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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 09:34 AM
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Re: how will the new data plans affect the new iphone

Originally Posted by mlin View Post
Its not much different nor much more feature rich then 3.1.X. Sure, multitasking will work better than the jailbroken versions, but its still the same OS at the base which I am not crazy about.... It's a great phone, and an idiot proof OS, but just not for me. I did give it a go though.

On another note, I am amazed by how small a 3.5 in screen looks and feels after just 3 days with the EVO. I don't think I could go back to a smaller screen
yeah I know I've had an HD2 for a month now and I feel that.
  #12 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 10:48 AM
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Re: how will the new data plans affect the new iphone

Originally Posted by mlin View Post
The data cap won't have any effect on video conferencing because Apple already stated that this would be capable over WiFi ONLY. In AT&T's reports, 95% of users are below 2Gb/month and 60% are below 200Mb/month. The way I see it, this will actually save most AT&T customers money while screwing those that use more than 2Gb/month.

On another note, the new iPhone looks pretty sweet. I am not a huge fan of the OS overall and wouldn't buy another one, but damn is the hardware nice.
Looks like Apple and AT&T are moving in separate directions. The Iphone rolls out new features that will require even more bandwidth but AT&T seems satisfied with gouging customers who use a lot of data. Netflix on the Iphone, awesome idea, not gonna help you stay under 2GB a month. I think Jobs was smart enough to know that the AT&T network can't handle video conferencing so that's why it's only available over wifi.

You can tether with the new iphone, but again, who wants to do that when you have a 2GB limit a month? Granted, people can keep their unlimited plans they have now but I'm sure if they ever need to change plans, they can't keep the unlimited data plan. I wouldn't be surprised if you can't keep it if you get a new Iphone.

720P video capabilities! Wonder how many MB's that will take to upload that video?

Apple does a masterful job at marketing and hardware. No doubt about it. Heck, I even own a macbook and I love it. But when it comes to the Iphone, I just don't get the hype. They could polish a turd and tell you it looks better in HD and people would buy it. Mainly Apple fan boys though.
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Last edited by blazinazn; 06-08-2010 at 10:59 AM.
  #13 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 12:13 PM
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Re: how will the new data plans affect the new iphone

Originally Posted by blazinazn View Post
Apple does a masterful job at marketing and hardware. No doubt about it. Heck, I even own a macbook and I love it. But when it comes to the Iphone, I just don't get the hype. They could polish a turd and tell you it looks better in HD and people would buy it. Mainly Apple fan boys though.
The best resolution a smartphone has ever had and will have for some time, an insane ppi, a faster than snapdragon chip that is twice as efficient with power, they same glass they use on helicopter windshields on the front and back, stainless steel band to hold it in, I'd say Apple is delivering, it's just that people can't get past their bias enough to actually look at the product and give an objective judgment. This phone could literally shoot out hundred dollar bills and get Angelina Jolie calling your house and people would still by saying "Screw iCrap and their stupid iFans"
  #14 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 01:00 PM
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Re: how will the new data plans affect the new iphone

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
The best resolution a smartphone has ever had and will have for some time, an insane ppi, a faster than snapdragon chip that is twice as efficient with power, they same glass they use on helicopter windshields on the front and back, stainless steel band to hold it in, I'd say Apple is delivering, it's just that people can't get past their bias enough to actually look at the product and give an objective judgment. This phone could literally shoot out hundred dollar bills and get Angelina Jolie calling your house and people would still by saying "Screw iCrap and their stupid iFans"
I will admit, the resolution is probably the best thing this Iphone has going for it. And calling it a "retinal display" just made all the apple fans go crrrrrazy. Just call it what it is and move along. Again, marketing genius by Jobs.

The processor may be faster, but from what I read it won't be utilized to it's fullest potential as to help with better battery life. Sure, it is faster now but it won't be in a few months. And Iphone users will be stuck with this same model for the next year. Android phones keep coming out, skies the limit.

The glass they are using, friggin awesome. Makes the phone more durable, sure. It's still the same OS on the inside. And let's not kid ourselves, it's what's on the inside and what the phone can do is what really matters, no?

Personally, I like having choices. I'll buy an aftermarket microSD card and upgrade space if I feel like it. I'll swap out the battery to a bigger one if I need it. I'll take new and improved hardware and more choices. And I'll also take unlimited data on a more reliable network for a lot cheaper price per month. To each his own.

I will agree that most people can't be objective. You either love it or hate it. Same goes for Android. I just call it like I see. Whether or not you think it's objective is your own opinion. Like I said before, I own a Macbook and love it. No way I'll ever go back to a regular laptop with windoze, even if Windoze 7 is amazing.

