of the time it's for windows phone or a carrier that has a windows phone. Android is a force as well, apple is a major player too. but the scales are tipping. services and features are being developed to exclusively run on windows phone, while running on android or iphone but with limited functionality in an effort to catch and attract apple and andriod users. eventually people will see how limited the apple iphone really is, and eventually there will be an overall global image of apple as being more of a novelty than a usefull device. Sure it make phonecalls, sends text's "sometimes", send pictures "sometimes when the network is up and not crashing because of it." Yes Windows Phone 7 will make the iphone look like a toy. HTC with it's manilla interface has really pumped the market and community into taking a look at a windows phone.
As we move forward carriers will start realizing that phones just need to work for the lazy people, and will start getting them working right out of the box. For now, there's this site. The ELITE Team, Energy ROMS, Mighty's ROM's ,Juicy ROMS are all there until the carriers and microsoft get their act together. This site is the best thing the carriers that have windows mobile phones has ever had. We save so many sales on windows mobile phones, we set the bar in new and innovative ideas, because we do this as a global project "not run by a bunch of profiteering gluttons." <--Name that movie ! So people dont hate on windows mobile !
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 10-09-2009, 01:50 AM
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Re: Why all the windows mobile hate?

Very very true. I think without sites like PPCGeeks and XDA the WM phone would have died already. The developers here and at XDA are top notch, maybe they should be sending apps to Microsoft . I know they could come up with lots of good references
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