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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 03:29 PM
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Why all the windows mobile hate?

I am new to this forum and new to Windows Mobile. For years i avoided WinMo because the masses say it stinks. I have my HTP TP2 and love it completly. I honestly dont know where its been all my life. It does everything i need it to do. So why is there all this hate for the platform? is WinMo going to be around for a while or will it be canceled?
Thanks in advance.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 03:38 PM
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Re: Why all the windows mobile hate?

I don't think it will be canceled any time in the next few years. Windows Mobile 7 is slated to come out next year, and from the videos I've seen, it looks really awesome. I also don't know why all the windows mobile hate.... I love windows mobile. It so much more powerful than any other mobile phone OS I've ever used (including the OSes on dumb phones, android, and iPhone OS)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2009, 08:16 PM
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Re: Why all the windows mobile hate?

Originally Posted by Link9228 View Post
I don't think it will be canceled any time in the next few years. Windows Mobile 7 is slated to come out next year, and from the videos I've seen, it looks really awesome. I also don't know why all the windows mobile hate.... I love windows mobile. It so much more powerful than any other mobile phone OS I've ever used (including the OSes on dumb phones, android, and iPhone OS)
What videos have you seen? Please provide a link.
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Old 09-23-2009, 08:29 PM
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Re: Why all the windows mobile hate?

Originally Posted by johnnycakes2 View Post
What videos have you seen? Please provide a link.
there arent any videos leaked yet showing true wm7
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2009, 08:38 PM
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Re: Why all the windows mobile hate?

nothing but love here buddy.

btw, it's HTC
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7 windows to bring them all, and in the network bind them.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2009, 12:29 AM
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Re: Why all the windows mobile hate?

Hi there, I am new to this forum as well..I have had my touch pro for 10 months now..In the begining, i thought it was great, because i never had a phone like this before(I had the samsung a-900 aka blade) before this...I have no clue about software, so the only thing i did was put some cab files on my touch pro for appearances and some minor tweaks...I know nothing about rom's or even what they are, so totally confused about that stuff..But all I can say is that I don't like windows mobile very much at all..It all just seems very disorganized, even on the Microsoft webpage..To me, it just seems like the iphone is so much easier to use and has more functionality, in terms of apps and seems so much more better organized...of course it is way more expensive, which totally sucks, but why can't windows be better organized...I mean, there isn't much on the Microsoft webpage about the new 6.5 version or about upgrades...And where are the Apps??? Just doesn't seem like Microsoft has put their best effort into this OS...I mean, there are plenty of guys like me out there who know nothing about windows mobile, and we shouldn't be forced into buying apple(just on principle i won't buy apple because they charge an arm and leg for everything).....Or maybe I haven't made enough effort into learning more about rom's to make my phone faster and better(can someone please help me, the total idiot that I am, on what a rom is and which one is the best one for me, etc...)...Sorry for the long rant.. Just wish it was better organized because I know it can be…but my touch pro is so slow it’s ridiculous…to send a picture mail is agonizingly slow…anyway, that’s my 2 cents…I’m sure everyone will disagree
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2009, 02:28 AM
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Re: Why all the windows mobile hate?

Windows mobile is foremost about functionality. You can do a lot with it. Apple has struck gold by playing to the infant within all of us in making something pretty and shiny that does, admittedly, do enough for most people. So now if someone sees an unskinned menu with square corners they go, "Ewww. Windows mobile sucks." What they mean is, it's not as pretty. So I think it all boils down to perception and image and that's where Apple is very smart.
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Old 09-24-2009, 02:29 AM
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Re: Why all the windows mobile hate?

Same reason people hate MSDOS or Linux or Windows, (beyond opening IE and going online, forget about having them running the command line). GP aren't into customization, or the capabilities of the device that can be unleashed in any given device. They just want it to "work" with no effort on thier part. They are 1) stupid, and 2) lazy. If they don't take the time to learn the basic functionality of their desktop computer, (AND WASTE MY TIME IN 2X A WEEK EVEN PAID FOR TO FIX THEIR F*CKUPS!!), do you really expect them to be able to tweak their phone? If somebody is willing to learn, then more power to them, either thier time or money will give initiative. For people who just expect it to work, buy an internet appliance such as a webTV. People think whatever OS sucks for a very few reasons:

1. It confuses them, therefore it's hard to learn, and it's "scary" when you tell them to start -->run -->cmd -->netstat /b. LAZY AND IGNORANT AND HAPPY!!
2. It crashes a lot, (WinME), and honestly does suck.
3. It's not like thier old system, because it's different.

Operating systems, (besides WinME), don't suck, people are f*cking idiots and they voluntarily stay that way. If somebody doesn't honesty know but they are willing to learn, then I'll help, but if they're just f*cking lazy, they can FOAD for all all I care. As you can tell, I HATE buffoons who refuse to learn. If you're making an honest effort, I'll render as much assistance as possible, but if your just F*CKING STUPID, you can FOAD, (and I sort of hope you do).
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Last edited by k_semler; 09-24-2009 at 02:33 AM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2009, 02:55 AM
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Re: Why all the windows mobile hate?

people dont like it cause they are downright lazy, thats america for you...
They like the iphone, it is good out of the box, no need for tweaks [and no way to do them lol] it has a great media player and it has an app store, most people want to tap a button and get all the apps they could need instead of browsing sites and downloading them then transfering to the phone..
see what i mean? lazy f**ks
Its actually pretty sad.... HTC is doing a better job at getting things good out of the box, like the pro2 so far is fast without any tweaks. M$ is launching the app store soon too. These are both bringing in new customers. I wish everyone would stop *****ing about WM, most people havent even used it, they just read and think ZOMG! im cool cause i bash on wm! iphones are the greatest thing since sliced bread!...
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2009, 03:04 AM
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