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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2008, 11:57 PM
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Re: SERO... for AT&T? You tell me!

Originally Posted by jimmiekain View Post
you'll get WAY FASTER when you tether your phone... for me it was like 3-400 more kbps
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2008, 12:28 AM
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Re: SERO... for AT&T? You tell me!

Originally Posted by syanni85 View Post
you'll get WAY FASTER when you tether your phone... for me it was like 3-400 more kbps

hmmm i never tried that before... lol i never knew how people got those pics of there speed. lol
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2008, 01:46 AM
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Re: SERO... for AT&T? You tell me!

Originally Posted by jimmiekain View Post
Right now I pay $49.99 for 1250 mins. unlimited text, unlimited internet and so on with sprint... its great! Problem is sometimes i full bars and the phone dosnt ring and sometimes i get text messages a day or two late.

I've decided to leave sprint and go to AT&T... Anyone know if AT&T has a sero plan or anything similar to sprints sero program?

In the meantime would you try something? Go into a Sprint Store (yeah I know that can be painful) and please ask them to check for Software/Firmware and PRL updates for your phone....

A lot of times really weird behavior like that can be resolved with a simple (but sometimes time consuming dealing with a sprint store) update...

Even simple phones these days are like computers and are buggy from the get go. When they first get released there are bugs. Worse yet, sometimes the phone is fine at first but something on the network changes and the phone doesn't catch up... but because they are like computers they can be updated.

This may not work at all... you might still have problems, but I can tell you from first hand experience that delayed texting and strange calling problems *can* sometimes be resolved by a simple update. I take my wife's Sanyo Katana phone into Sprint and get it updated every 6 months or so when I am in that area and usually weird behavior goes away. Been doing this with every regular cell phone I've had since 2000 because they have all had updates that made them work better.

Good luck.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2008, 01:51 AM
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Re: SERO... for AT&T? You tell me!

Originally Posted by quarky42 View Post
In the meantime would you try something? Go into a Sprint Store (yeah I know that can be painful) and please ask them to check for Software/Firmware and PRL updates for your phone....

A lot of times really weird behavior like that can be resolved with a simple (but sometimes time consuming dealing with a sprint store) update...

Even simple phones these days are like computers and are buggy from the get go. When they first get released there are bugs. Worse yet, sometimes the phone is fine at first but something on the network changes and the phone doesn't catch up... but because they are like computers they can be updated.

This may not work at all... you might still have problems, but I can tell you from first hand experience that delayed texting and strange calling problems *can* sometimes be resolved by a simple update. I take my wife's Sanyo Katana phone into Sprint and get it updated every 6 months or so when I am in that area and usually weird behavior goes away. Been doing this with every regular cell phone I've had since 2000 because they have all had updates that made them work better.

Good luck.

hmm that sounds like a good idea... cant i just call *2 and say PRL udpate? by the way your name says your gonna get the touch pro later. Are you getting it from sprint? or another carrier?
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2008, 10:39 AM
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Re: SERO... for AT&T? You tell me!

You may be able to do the PRL update via *2 but you also need to have them look for software/firmware updates which usually requires you to go into the store unless you have a phone that you can update yourself (Treo 700wx for example).

Yeah I'll be getting a couple of Touch Pro phones from Sprint when they come out. I guess "...when they come out" would be more accurate for the part under my name. The Touch Pro is the first WinMo/PDA that my wife has ever been interested in.
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