Last edited by blazinazn; 06-08-2010 at 01:02 PM.
  #15 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 01:19 PM
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Re: how will the new data plans affect the new iphone

Originally Posted by blazinazn View Post
I will admit, the resolution is probably the best thing this Iphone has going for it. And calling it a "retinal display" just made all the apple fans go crrrrrazy. Just call it what it is and move along. Again, marketing genius by Jobs.

The processor may be faster, but from what I read it won't be utilized to it's fullest potential as to help with better battery life. Sure, it is faster now but it won't be in a few months. And Iphone users will be stuck with this same model for the next year. Android phones keep coming out, skies the limit.

The glass they are using, friggin awesome. Makes the phone more durable, sure. It's still the same OS on the inside. And let's not kid ourselves, it's what's on the inside and what the phone can do is what really matters, no?

Personally, I like having choices. I'll buy an aftermarket microSD card and upgrade space if I feel like it. I'll swap out the battery to a bigger one if I need it. I'll take new and improved hardware and more choices. And I'll also take unlimited data on a more reliable network for a lot cheaper price per month. To each his own.

I will agree that most people can't be objective. You either love it or hate it. Same goes for Android. I just call it like I see. Whether or not you think it's objective is your own opinion. Like I said before, I own a Macbook and love it. No way I'll ever go back to a regular laptop with windoze, even if Windoze 7 is amazing.
fair enough, but just like winmo and android if you know iOS well enough, you can do things with it you never thought you could.

Don't forget we will see a full Froyo port on this thing too.
  #16 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 01:28 PM
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Re: how will the new data plans affect the new iphone

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
fair enough, but just like winmo and android if you know iOS well enough, you can do things with it you never thought you could.

Don't forget we will see a full Froyo port on this thing too.
I don't doubt that in the slightest. Iphone's are very user friendly. There isn't a very steep learning curve and you get reliable apps from the market. Sure apple has X amount to Androids X amount, but how old is android? So to me, that's a lame excuse to use. As more time goes along, there will be a lot more apps

Heck, I"m still learning about things when it comes to android. I'm continually amazed at what you can do with it since it's OPEN source. To me that makes a huge difference. Rather than Jobs telling you what you can and can't do, you have the developers over at XDA and SDX cooking up all sorts of stuff.

It really just comes down to what kind of user you are in the end. If you just want your phone to work and don't care about customizing and tweaking, I say get the Iphone or Blackberry. It's one of the main reasons why I love my macbook. It just works. But when it comes to cellphones, I'm a ppc geeker at heart and like to customize and customize some more.

But back to the original point. The new Iphone has all these nice features but they don't have the network to back it up. The new tiered data pricing plan is a farce and I feel sorry for people who buy into it.

Last edited by blazinazn; 06-08-2010 at 01:33 PM.
  #17 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 02:03 PM
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Re: how will the new data plans affect the new iphone

Originally Posted by blazinazn View Post
I don't doubt that in the slightest. Iphone's are very user friendly. There isn't a very steep learning curve and you get reliable apps from the market. Sure apple has X amount to Androids X amount, but how old is android? So to me, that's a lame excuse to use. As more time goes along, there will be a lot more apps

Heck, I"m still learning about things when it comes to android. I'm continually amazed at what you can do with it since it's OPEN source. To me that makes a huge difference. Rather than Jobs telling you what you can and can't do, you have the developers over at XDA and SDX cooking up all sorts of stuff.

It really just comes down to what kind of user you are in the end. If you just want your phone to work and don't care about customizing and tweaking, I say get the Iphone or Blackberry. It's one of the main reasons why I love my macbook. It just works. But when it comes to cellphones, I'm a ppc geeker at heart and like to customize and customize some more.

But back to the original point. The new Iphone has all these nice features but they don't have the network to back it up. The new tiered data pricing plan is a farce and I feel sorry for people who buy into it.
but that's the thing, you CAN customize and tweak iOS more than you think, as an example, check out this nice android htc sense theme. That's just one example, you could change the icons, the clock icons, the wallpaper, all the sounds etc...you just have to know. I think it's just as bad to try to fit in the iBashing crowd as it is to be in the iFan crowd. Most beef seems to just be with ATT , not the phone.

My only point is know what you're talking about before you go bashing things (not you personally, I mean in general)
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2010, 11:35 AM
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Re: how will the new data plans affect the new iphone

I love the 'open' argument. Sounds good on paper but I jailbreak my phone and do whatever I want. Which is a lot easier AND faster than rooting an android. But this is not the thread for this convo.

Existing AT&T users can keep the unlimited plan so in my instance its not a factor. Hopefully this isn't a trend that others will follow (VZW usually follows suit shortly after AT&T makes a change), I know Sprint won't so at least there are options out there.
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