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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2010, 10:17 AM
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Re: death of wm

Originally Posted by cg83 View Post
as long as the phone makers continue to make the more powerful phones( TP3, Ominia 3, HDC 3) and so on WM will strive on. Those phones mentioned are powerbased phones. WM7 is a powerbased OS. Some people want just the easy stuff, downlaod a few apps here and there and so on. WM7 is innovation and for the power users. People for the longest said that MS will fall off with Windows. They went no where. Even with Vista they still didnt fall off. Vista was for the power users, WM7 is for the power users. The only way MS will fall off or die out is if they do it to themselves.
ahm...you do realize that the only reason M$ windows can get away with things like vista is due to the application compatibility. If someone like say Google released an OS that could natively run almost all Windows apps Windows would most likely die.

WM7 is not for power users..no power user uses locked down stuff. In the mobile space M$ is no where as big as they are in desktop space...As things are going them dieing out in the mobile space is extremely likely.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2010, 01:02 PM
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Re: death of wm

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
3 years?? so before winmo 6 or 6.1 they were trying to come out with 7?? i had a mogul 3 yrs ago, they definietly werent trying then
He did same approximately...But WM6 came out on February 12, 2007. I'm sure that development started close to that time for the successor, even if it was just on paper. Microsoft is well known for working on new OS's before it releases the existing one. WP7 was originally supposed to be out in 2009, how long do you think it takes to create an OS? They had to be working on something for at least a few years, even if they increased the release date to 2010 so IMO ~3 years is a good "guessing" date on when development first started. It's not our fault that the decided mid track to start again from the ground up, essentially neutering the OS...
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Old 05-17-2010, 01:22 PM
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Re: death of wm

Originally Posted by shaggylive View Post

I really belive wm7 is much like the pc counterpart; a slimmed down core with tones of options for interfacing.. I'm supprised more discussion isn't happening about the kin, cuz eventhough most of us will never get one, it does look very much like a m$ experiment that will shape what wm7 actually becomes

ohh, and the freedom bit.. android isn't free. it comes with a cost; privacy. (although once rooted, the shackles can/could/have be(en) broken.)
WP7 USED to be the PC counterpart, it's broken now. A PC can run whatever you write on it. It's called having access to it's native code. That's been taken away from us, which makes the OS useless to most. Goodbye, wififofum, goodbye anything that Microsoft doesn't want us to have or use, they even crippled the APIs to what they feel we need access to. Not only that but wait till the carriers themselves ask Microsoft to remove an APP because they don't like it. You lose the same freedoms that Apple users lost when the iPhone came out. Android for now is the only platform right now (except for select AT&T versions) that still give you a choice.

Also what cost are you referring to about privacy? Google holds data big deal, who doesn't? Google is probably just being more forthcoming then it's competitors. Who really knows if Microsoft is deleting the data when they say they will. It's a phone, it's linked to a phone number, if Google, Microsoft or Apple wants your information they can probably easily obtain it. This isn't FERPA, HEPA or government regulated in any form, should we really trust any of them with our data? We do it anyway so I just don't buy into that concern...

Last edited by testacon; 05-17-2010 at 01:25 PM.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2010, 01:26 PM
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Re: death of wm

Android is the future of next generation phones in my opinion.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2010, 11:31 PM
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Re: death of wm

Yep, Android is the future. And this coming from a guy with a WM phone on my hip. Yeah I have enjoyed all the versions of WM. I started with an Apache, which sits under my computer monitor in front of me. I got the old AKU 3.5 kitchen and built ROMs, which was very satisfying. I could customize it any way I wanted! I upgraded to the ppcKitchen when it came out and built ROMs. All to TRY to make WM work better. All the ROMs were much better than the stock ones, but all also had/have their problems. Something to do with WinMob probably. I look at these Android forums and see the difference in the way people discuss Android and considering it's relative youth as an OS it seems so much better. Soon I will know, as I contemplate leaving behind about 4 years worth of WM stuff, almost 5 Gig of programs and kitchens, and starting over. WP7 just does not interest me, and if I have to get new programs and apps to run on it because my stuff won't I'm done. might as well jump into the Android pool and get me a floating lounge chair and a drink with an umbrella.
Former Windows Mobile enthusiast and developer, now a modder working on Android. I still have my PPC 6700 and HTC Touch, but I'm rocking a OnePlus 7 Pro
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 10:45 AM
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Re: death of wm

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Well another fail on M$ side is their partners like HP, Dell, Compaq and etc..they are all developing PDA's...did not one of them think..lets put a GSM/CDMA chip in it and get it on a cellphone provider?

