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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2010, 12:11 AM
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windows mobile/phone is done..

contrary to my last thread about wm7 being released this year.. I am all but calling windows mobile dead.. I was hoping that it would at least be shown but it wasn't even spoke of..So far I say palm had the best ces with everything that's going on with their platform. Here's basically everything microsoft spoke on..

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Old 01-08-2010, 12:34 AM
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Re: windows mobile/phone is done..

So then LG and HTC are both lying. The handset providers that make the windows based phones are full of crap and youknow better?

I am sticking with LG and HTC on this one. Okay though great random post to start a fairly useless argument which you argue against major companies that produce the phones and released official statements saying Winmo 7 was comming and sight a summary of the conference. Because he didnt discuss it its dead? I suppose anyhing else microsoft is working on that he didnt discuss is dead also.

Last edited by ahbroody; 01-08-2010 at 12:36 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2010, 12:36 AM
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Re: windows mobile/phone is done..

Reason I almost believe you.....because HTC has to make amazing UIs to cover up the ugly.....

-Android Defector
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2010, 12:39 AM
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Re: windows mobile/phone is done..

lol yep its over. everyone gather in a circle and burn our phones and slap the lady iphones out of other peoples hands just to be haters.
Kiss my grits
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2010, 12:49 AM
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Re: windows mobile/phone is done..

Originally Posted by w7excursion View Post
lol yep its over. everyone gather in a circle and burn our phones and slap the lady iphones out of other peoples hands just to be haters.
Yea...what he said

All kidding aside.... Nothing yet...but, Microsoft is the one who created "not telling anything till released" thing.

Windows Moblie was said a few times but, no detail....yet...
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2010, 12:49 AM
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Re: windows mobile/phone is done..

Just because Ballmer didn't say anything about Windows Mobile you conclude that it's dead? Hmm....It sounds to me like you have finally convinced yourself to get an iPhone. That's fine. lol Adios!!
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Old 01-08-2010, 01:06 AM
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Re: windows mobile/phone is done..

Originally Posted by smoove21 View Post
contrary to my last thread about wm7 being released this year.. I am all but calling windows mobile dead.. I was hoping that it would at least be shown but it wasn't even spoke of..So far I say palm had the best ces with everything that's going on with their platform. Here's basically everything microsoft spoke on..

Wow, you're calling WM dead because of the little mention of it at the CES?!!? I imagine more was not mentioned for two reasons: 1- there is not much to talk aboout with WM6.1 & 6.5 (nothing really new), and 2- Microsoft is obviously working pretty hard at keeping WM 7 under tight wraps and I imagine they want to continue to do so until closer to the release.

Honestly, WM is still my favorite of all mobile OSes. I own a TP2, iPhone 3G, and Palm Pre., my wife has a Moment. iPhone is SUPER smooth and very user friendly but lacks basic functionality that make it difficult to call it a PPC. WebOS is quite innovative, though I get bored with it and I am not convinced it will survive. Finally, Android has mind and market share like crazy, I'm not really feeling it a whole lot but I will spend more time with it.

Originally Posted by sorge View Post
Reason I almost believe you.....because HTC has to make amazing UIs to cover up the ugly.....

-Android Defector
Does that include "ugly" Android?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2010, 01:23 AM
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Re: windows mobile/phone is done..

Originally Posted by horndoctor View Post
Just because Ballmer didn't say anything about Windows Mobile you conclude that it's dead? Hmm....It sounds to me like you have finally convinced yourself to get an iPhone. That's fine. lol Adios!!

Originally Posted by mlin View Post
Wow, you're calling WM dead because of the little mention of it at the CES?!!? I imagine more was not mentioned for two reasons: 1- there is not much to talk aboout with WM6.1 & 6.5 (nothing really new), and 2- Microsoft is obviously working pretty hard at keeping WM 7 under tight wraps and I imagine they want to continue to do so until closer to the release.

Honestly, WM is still my favorite of all mobile OSes. I own a TP2, iPhone 3G, and Palm Pre., my wife has a Moment. iPhone is SUPER smooth and very user friendly but lacks basic functionality that make it difficult to call it a PPC. WebOS is quite innovative, though I get bored with it and I am not convinced it will survive. Finally, Android has mind and market share like crazy, I'm not really feeling it a whole lot but I will spend more time with it.

Does that include "ugly" Android?
Yeah I think you are right. They are keeping it secret so Google, Apple, RIM, and Palm don't copy any new innovations they have before they put it out there. Chances are WM7 will have some huge innovations and they knew it would so to keep it secret was smart.
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Old 01-08-2010, 01:45 AM
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Re: windows mobile/phone is done..

Originally Posted by MrObvious View Post

Yeah I think you are right. They are keeping it secret so Google, Apple, RIM, and Palm don't copy any new innovations they have before they put it out there. Chances are WM7 will have some huge innovations and they knew it would so to keep it secret was smart.
See, your statement is also speculation. What if wm7 comes out and it's not revolutionary or innovative at all?

The op has only valid observations that we can all agree on. The fact is, we're already into the next generation of smart phones, MS doesn't have the luxury of ****ing around for a whole year while Android spreads like crazy and gets ahead. It's a pretty well known fact that Apple is working on the next iteration of iPhone.

You can't prove to me that whatever MS has under wraps is innovative and revolutionary. And in this kind of climate, no news is bad news, even a simple leak to keep people on edge is better than nothing at all.
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2010, 03:26 AM
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Re: windows mobile/phone is done..

next month is the big mobile phone convention...i will wait and see but i dont understand how google is rapidly updating there OS and MS isnt...if im not shown what windows 7 can do next month or some sliver of hope its the next greatest thing to scarlet johanssons ass then im jumping ship to android....

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