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Old 10-09-2009, 01:39 AM
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Re: Why all the windows mobile hate?

For the longest time Windows Mobile was a very uninteresting mainly for power users operationg system for phones and pda's. Well we are in some exciting times now folks. Over the course of the next 2 years, windows mobile now called windows phone will become more user friendly, more fun to use when not talking on the phone, and well just all around better. Windows mobile basically just sat around for the last 8 years with no major updates or upgrades. Thats all about to change in the next 2 years. Hopefully. Just browse around on all the carriers sites, heck even this site and look at the money being spent on advertising by microsoft. Right now if you see an orange banner of sorts and your on a pocket pc or windows mobile site, 75% of the time it's for windows phone or a carrier that has a windows phone. Android is a force as well, apple is a major player too. but the scales are tipping. services and features are being developed to exclusively run on windows phone, while running on android or iphone but with limited functionality in an effort to catch and attract apple and andriod users. eventually people will see how limited the apple iphone really is, and eventually there will be an overall global image of apple as being more of a novelty than a usefull device. Sure it make phonecalls, sends text's "sometimes", send pictures "sometimes when the network is up and not crashing because of it." Yes Windows Phone 7 will make the iphone look like a toy. HTC with it's manilla interface has really pumped the market and community into taking a look at a windows phone.
As we move forward carriers will start realizing that phones just need to work for the lazy people, and will start getting them working right out of the box. For now, there's this site. The ELITE Team, Energy ROMS, Mighty's ROM's ,Juicy ROMS are all there until the carriers and microsoft get their act together. This site is the best thing the carriers that have windows mobile phones has ever had. We save so many sales on windows mobile phones, we set the bar in new and innovative ideas, because we do this as a global project "not run by a bunch of profiteering gluttons." <--Name that movie ! So people dont hate on windows mobile !
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