I mean HTC was a nobody and they were selling the phones through 3rd party distributors who generically branded them. Thats why I always say HTC grew at M$ expense.

If Dell would have released a phone in the US back then it would sell like hotcakes.
yeah, but Dell, HP and Compaq all had their PDAs created and manufactured by HTC. HTC was always the brains behind the most innovative windows mobile hardware. They took that experience and started building for themselves as well as others.

The reason those companies never marketed a PDA phone was that the early versions of PPC/WM Phone edition was clunky and slow. Honestly... it took an innovative company to take initiative and work with MS to make it a better platform.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2010, 11:25 AM
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Re: death of wm

Originally Posted by nuprotocol View Post
We're not saying that the people who own a iphone are dumb, but it really doesnt take any know how or knowledge to use an iphone. It's just an ipod with a phone app.

Originally Posted by shaggylive View Post
iphone=internet phone. nothing smart about it, just designed to play music and surf the internet. (well except for flash content that is..)

ohh, and the freedom bit.. android isn't free. it comes with a cost; privacy. (although once rooted, the shackles can/could/have be(en) broken.)

1) The iPhone is linux/unix based. It is more efficient and uses its better hardware much better than WM could ever dream of. The processor is better (A4 looks to be MUCH better than the snapdragon especially if it uses the hummingbird cpu, which it looks as if it will). The only REAL competitor for the iPhone is Android. It can do most of the things WM and Android can do and some they can't.

Unlike WP7 iPhone OS4 can copy/paste, multitask, change the UI, give full access to the file-system (jailbroken), etc...

2) Agreed, Android's openness is a very high point, and as I do praise the iPhone for it being a worthy smartphone if you know how to use it as such, I honestly prefer Android for how much I can tweak it, mod it, hack it, etc...

3) How much Flash content do you actually browse on your phone, and how much of it isn't available in other formats?

As far as the thread goes, I tend to agree that WM is dying, and other than the novelty and utter difference of WP7 keeping me interested, there isn't a whole lot to be excited about.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2010, 02:14 PM
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Re: death of wm

Originally Posted by guitardoc64 View Post
Yep, Android is the future. And this coming from a guy with a WM phone on my hip. Yeah I have enjoyed all the versions of WM. I started with an Apache, which sits under my computer monitor in front of me. I got the old AKU 3.5 kitchen and built ROMs, which was very satisfying. I could customize it any way I wanted! I upgraded to the ppcKitchen when it came out and built ROMs. All to TRY to make WM work better. All the ROMs were much better than the stock ones, but all also had/have their problems. Something to do with WinMob probably. I look at these Android forums and see the difference in the way people discuss Android and considering it's relative youth as an OS it seems so much better. Soon I will know, as I contemplate leaving behind about 4 years worth of WM stuff, almost 5 Gig of programs and kitchens, and starting over. WP7 just does not interest me, and if I have to get new programs and apps to run on it because my stuff won't I'm done. might as well jump into the Android pool and get me a floating lounge chair and a drink with an umbrella.
I am an avid Win phone user for years.

This is one of the most well said posts I've read.

I am by no means an Android or IPhone guru, however I also am simply not interested in WinMo. And the Iphone slave ship just ain't a boat ride this brotha wants to take.

I'm more interested in the open source and overall hackableness or customization allowed by Android. Evo will be my 1st device. I'll see what WM7 has to offer on their 2nd gen and what Sprint has to offer at that point. That will give time for someone to possibly jailbreak WM7. Who know what the posibilities are.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 05-23-2010, 01:13 PM
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Re: death of wm

Yep, It's the open source that draws me in. It reminds me of the collaboration that resulted in the WM kitchens here and at xda, just on a much larger scale. All without the worries of Microsoft getting wind and peeing in the pool.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 05-23-2010, 01:48 PM
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Re: death of wm

Originally Posted by guitardoc64 View Post
Yep, It's the open source that draws me in. It reminds me of the collaboration that resulted in the WM kitchens here and at xda, just on a much larger scale. All without the worries of Microsoft getting wind and peeing in the pool.
except for the google factor. they could always pee in the filter. lol

anyway, I was thinking about this the other day and I think the only thing dying in winmo is all the noobs in the last few years. I'd say the winmo population grown alot recently, it just could't be sustained due to lack of bells and whistles..
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